Another day in ponyville (MexAzela)


Jan 31, 2010
It was just another day in Ponyville. Everypony was out and about doing their usual things. But there was a new pony in town. Nike. A dark blue furred stallion who had arrived about two weeks ago. While he was open about a lot of things when talking to the other ponies, he always kept quiet about his last name. Mainly because of how embarrassing it was. But enough of that. The problem with the whole open-ness thing was his tendency to be a bit crass and foul mouthed. Often making lewd jokes when it was highly inappropriate... especially when he made a dick joke around the Cutie Mark Crusaders when he visited the Sweet Apple Acres. He left with bruises.

"Phew... sweet Celestia when the hell are we done?" Nike asked as he pushed the pair of blocker shades up onto his nose and ran a hand through his soft brown mane that was tied up in a pony tail. He wiped a cheeto crumb off his blue tee and camo cargo shorts. Today he was working his usual job doing repairs around the town with Big Mac.

"Soon. We still gotta hit Fluttershy's." The taller red stallion straightened his sweaty white wife beater shirt and continued to hammer away at a fence.

"Fluttershy... heheh... think we'll get a peeksee if she's in the sho-" Immediately Nike was hit in the face with a wrench "Ow... okay deserved that one. Anyway, what'cha still think of that band idea I had."

Big Mac just rolled his eyes and kept hammering away. Despite the times he liked Nike, there was still times he wanted to punch the stallion. After about an hour of work. The two were finally done with the fence around the schoolyard.

"Alright now listen Nike. I jus' remembered that I had to go to the farm to fix up a few things. Think you can handle Fluttershy's place?" Big Mac sighed having a feeling he was going to regret asking that.

"Would i?! I'd be-"

"And if you try anything I'll make you spend the night with Pinkie Pie again." Big Mac threatened as he shoved the box of tools into Nike's arms.

"Wh-wh-what?! Anything but that?! Oh god no!" Nike quickly rushed towards the shy pegasus' home. He sighed softly as he got closer and began to think about what had happened during the last couple weeks he had been here. Sure he had a good first impression but his general lack of social skills kinda dampened his relationships with every otherpony. Now it was hard to convince someponies to hang out with him. Well... except pinkie pie but to be honest she kinda scared Nike.

"Dammit! I will fix this!" The blue stallion growled as he felt fire in his eyes "I'll do this job professionally! I won't even think about her titti- and now I just did... dammit." He sighed and walked over to the house before knocking on the door softly. Well, he just had to put on his neigh-pod and he should be fine... hopefully.
"Angel, stop that!" Fluttershy with a squeak in her voice as she attempted to scold Angel. She sighed as she walked to the other side of the room where Angel had thrown random documents on the floor because he didn't get his way. She quickly picked the papers up, setting them nicely on her desk. She turned her gaze to Angel and he stared back at her with defiance. "Okay, you can go out." She sighed, knowing she lost the battle. "I have company soon anyway, I don't want you to get hurt while they work on repairing the floor." She looked towards the far east end of her house where a certain friend came crashing into her house one day, leaving a large hole in her floor and ceiling. Big Mac was able to take care of the ceiling, but was cut short as his little sister needed his attention for whatever reason.

Fluttershy let Angel out, shutting the door as she glanced at the clock on her wall. They would be here in just a few minutes! "Oh no!" She gasped as she raced to her room to change. Fluttershy changed into a light green sundress that complemented her soft, yellow fur and a pair of sandals. It was quite a warm day and it was just supposed to be Big Mac and the new stallion who recently moved to Ponyville, no reason to dress up to much. However, it didn't dawn on her how well the dress clung to her curves and that it shown a bit more cleavage than it probably should. Then her eyes went big, the new stallion - She had heard many rumors about him from Rarity and Berry Punch. This made her a bit nervous, she was never good a meeting other ponies, she was usually to shy. She almost jumped out of her skin as she heard a knock at the door.

She quickly rushed to her door, opening it -expecting to find Big Mac but came face to face with another stallion instead. She quickly looked down at her own feet, feeling nervous. "H-hello." She whispered, barely audible. "Can I h-help you?"
Alright Nike you can do this... eye of the tiger... eye of the GODDAMN tiger. Just avoid any sort of sex jokes and- His train of thought was interrupted when the door opened revealing the rather lovely mare known as Fluttershy. The stallion flushed a little bit as he managed to finally get a good closer look at her. Well so much for that...

