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Jul 28, 2011
“Remember well my little dear Mel, that in our family the flame if burning brighter than in any other in the world. And fire is the strongest element of everything else. We are Ashfords. No matter what happens, no matter what people might tell you, keep your head high and keep believing in our credo.” Her mom told her before leaving her at home. She was nine years old back then but she could remember it still as clear as day. It was the last day she ever saw her mother, leaving her all alone. And though they told her the usual bull shit story that she died in a car crash, she knew well enough that her mother was killed because she lost in what they called the holy grail war. But she thought it was her mother’s own fault for not preparing well enough. She had told her mother to do more research, not to be so laid back, find a proper item which to use to call a great servant. She vowed there and then she wouldn’t be so laid back.

Ten years later she was sitting in class, listening to her teacher rambling on about how there was no magic in this world but that the stories about it still influenced our daily lives and dreams. Having trouble not to laugh out loud, Melissa softly let out a chuckle. This got her some weird looks from her fellow students but she just ignored them. None of them would understand the reason she wanted to laugh since they all were so wrong. Not only did magic really did exist, the influence it had on the world was far bigger than they could ever imagine. Turning her attention away from the boring lecture, she kept working on her laptop. She was close to finding what she had been looking for the last year. It was even the reason why she moved to France and was in this boring lecture to keep up the pretense of being an exchange student. But all that would be over soon since she got the mail she had been waiting for. Smiling she tossed her honey blonde hair back. Opening another document she read that the servant Saber had been summoned, making her the last master to summon her servant.

This wasn’t the best of news since she had hoped to summon her servant under the Saber-class but know it had to be under the Archer-class. Though it still was a knight-class so that was a good thing. And it wasn’t that having Saber would automatically make you the winner of the Holy Grail War. It was true that Saber was the strongest servant, but strength alone had never won a war. One had to have brains and tactics to and she had proven to be smart. That’s why she had searched hard for this relic as she knew that if she would be able to summon this Saint, victory would be within her grasp. Placing her left hand on top of the symbol on her right hand. She had preparing herself years for this and was in France searching for the relic when the symbol appeared on her hand, letting her know that soon the Holy Grail War would start again. And she wouldn’t be so weak as her mother had been, she would win it.

Closing her laptop with a loud sound, she stood up and felt everybody looking at her. “Mademoiselle Melissa, what is the meaning of this?” The teacher said in English with a thick French accent that gave her cold shivers. “I’m leaving, I got no more business being here. And there is nothing that you can do to stop me.” She said as if it was nothing and the teacher wanted to say something back to her. But the iron stare coming from her deep blue eyes made him flinch and lower his head as she left the room. Outside of school she signaled for a taxi. After having given the address where she wanted to be taken too, she leaned back in the seat. Memories of her childhood came flooding back, memories about the cruel training she went through. Well it was only cruel because she herself put the bar really high. She never was happy about her results as she always could find something she thought that should be better. This however made her a mage on master level when it came to fire magic while she still was relatively young. Off course she had also studies a bit of earth and air magic along with healing magic but it wasn’t on the same level as her fire magic.

All in all it took a bit more than an hour before she reached her destination, an house that looked as if it needed a complete makeover located just outside the city. “Wait here, I’ll be back shortly.” Handing over some extra euro’s to the cabdriver, she got out. Just one simple knock on the door was sufficient and she went inside the house. A man dressed in a black suit and wearing shades, even though they were standing inside and it was pretty dark, handed her a little package. “You are sure this is what I asked for?” She asked him.
“Off course, I double checked it myself. Now about the money you promised.” Reaching inside her bag, she take out a thick brown envelop and handed it to him. He opened it, took out the money and counted it. Pleased with it he nodded his head and left the room, nothing else had to be said. She herself went back to the taxi and gave instructions to bring her to the airport.

Half a day later she was back home. It had been her luck that the New Grail War would be located in the city she had grown up. This was because every ten years there would be a new war but the city changed each time. But with a little research and paying attention, one could figure out the next location the grail would appear. And this time it would be smack in the middle of London. That gave her a huge advantage since she knew the city through and through and had her own base was located here. Though it also meant that the mage from the Magic Association’s European branch also would have the home advantage. However that were things she would worry about later. She had just dispatched a few familiars and now was going towards the garden. Because of the full moon, she could see perfectly well were she was going. In her hands she was caring the package. Stopping in the middle of the garden, which was sheltered from any views, she raised her right hand. Flames spread over the grass, burning away a pattern in it. In just a few seconds the magic circle had formed itself. Now she carefully opened up the package and took out a little piece of cloth that had burn marks on it. With the same care she softly put the piece of cloth in the center of the magic circle before stepping back. Pointing the back of her right hand, with the command spells on it, towards the magic circle she started the incantation. “Fire courses through my veins, heat I breath out and as a beacon my light shines. I guide thee towards me, call you out from the flames that hold you and bring you here to me. Cometh forward and stand at my side from now until we achieve victory!” Both her command spells as the magic circle lit up in bright yellow as she made the incantation. Then the circle burst out in flames and when the flames died away, a woman, clad in armor, was standing before her.
"Do you know you are in God's grace?" It was a trap that was asked of her prior to her execution. Had she said "yes", she would have been found a liar, as the church had declared no man can truly know if he was in the grace of God. Had she said "no", she would have been found guilty of heresy. Jeanne, regardless of her youth was well learned. She spoke with the voice of an adult intellectual, her head held high.

