A Tameranian Love Triangle {Kei-baby & ThomasRHellsing}


Jan 18, 2012
Long Beach, California

Blackfire smiled as she landed on the roof of the T-tower "In three..two...one" she said and she laughed as she heard the alarm go off insideand the security drones rose out of the roof and started firing at her. With a quick dogde to the left she avoided a laser shot from one drone and the swipe of a chain saw looking thing of another. She fired two quicks balls of purple radiating energy from her hand and the machines crumbled, the metal looking charred.

She smiled as an elevator rose out of the roof now and after the doors open and two figure walks toward her "Oh my my I thought you would have had better defenses than that" she said with a haughty laugh as she bushed her black hair away from her face "Hmm you really should get those fixed it's just sad"

Starfire's eyes flashe open and she immeadiatly rose from her room and flew into the main room when the large flatscreen showed an image of a lone figure on the roof fighting the security drones that Cyborg had just built. Starfire immeadiatly recognized the figure "Blackfire" She said and her eyes glowed green "What is my sister doing here" she said

After she exiled her from Tameran Starfire hadn't given much thought to her big sister until now and she looked over at Robin anger apparent on her face "Let us go do the kicking of the butt I wish to end this so I may sleep" she said her words full of malice which was odd for the cheerful alien.

Starfire was quickly on the roof with robin face her sister and at her word her hands and eyes quickly grew brighter "I am sorry you were not welcomed properly but sister you are not welcomed at my home anymore, leave now and I will not hurt you" she said
Robin nodded behind star Fire drawing his Bo staff, the thin but strong and somewhat flexible polymer rods extending he spun them with years of practice. Even as he held three birdarangs in his left hand. His right spinning the bow staff. He'd been working on a compound to stop the sunlight from effecting cells, in essence a clear chemical coating to prevent sun based aliens from drawing on their powers. Black fire would be the perfect test. However an aching in his ground was noticeable. The "Boy" wonder and Star Fire had been making out before Black fire had arrived, and while he loved Star Fire the orange skinned girl didn't seem o realize the effects of arousal on human males. He was sure the bulge was noticeable in his green polymer but latex revealing pants. He just had to hope to get this done as quick as possible.
Blackfire gave a chuckle at her sister and her gaze then fell on robin her eyes flicked over her and she smiled smugly then “You really should take better care of your boyfriend sister dear leaving him so uncomfortable like that is just cruel” she gave another chuckle and approached them her hands out held like in a surrender “Blast me if you want but I think you might want to here what I have to say little sister it has to do with our precious Tameran and you.” Black sighed and crossed her arms as she stood not even three feet in front of her sister.

Starfire frowned “You shall not make fun of me sister” she said her eyes still sparking green she honestly had no idea what Blackfire was talking about , Robin was uncomfortable? She shook it off then and she immeadiatly lowered her hands when she said something about Tameran. “What has happened on Tameran?” she asked her voice now laced with concern.

Her face looked sad as she faced Starfire. “Tameranian nobles are being killed off by someone… We suspect our cousin Jiand’r but ever since Galfore took over things have been crazy inland every one in the line of succession is in danger, including you Kori…Someone is going to try to kill you” she said and she pursed her lips a bit “Galfore promised me readmission into high council and the line of succession if I can find whomever is assassinating all the nobles.”
Robin rolled his eyes, "The Justice League keeps a tight monitor on alien species and aliens that visit earth, been instituted since the Themascara invasion a few years ago, although given your people can enter the atmosphere at will their are no guarantees."

Robin tried not to look at Black Fire's tits, but either she'd started wearing skimpier outfits, or the Tameranian had grown since she'd bought the ones she was wearing. The boy sighed, as he made a decision, "Okay Starfire, why don't you go into town, Black Fire and me will run a perimeter check, make sure nothing has tripped the alarms besides are violent guest, Beast Boy and Cyborg needed some help with the groceries."

He popped his knuckles saying quietly into Star Fire's ear, "If she has a pan I'll trick it out of her and I can handle her inside the tower."