"U-uh h-hey. Fluttershy right? I-I'm here to fix the floor." He stuttered but tried to smile to hide the nervousness. Oh god she was gorgeous... and was showing some a nice healthy amount of cleavage. Already Nike was feeling his blood stir but remembered his self promise of 'not being a total perv'. "I'm Nike. Big Mac was supposed to help out but he had to go... do something at the farm." He explained with a sigh and quickly tried to think of something less arousing.

Rule 34 of Gravelord Nito... aand we're good. Nike said in his head and was now a bit relieved. "Anyway so where's the hole?... Er... hole in the floor I mean." Dammit!
Fluttershy new it was the new stallion around town, Nike, she believed his name was. She glanced up at him but she kept her eyes focused on the middle of his chest instead of his face. Her moved right hand up to her pink mane as it fell over her left shoulder, awkwardly twisting her hair around her finger. She opened her mouth again, but all that came out with a loud squeak. "Why do I have to be so bad at talking to people!" She said as she kicked herself mentally. She couldn't believe Big Mac ditched her like this, knowing how shy and uncomfortable she was around people. She'll make sure to tell Apple Jack about this. "C-come on in." She managed to whisper out as she moved aside, allowing him access into her small cottage.

As he walked past her, she couldn't but noticed that his eyes looked right down the front of her dress. She blushed and turned away from him, shutting the door behind the both of them. She thought she was going to die as he asked about the "Hole" before quickly correcting himself - This was going to be a long day. "The hole is right there..." She lifted her hand slowly, pointing towards the corner of the room.
Well if anything, her shyness and awkwardness was adorable as hell. Nike could already tell that he probably just bombed the first impression with the beautiful mare. Well, hopefully they can still have a nice conversation while he worked. Or... not talk... that'd be nice... and probably more of a possibility after the supposed botching of the first impression. "Ah thanks." He smiled as he was lead in and turned his head to look around the small cottage. It was nice and cozy... definitively a lot better than the barn he was currently living at... yeah for a place like ponyville it was still a bitch to find an apartment.

Nike suddenly had an idea, what if he tried to be more confident around her... that would probably make her more comfortable. Hopefully...
"Alright let's take a look see here." He smirked and walked over to the hole and got his tools and lunmber ready "Alright... okay I think I got this." He smiled sweetly to Fluttershy.
I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing... No no can't let her catch onto that! C'MON NIKE! He focused for a moment and began to try and mimic what Big Mac would do and pulled out some measuring tape to measure the hole. To be honest most of the fixes he's had to do were simple straighten fence posts and such, not holes in the floor. But even so his mind kept going back to the sexy and... well endowed mare "So... what do you do here?" He soon asked hoping to start some innocent conversation.
Fluttershy smiled back at him shyly, shaking her head so a bit of her thick, pink mane would hide more of her face. All of her animal friends were gone, leaving the two alone. She watched as his eyes scan through her small cottage. It was a nice home, small, clean and set right on the edge of Everfree Forest which made it easy for injured animals to find her from the forest. She cocked her head as she watched him move the tape measure around the hole, acting like he had somewhat of an idea of what to do. She almost jumped as he spoke to her. "A-ah! I take care of the woodland animals that live here...," She mumbled as she started to twirl her fingers around each other, her eyes glancing back towards her feet. "I even have a few who live with me but I asked them to leave so they wouldn't interfere." She went quite for sometime, watching him as he moved around the hole, a slight confused look on his face. "Is everything okay?" She said as she walked closer towards him, leaning over shoulder - not realizing her large chest was pressing against his back. Fluttershy was never good around other people, making her awkward and not sure what good boundaries were. He had probably been working on the hole for twenty minutes and noticed her hardly had anything done. She glanced at the side of his face, seeing him work a sweat up probably from pure frustration. She stood back up, taking a few steps back. "Do you want some water?" She said softly. "You look like you are annoyed.. by something." She said, waiting for his reply.
Nike listened to her and smiled softly hearing her line of work. "Huh. That's a pretty cool job. You know I have a cousin named Vicky in Fillydelphia who does that same thing." He smiled as he went back to 'work'. Once again his mind went straight to the mare's chest and it was starting to cause a stir in his loins. Great... now he'd need a cold shower once he got back to the farm. Now he was starting to have an idea of what to do. Somewhat. Maybe he could just patch this up and let Big Mac finish it up tomorrow or something. However he suddenly froze feeling two soft orbs on his back and looked back realizing it was fluttershy. His face turned bright red as he quickly looked back at the hole. "er... y-yeah... sorry I'm not that experienced in filling holes- er... fixing floors..." He muttered a soft 'Shit' and already felt embarassed "Er... y-yeah some water would be nice." When she mentioned the annoyance part he froze once again. Either just say everything's right or reveal that he was packing a boner right now. Hmmm... "Annoyed? Nah just uuuh... thinking is all."
Fluttershy blushed at his comments once again. She noticed his face was red, possibly more than her own. She nodded her head and quickly ran off to her small kitchen to fill him a small glass of water. She used this time alone to think for a moment... She took a few deep breaths as she reached up into the cabinet to grab a small glass. She turned the water on and placed the glass underneath it. She wasn't good with interaction with others... if it wasn't for her group right now, she probably would be all alone besides her woodland animals. Not to mention, she hardly ever spoke to a colt! Big Mac was the only one she truly spoken to and just like her, he was quite quite and shy around others as well. She made a small "eep" as she felt water pour over the glass, coating the fur around her wrist. She quickly shut the water off and walked slowly back into the kitchen.

