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Xbox Live: Gamertags?

Hahvoc The Decepticon

Mar 4, 2009
I hop on xbox live almost every day, so I was wondering if there were any other gamers out there who wouldn't mind playing me in Halo Reach. [Eventually I'll get other games. But that's my favorite. <.<]

But I guess I can also turn this into a discussion....

Seen any really weird or funny gamertags?

I think my favorite was "A box of kittens"
I should really hook my Xbox back up and play Reach with you more often. >.> I've been going PS3 lately. And now back to my Wii, since I beat FFXIII-2 and started up Zelda: Skyward Sword.

If anyone I semi-know wants my gamertag for either system, just shoot me with a PM. I'm all for more friends, but I'd rather not have strange people adding me. Well, strangers. You're all strange people.

I used to use Reinforcements awhile back, which always led to fun, albeit corny lines.

'You've been killed by Reinforcements.'

'Fuck! This guy's got me pinned down!'
'Do you need Reinforcements?'
'...Yes. Yes I do.'
You should add me on xbox, unless you've already been added? I don't remember cause you're never on. >8U I should punish you.

But that is wicked funny.

Another one I saw today that was pretty funny was "TheStickyStuffs"
The funniest one I've seen as of late was "Mr Buttcheeks". I don't even know HOW he hasn't had complaints filed on him, given the levels of white knight moralfaggotry I've seen on XBL.
I used to play with someone in WoW that named her female character Skank. She had that name all the way to level eighty(the max at the time) before someone reported her; when told by mods that she had to change it, she changed it to Skanque.

This was made even funnier when she would fill in as a tank. It rhymed, and I would call her my 'Skanque Tanque.'
Im on XBL and PSN under the same gamertag as my BM profile so if you want send me a add feel free too.
Lately though im all over genre wise. Kinda wishing there was some kind of harvest moon game for the 360.
--+Hahvoc Requiem+-- said:
I hop on xbox live almost every day, so I was wondering if there were any other gamers out there who wouldn't mind playing me in Halo Reach. [Eventually I'll get other games. But that's my favorite. <.<]

But I guess I can also turn this into a discussion....

Seen any really weird or funny gamertags?

I think my favorite was "A box of kittens"
YOU! ME! Halo Reach? :3

My Gamertag is Zennarion
I'm a bit weird when adding people, mostly 'cuz I'm shy. xD

.... but if you want to fight in Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, or Blazblue(Continuum Shift. I don't have the new game. ; n; ), then add me: Ceronos (OH GEE, I wonder where the 'Live' part of the name came from. :B ) However do note that in Blazblue, I'm a pretty brutal Tager.

I also play Mass Effect 3.... but you'll find that I'm a bit of an idiot and tend to charge in if I play my Vanguard. xD

...Just when you add me, give me a pm so that when I see your invite I'm not like: " :D I have no idea who this is! -Deletes invite."
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