Ounce he was sure his orange skinned girlfriend understood he motioned for Black Fire to follow him inside.
Blackfire smiled rather smugly as she watched the earth boy's attention fall on her bust. There wasn't much to do in prison besides work on you body except work and apparently her efforts had paid off not only had her torso gotten tinier her chest definitly seemed larger than had last. Blackfire sighed when he told Starfire to go into town not a very wise idea to send her sister off alone when her life was in danger of course Blackfire was only thinking about the fact she wouldn't be readmitted into the line of succesion should her sister die.
Starfire frowned slightly she didn't like the idea of leaving Robin alone with her older sister but never the less she nodded her head and smiled at him when he said he trick whatever plan she had out. Starfire pressed a kiss to his cheek quickly and sent a sideways glance at her sister before flying off towards the town.

Blackfire grinned as her sister flew away as she immeadiatly walked over to Robin and looked him up and down. "So a perimiter run you said?" she asked her smug smile still playing across her features
Robin shook his head, "We don't' do a perimeter check, I knew you were here before you did."

Leading the orange skinned alien inside he said, "I'm the protege to the hardest headed an on this planet, a man who plans and conceives ideas on a level that would allow him to take down Dark Side if he was willing to kill hi, and unlike that man I know sometimes, at the end of the line, you may have to kill threat, like we did with Trigon, or Brother Blood, or Slade."

He tried not to look at the alien's ass. Shaking his head he said, "Black Fire, meet S.I.L.E.N.C.E."

He typed a few keys onto the computer, and a simulation appeared. A massive sonic cannon, however where Cyborg's was designated non lethal and held back because of that, this device was not. Robin spoke slowly, "The water acts as an amplifier, the tower itself is the barrel, it's invisible, but puts out a sonic blast capable of reducing an S class level threat to dust, a bit of magical energy added by Raven means it's effective even against normal enemies, if I'd wanted too I could have blown you to nothing but red a dozen miles in the air and aliens aren't considered humans by any court of law, so I'd have gotten away with it."

He popped his knuckles as he typed in a few other keys. Looking at the woman he said, "You weren't a big enough threat to take out because I could drop you like a bad habbit and Star Fire has proven she could take you in combat, and that was before we fought half the battles we've fought in I think you know that, that you've recognized it, Star Fire wont' kill, that's why they sent you, your the trigger woman, you'll kill the assassin probably after Star Fire takes the down, am I wrong?"
Blackfire raised her eyebrows at him slightly when he shook his head "So then why the excuse to get Koriand'r to leave?" She asked curiously as she looked at him. She followed him into the tower and watched silently as he explained about the weapon he could have used to kill her. "Hmmm never knew you had such a dark side Robin" she murmured if he was trying to intimidate her it wasn't working. Blackfire was as calm as ever and in fact seemed a bit amused. She of course didn't think she was invincible but his confidence in being able to take a life so easily nearly made her giggle.

When he said something about Starfire already being able to take her out she gave a bit of a sigh "So you could drop me like a bad habit huh? We've never tried combat training together before and I learned a few new moves in the centuri prison system... Maybe you'll have to show me how you've progressed since I was last here" she said as she shifted from one foot to the other.

She frowned then "What you on't believe I could handle an assasin on my own?" She asked her eyebrows arched "Why else would I be here if I thought Starfire could handle it on her own? No, she's to good natured and kind hearted to kill anyone. I mean look at what she did, she was willing to let me go instead of taking me out after all I've done to her. Jiand'r is another story he and Kory were very close when they were young, so even if her life was endangered I don't believe she would even have the gall to hurt him let alone kill him...."
Robin shook his head, "You make assumptions, that's okay I think deep down that's why she does it, the innocence act, the puppy eyes."

He shook his head "You know what happened to her, and yourself, offered as a sign of peace to a king, who in turn sold you as slaves, you broke under the tender ministrations where as Star Fire's powers were boosted yours were made grander, you draw energy from your hate, fro your wildness the more fun your having the stronger you are, Star Fire was experimented on, genetic modification done, she was no normal prisoner when she crashed here."

He lazily fingered one of the robin disks, as he said, "Star Fire has a dark side, I've seen it, as have you, the real Kory, the queen, he murderer, the genetic experiment that is wanted in half the galaxy, I don't' know if it was a choice, or subconscious but when Star first crashed she figured out some of my technology in seconds, and she wouldn't' be dumber, the Kory we see is a natural disguise probably to help her deal with the damage done, also to help with her abilities since if she was miserable she'd be screwed, you broke under those tests, got a bigger power pool, but Star Fire, her's is deeper."