When she walked back in she saw he was still staring at her floor.. but he seemed a little zoned out. She walked over beside him and slowly knelt down to her knees and placed the glass between them. "Umm.." She said after a moment. "If you want to take a break.. you can rest a bit." She said quietly as she stared down at her broken floor.
Aaand boner is gone! I rule! I rule! Nike thought as she walked away to pour him the glass. Immediately he looked down at the hole and began to nail some wood down to patch it up. As he thought earlier, might as well patch this up and get Big Mac to add finishing touches. "Hmm... maybe we could get a rug or something over this to signal others to be careful." He muttered and looked up noticing Fluttershy coming back and setting the glass between them. "Ah Thanks Fluttershy." He smiled sweetly at the mare and picked up the glass. As he did, he got an accidental glimpse at her curves and well... pop pop goes the you know. "Well I'll take you up on that offer." he smiled and sipped the glass. He sat down and crossed his legs to hide his tent. "Like I said I'm not too experienced at this but What I can do is finish patching it up and have Big Mac come in to finish the rest." He smiled and took another sip of water. As he did, he looked up noticing something odd. One of the support beams for the roof was... coming down.
"FLUTTERSHY LOOK OUT!" He called out and quickly tackled her out of the way just as the beam came crashing down on the floor. "Phew... that was close." He sighed in relief not noticing that his hand was on her breast.
She was impressed by what he had done to patch up the hole. Sure, it was still very unsafe for the moment but she was happy to hear that Big Mac would be by the next day to finish repairs. She smiled slightly as he relaxed a bit, taking a drink from the glass. "If you want to blame anyone, go visit Rainbow Dash." She sighed. "She uh.. is the one who flew.." She trailed off as she heard something strange above her and before she could even think, she was laying on her back. Her eyes went wide as she turned her head to the side and saw huge beams laying where she once sat. She wanted to scream but she was panting to heavily from the scare. That's when she felt something on her. She moved her head back and saw Nike above her, staring down at her. Her breath caught in her throat as she glanced down, her hand groping her breast quite tightly. Her body went still, her face was probably more red than ever and her mouth was agape. She tired to make a sound but nothing came out.
"Jeez. That would've been bad. Good thing I got you out of the way, then you'd have more things to worry about than a hole in the... floor..." He paused as he felt his hand wrapped around something. Something soft and... squishy. He turned his head and looked down noticing that his hand was groping her breast. His mouth was agape and his face was as red as hers was. He paused gazing down at his hand holding the plump breast.
It's over... Game Over... He thought as it seemed like time slowed down around him Shes gonna freak, tell big mac and everyone else... Oh god I'll be run out of this town... AGAIN! And... my boner is rubbing against her leg. Wait.. I can still... save this... He quickly hopped off of her and breathed for a moment "I'M SORRY! OH GOD I'M SO SORRY! I DIDN'T MEAN TO TOUCH YOU! OH GOD PLEASE DON'T TELL BIG MAC!" Well... so much for that moment saving there. But then again... he DID just save her from being crushed by a support beam. Maybe that would help his case some.
Her mind was racing and in a way she was terrified. Fluttershy, everyone knew, had little contact with anyone but her animals. But her she was, a handsome stallion hovering over her, his hands on her breast and is there something hard pressing against her thighs? She gasp as everything finally hit both of them and he he jumped off of her and she quickly sat up, sliding back till her back hit the wall. She just stared at him, her eyes large. She heard his pleas for forgiveness and she slightly frowned as she went to stand up. Her body was slightly shaking, her pink hair covering half her face as she walked up to him and placed her small hand on his shoulders. "'s okay." She squeaked out. "You saved my life, you didn't mean for any of this.." She said as she moved her arm back to her side. She tired to ignore the obvious bulge in his pants though, her eyes looking in all directions. She suddenly felt a gust of cold wind hit her, her dress fluttering up some. She quickly moved her dress down, not wanting to reveal anything to him. Her eyes scanned her ceiling and.. there wasn't much of one left. She took a few steps back. "I guess.. I need to pack and find a place to stay for a few days.."
