Paradigm Shift

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As Day Fades

Feb 7, 2009
'You're a liability.'

'I don't have time to baby you.'

'You want to get tough? Do it on your own!'

And then the eidolon attacked. It had all happened so fast... Hope had tripped when crossing the bridge, having been looking around at the mountains around them and the deep, watery ravine below rather than paying attention to where he was going. Then Lightning snapped at him. Then that guy on the horse. What the heck was that thing anyway?! There hadn't been time to ask questions -- there had been time enough only to react.

Lightning made it clear she was flying solo from here out, but when that creature attacked Hope didn't even think twice about jumping in to help her. His thin body was shaking, intimidated from the towering form, upset from their conversation, but he forced those thoughts aside as he concentrated on the task at hand. Fire. Thunder. Cure. Cure. Protect! Occasionally he tossed his boomerang about, using the way the weapon moved to help catch Odin from a different angle. Hope made sure to stay close enough to where he could support Lightning as she kept the eidolon's focus, but enough of a distance so he...wasn't in her way. Plus, he remembered her talking to him earlier about pincer attacks, about coming at an enemy from two directions so it couldn't physically block both.

In time the battle had ended. In time, the dust settled, and the chaotic din had returned to that of just a cold wind falling from the darkening evening sky to blow through the mountain pass. Adrenaline fell, returning his heartbeat to normal. Hope's hand still clutched his boomerang. At the corner of his eye he could see Lightning's back as she stood a bit away, a little ahead of him. She'd regained her composure too, it seemed. Probably faster than him. She wasn't moving yet though.

Hope took a breath. "I-... I'm sorry." Then another, slow. Hadn't his body calmed yet? He was shivering a bit again now. Well, it was cold out. "I...didn't mean to be a burden. Palumpolum's still a few days away, but you're in the right direction. Heck, you can probably make it there in half that time." His lower lip was starting to quiver again too. Dammit! That couldn't be blamed on the weather. Hope took another breath, this one coursing a slight shudder through his body. "I guess this is goodbye." His mother. Vanille had gone her separate way, whom had seemed like someone he could maybe lean on. Even that bastard Snow left them on their own, too concerned with himself. Now Lightning didn't want anything to do with him. One by one, everyone was leaving him behind. The shaking of his body became more and more noticeable as these thoughts passed through. All he could do was bite down on his quivering lower lip, shut his eyes tight, and try to hold it in. Try to stay strong at least long enough till she wouldn't be here to see him cry.

Oh, and there was the need to keep his voice from cracking too, something Hope didn't think to do until after it already happened. "I-I can take another route. It'll be longer, but I can avoid any fighting, and... and I... I won't get in your way anymore," he weakly managed. Oh, god damn it! His voice had cracked during the entire thing! His eyes were shut tight now. Hope stood up straight and took several more deep, forced breaths, trying to be as manly and adult as possible about this. His right hand set the boomerang away, then balled into a fist, which he gripped at his side till his knuckles turned, albeit even that was quivering.

"O-oh, wait." His left reached into a pouch at his side. "This isn't much, but...take it, please. An-and thank you, for helping me this far I mean." The hand outstretched, palm open, three glass vials filled with sky blue potions extended outward. "I found these before, when we were fighting. You can have them, okay?"

(Note: Taking this to PMs, as per my partner's wish.)
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