He shook his head, "Anyway, I want to ask you some personal questions is why I asked Star Fire to leave, me and her have been dating awhile, and well, I was wondering how completable biologically our species are."
Blackfire was grateful for the subject change she didn't fell like lingering on Kory's and her own past some parts were too painful and somepart of her knew he was right. From the time when she was small she had been different while most children on Tameran are floating aroung a few days after their birth she had stayed stuck to the ground, she didn't experience that overwhelming joy of flight until she broke another girls doll. Her other powers had come easier confidence rage? both emotions were all to simple to come by when you are rejected by your own people.

"Anyways yes Robin we are physically compatable tameranians and humans. We have all the same parts as human females nipples, clit ecetera ,and as I am aware men on our planet have all the same parts you do i'm sure I needn't go into detail..." She gave a smug smile then "And if your wondering I'm fairly sure Kory won't crush you while your banging she'd probably have to think about it a bit since i'm not quite sure your feeling all too confident we your virginity is being taken" Blackfire snorted at that "But taking someone else's is a whole nother story especially if your more of a dominant personality... Luckily Kory isn't so your don't have to worry about your cock getting crushed..." she sighed and flopped down on one of the sofa's her legs dangling from the knees over the arm of it.

"So Kory hasn't sprung on you yet? Hmmm i suppose she never really did get an explanation of "the birds and bees" around her she was still young whe she crashed on earth.... I'll talk to her about it although I kinda forsee a lot of cold showers in your near future Boy wonder, she's not exactly the best when it cmes to understanding earth mating rituals on Tameran it's bit different " she gave a laugh and layed back putting her arms under her head and arching her back a bit as she yawned
Robin moved like a bolt, stepping between Black Fire's spread legs a gently but fir push sent the black haired former princess to her back. Tameranian bodies were strong because of a special type of muscle, and different amino strands in their bodies. However they were still susceptible to weak points and pure body holds that used leverage. This particular position had Black Fire's spread legs on either side of his hips, hi still hard shaft rubbing against her thong, his hands on her wrists. His chest rubbing against her as he chuckled, "Silly Black Fire, making assumptions, you forget how many times I've been kidnapped by super villainesses, and that when you wear latex, leather and such all day you get horny, hell, I lost my virginity to at girl at the age of like 10, if not younger."

He let his tongue run from her collar bone, to her earlobe sucking on it lightly he said, "So tell e Black Fire, how long has it been since you were bent over and given a hard, fat, dick, I can smell the hormones your puting off, he ightness of your cothing, I'd almsot call you a space hooker more than a princess."
She gave a small chuckle when he pressed between her legs she could feel his erection rubbing against her. "Mmmm so your not the perfect hero Kory always makes you out to be..." she murmured grinding her hips agaist his a bit smiling smugly up at him. Blackfire gasped when he licked at her collar bone and then up her neck. His words aroused her and she could feel herself starting to get wet. "Way to long boy wonder." she said felling slightly compromised by the position she was in she wanted the freedom to move to touch and blow his human mind. "Hooker probably not... but I have been aching for a good fuck" she said er eyes glinting mishcheviously.

Her legs gripped his hips tightly and she arched her back slightly up towards him pressing herself tightly against him. "You seem to be needing the same thing i do though" she said her voice low and seductive as she looked up at him wishing for a moment that she could see his eyes
Robin nodded, stepping back a bit he said, "I love Kory, don't' think anything different, but I think she is sexually repressed and I'm sure the experiments on her didn't help, you, you I ca do anything I want with, and if you haven't done worse I'd be shocked, besides your tits are a bit rounder, so I say we make an agreement"

He undid his utility belt, and slid his pants down, after kicking his boots off. His cock was massive at just under 14 inches, and as thick as a woman's' fist It throbbed and pulsated dripping with precum so thick it almost looked like glue. It was semi erect from Star Fire's teasing, and his own grinding with Black Fire. He removed his armored chest piece revealing scars of various types on his body. Leaving him in only his mask as he chuckled, "Like what you see, I do, so let's do this fun and hardcore sex no major relationship bond just fun of the screaming kind, plus it will help me learn Tameranian sensitive places besides the obvious ones."
"Oh so this is all about my boobs seeming larger?" she asked with a bit of a laugh but her laugh stopped short when he tugged his pants down. He was huge Blackfire wasn't sure she'd ever seen anyone on Tameran or Earth that impressive. "Hmmm yes I definitly like what I see" she murmured and with that she was quickly off the couch and standing in front of him. She pulled her tights half top off along with her arms guards and then came her skirt. She pulled it down and kicked it away leaving her in a sheer lacy black bra, her strappy thong and her thigh high boots. She sunk down to her knees slowly and smiled up at him.