Jake sighed as he looked up at the damage after feeling her soft hand on his shoulder. If anything it helped calm him down. He looked over noticing her dress fluttering and her quick attempt to move it down. That's when he noticed his bulge was out in the open for all to see. Nike's face turned completely bright red as he tried to cover it. "Well... fuck.." He groaned "This is awkward. "Er... well... I just moved into a new apartment... and it has one of those Pull Out bed couches... if you uuh... can't find anyplace else." He offered with a smile. He couldn't help but feel that all this was his fault. He was sort of a magnet for bad luck at times, might as well make up for it.
She could feel the awkwardness in the air as they stood their, both of them embarrassed by the turn of events. Fluttershy was not one of violence, but if Rainbow Dash was near - Well she might not be very nice! She had heard his request but didn't answer just yet. She honestly didn't know what to say... She probably should ask her other friends first... but Twilight was currently studying for her magic exam, Applejack was renovating the barn.. again, she wasn't sure if she could handle Pinkie Pie's partying all day and night, and Rarity was off visiting Canterlot for a fashion show. She sighed a little, no way she would deal with Rainbow right now. "F-fine, if you don't mind." She whispered shyly, a bit nervous at the thought of staying in another colts house... "I'll get my things.." She quickly ran off to her bedroom, grabbing a bag as she started to throw all her things she needed. Once she was ready, she made her way back into the living area. "I'll follow you.." She said, trying to put a small smile on her face, letting him know she was okay.
Nike smiled a bit when she agreed to stay at his place. "Alright." He nodded getting his tools packed up and wiped his brow free of sweat as she ran to her bedroom.
Man she's adorable. Cute... beautiful... He thought and sighed as he put on his over shirt and finished off the cup of water. And she's going to stay with me! Oooh man! I'm so excited! Wait wait... Nike... gotta chillax man. Don't make this even more of a creepfest than it already is. He waited patiently and smiled seeing her come back to him. "Alright. It's not to far." The colt smiled and lead her outside and into Ponyville. There was an awkward silence as he walked next to the lovely pegasus. After the short walk, he lead her inside a small apartment.
"Here we are." Nike smiled as he looked around "It's kinda small but it's cozy."
Fluttershy just nodded as he lead them out of her house. As they stepped outside, Angel was there waiting for her. "Angel, I have to go for a few days. Be a good bunny and take care of all the other animals, okay?" The rabbit just rolled it's eyes at her and sent a glare in Nike's direction. Fluttershy just smiled at her bunny friend, she knew he'd take care of everything for her while she was gone. They walked in silence most of the way, she felt a bit awkward as she was getting strange glances from those around Ponyville. I guess they really weren't used to seeing her with anyone but the girls. "Oh Fluttershy, what have you gotten yourself into?" She thought to herself as she stared down at the ground, scared to make eye contact with anypony else. She honestly didn't really know Nike enough to stay with him, he was a stranger after all but so far he seemed nice. Anyway if Big Mac is willing to hire him, he shouldn't be to bad. After a little ways of walking, he suddenly stopped in front of some small apartments. He lead her to one of them, opening the door for her, she stepped inside. It was a small place but nice. It was probably big enough for two. She walked over towards his couch and set her things down on it. She then stood there awkwardly, unsure of what she should do. "I guess... I should unpack a bit? Where can I put my things?" She asked, not seeing much storage space in the living area.
"Um... Well... I don't have anything to put your cl- Wait... Uno Momento." Nike smiled and walked towards his bed room. After some... loud rummaging, he came back with a clean red tote "Here we are. You can put your clothe in here if you want." The colt smiled setting the tote down for her. "Let's see... Just make yourself at home. We got TV, a Haystation 3 if you're into gaming uuuuh bookshelf over there though most of it is comics and magazines." He rummaged through the TV stand, might as well be a good host and show her what there was to do in here. "Got some DvDs." He smiled revealing a large stack of DvDs. He was bit of a film buff which was obvious in some of the movie memorabilia around the apartment. "Help yourself to the food and sodas." He tried to think of something else to say "Oh and if you need to change or take a shower or anything just tell me and I'll go to my room." Might as well get that out of the way.