"Let see if I can impress the famous Boy Wonder" she mumured before leaning in and starting to stroke him with her hand. She press light kisses along his length before flicking her toungue out and giving his cock a long slow lick.
Robin sat down chuckling, his cock leaping up at Black fire's attention. He had been teased earlier by Star Fire after all and now hi cock was more than ready for action. Robing chuckled at Black fire, "What part of no lovey dovey stuff didn't you get Star Fire I'd imagine give head like that, swallow it and slam it down your throat Black fire."

He was unable to resist the urge to reach out. His hand coming down hard on the Tameranian's skin. It was harder than steel, but softer and roe supple than silk. His cock squirting precum.
Blackfire smirked and pulled away for a moment "Oh you don't like this? Shall I just stop?" she teased then she shook her head a bit an laughed "I cant imagine it'd offend you terribly if I told you were too large to do that with" she said and then she resumed her minstrations on his cock. She took his head into her mouth and moved a bit making small slurping noises as she force more of his length into her mouth.

When his hard head hit the back of her throat she paused for a moment but kept going only a third of his lenght in her mouth. Her toungue stroked the underside of his cock as she bobbed her head on his length her hand stroking what she couldn't fit yet as more of his length slid down her throat.
Robin smirked a bit looking at Black Fire a mischievous smirk on his face "Oh come on Black Fire, we know that isn't true, I've seen Star Fire swallow fruits the size of bowling balls Tameranians don't have a gag reflex, she also mentioned how your species can hold it's breathe for nearly eight earth minutes."

That was the only warning Black fire got, before he grabbed the back of her head, and yanked her head forward. Using his thigh muscles to hold Black fire's head against his balls. Working his shaft forward and backward deep in her throat. For seven and a half minutes he took her throat. Finally leaning back to allow her to breathe. His cock looked almost polished d he was very close to nutting. A constant stream of precum running fro the tip.
'Damn Starfire and her mouth' was the last thought Blackfire had before her mouth was forced down on his cock. He was right but she hated being submissive and getting her mouth fucked and having no control wasn't exactly her cup of tea. She could have bit him or just forced herself away but she didn't. She had asked for it in essence and in some way this was her own small revenge against her sister getting to experience Robin before she did.

She sucked in a soft breath when he finnally released her and let her breath. "After that little stunt I should just let you finish yourself, you seemed to be doing all the work anyways" she said a little bitter but she was still teasing him. She smirked then as she stood up off her knees and looked at him. "What do you say boy wonder and find out why every male in the galaxy rejoices when I come to visit them" she murmured as she leaned down placing her hands on his shoulders to press a searing kiss to his lips.
Robin tiled his head before Blackfire could kiss him. Biting along her neck instead he said in her ear "I don't' want the taste of my cock in my mouth besides lovers kiss, and you and I both don't' want that, now give me a good ride."

He yanked her forward into his hard muscles. Grinding their crotches together His nails digging into her ass hard enough to break an earth woman's skin He smirked, "Damn you do have a nice ass though."
She frowned at his first comment but complied readily and let out a gasp when he yanked her forward. She leaned her head back and gave a soft moan as he moved his hips. She didn't mind his strong grasp on her in fact she reveled in it most earthlings couldn't satisfy her but Robin was strong, strong enough to dominate her. She smirked at his next comment "Hmmm glad you approve" she murmured

She raked her nails along his shoulders and chest and she pressed her hips harder against him. "I'm not some toy " she said lowly. "Just fuck me Robin..." she said her eyes slightly glazed with lust
Robin smirked smacking her ass hard. Smirking a bit he said, "Black Fire, you still have your panties on, strip naked, and I'll consider slam fucking you like a gotham street walker."

He ripped her bra with his teeth. Suckling her nipple hungrily. He was a bit surprised that it was a light purple. He swirled around it with his tongue and sucking it hard. He wasn't' surprised by the piercing, as he rubbed it hard up and down with his tongue. Sucking it with deep full body sucks.
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