She nodded her head and smiled slightly as he asked her to wait. She wondered around his apartment a bit, taking in his lifestyle. There was one thing she could tell that 1.) He was single 2.) It wasn't a dirty apartment but it wasn't clean either. She giggled some, this would at least give her something to do to pass time until she could live in her cottage again. She enjoyed cleaning and it was something she did often - She did have tons of animals in her house day in and day out. She jumped as he came back into the living area, carrying a very large tote. It was bigger than her little bag and would allow her to neatly store the few items she had for now. "Thank you." She said as she reached out taking the tote from him, a slight blush on her face. She still felt very awkward and unsure about all of this, if this had happened over a year ago, she probably would have fainted from him just being on her doorstep. When Twilight came along though, she learned she could be a bit brave and strong.. but not to much. She'd always been sweet, soft spoken Fluttershy. She followed him as he shown her a bit around his apartment and he seemed to be very excited about his Haystation 3, something she had never even touch before, she didn't think she'd make a very good gamer. But one thing that stood out was his love for movies. "I love movies!" She said as he was going over his collection. "I don't have much time to watch them anymore though." She said as a slight frown came over her face. "With so many animals being injured lately out in Everfree Forest, I've been to caught up caring for them to watch any." She did however blush once again when he mentioned bathhing, that wasn't something she thought of before.. taking a shower in a colts bathroom. She felt like she would faint now. "I w-will!" She said, trying to move past that topic quickly.
She walked back over to her things and started to pull items out of her bag and placing them neatly in her tote. She was bent over, her back to him as she hummed softly to herself - Oblivious to all things. She also didn't notice a few of her undergarments had fallen on the floor behind her as she worked.
Immediately he became even more interested when she mentioned that she loved movies. Immediately he had a 'movie' in his mind of them sitting on the couch together to watch one of his horror flicks, lightning comes down, she gets scared and clings to him... sensual love making follows. "Well... I guess you could consider this like a vacation." Nike smiled at her. Just play my cards right... c'mon Nike focus. You should be focusing on her! Not her TnA! However he soon noticed the flustered look when it came to bathing Well... so much for that notion... He thought and watched her place the clothes into tote. He was about to sit on the couch to play battleground 3 when he noticed... her underwear and bras on the floor. L-l-lacey?! H-holy shit... He thought and felt another stirring in his pants "Well if you need anything I'll be in my room... cleaning." He said and quickly turned around and walked into his bedroom and closed the door. "Time to whip out the sleeve I guess..."[/i]
A vacation would be nice, she thought to herself. "Maybe you are right, I'll just take a few days to relax." She said as she worked packing. As was almost done packing when she heard him say he was going to go.. clean. That's strange she thought, it wasn't really that messy in here. She turned around by the time he was out of the room and that's when she saw her underwear on the ground. "Oh my goodness!" She thought she would faint as she quickly swiped up the items and shoved them into the tote. She bit her lower lip, feeling a bit bad... she must have made him feel very awkward with her things laying about the floor like that. She figured she better apologize, so she went towards the door he entered a few moments ago. She didn't bother knocking since he was just going in there to clean.. She opened the door and slowly stepped in. "N-nike?" She whispered softly as she looked around.
Ah Hello Ms. Fleshlight. Nike thought as he reached into his drawer and pulled out a flashlight looking object Looks like you'll be busy again today. He opened the cap to show the opening and grabbed some lube... all the while whistling a little tune. "Ah great now she's gonna be on my mind while I do this. Better just make it a quickie. Same with... however long she's here for... Ah well. I wonder if there's anyway me and her... can... no no no... let's just get to work." He smirked and pulled down his pants to reveal his boxers and the large bulge. He was about to walk towards his bed to get started when he noticed Fluttershy enter his room. Immediately he froze... again. Seriously how many times is this shit gonna happen? Nike thought and quickly hid the fleshlight behind his back. However he didn't relize that his erection that was poking out of the hole in his boxers. "Oh h-hey Fluttershy!" He smiled sheepishly "What's up?" He looked down and quickly covered his crotch "Heehee..." He said sheepishly and ran into his closet and slammed the door shut.
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