"If I am not, may God put me there; if I am, may God so keep me." Her response paralyzed the on-lookers with awe. In a question where there could be no right answer, she had found one. Her intelligence was not enough to protect her from her fate. She knew from the beginning that to act as a man in the french military would condemn her to the noose or the chopping block. But to be accused of heresy? She should have known the church would never accept a female profit, much less a female war-hero.

She walked from her prison cell with her head held high. She willingly went to the large wooden post, allowing herself to be tied without question. She stood before all of her on-lookers, adorned in male clothing, with her hair cut short. A small smirk, teased the corners of her lips as oil was cast about her feet. A priest stood before her, reading her, her last rights, a crucifix in his hands. She could only chuckle at the irony. When the flame was lit she continued to hold her confidence as the fires rose about her, slowly sheathing her in flame. The pain, and suffocation quickly became to much for the maiden to bare. She died, trapped in agony and fear as flames licked at her flesh until naught but tattered cloth remained. Nineteen years old... Punished for her heroics...

Several centuries later, she could feel that similar heat about her body, though no pain or suffocation accompanied it. As the fires faded away, her consciousness returned to her. The familiar weight of her armor upon her body. A quiet sigh escaping her lips as she breathed in for the first time in centuries. Her short, messy reddish brown hair fell about her face. her brown eyes fluttering open, only to find home upon the young woman's form before her. "I am the servant; Archer, called upon by my master to claim the Holy Grail. I ask of you, this one question... Are you my master?"
Melissa was smiling widely as she watched upon her servant. She had succeed in summoning the one she had wanted. One of the greatest heroes in history of France and one of the most powerful Saints in the Catholic Church was now standing in front of her, asking if she was her master. Making a little curtsey before the person standing in front of her. “My name is Melissa Ashcroft and from this day until we achieve victory I am your master. Now let’s go inside, there probably will be familiars from other masters scouting out this place.” She said, looking at the other person one last time before going back inside her home.

Once inside, she sat down on the couch looking up at her servant. “Before we go outside again, we first need to confirm a few things. First I want you to assure me that you are indeed the servant I summoned. You are the Maid of Orléans, the one carrying the name Jeanne d’Arc? If not I need to revise my battle plans.” If this wasn’t the fact, then she would curse herself and the male that sold her the piece of cloth. She already had to change her plans since she had wanted to use her as the Saber-class. But still the Archer-class also had a lot of promise and she didn’t had to change her plans to much.
The armored woman caught on to her new Master's accent relatively quickly. It was slightly disconcerting to be summoned in the country of her former enemies, the ones God himself had sent her to do battle with. Jeanne gave a final look about the garden when the other mentioned familiars. She wasn't looking to get in a fight the second she was summoned, but she was no less prepared. She followed her master through the doors of her home in silence. The design of the building told her that this was not the world she had left behind, much had changed.

When spoken to, she immediately redirected her attention to her master. A soldier to a fault. "I know not what proof I can provide, save my word. I am the one of whom you speak." She knelt before her new master, her right fist coming to rest just beneath her left collar-bone. "It is my pledge to bring you the Grail and to insure; by any means necessary, that no harm should come to you."

"If you do not mind my asking, master... By what name are you known? And where are we, precisely? I realize that this is not France." Her gaze shifted about the room, taking in all manner of alien devices and technologies that she was far from understanding.
Letting out a sigh of relieve, she eased back in the seat. At least that went according to plan. But it became a little awkward when her servant kneeled in front of her. And it even got worse when she asked her about where and when she was. Biting her lip, something she always did when something was bothering her, she wondered if something had went wrong with the summoning. Normally a servant would know about where and when she was summoned, as well as how to use the technology of the country unless there was something wrong with the summoning. And she had been so sure that she had done everything right when drawing the circle, placing the relic and saying the incantation.

She also was completely sure she could provide Archer, as she would call her to be sure her identity stayed hidden, with more than enough magical power. So why didn’t Archer know where and when she was. After letting out a sigh, the answers for those problems will have to come later on, she now had to focus back on Archer. “You don’t have to kneel in front of me, so please rise. I already told you that my name is Melissa Ashcroft. But you’ll address me as Master unless we’re alone and I’ll address you as Archer. I want both your as my identity to remain a mystery for as long as possible. Knowing your opponents names is a key point in achieving victory in this battle. So unless I give you permission, you don’t hand out your name, is that point clear?” She said with a stern voice.

If Archer would disobey her on this, she wouldn’t hesitate to use her command spells. Absolute obedience was what she wanted of her Servant. “About where and when we are. This might be a shock to you but we’re in London, England. The war you once fought is over, France and England are at peace now. It’s the 21ste century now and we’re in the year 2012. Normally you should be aware of this but somehow it seems you aren’t. I’ll explain more later on. First we need you to get a good grasp of the city. We’ll be going to the Shard London Bridge. Please do tell me you’re capable of taking on the spirit form?” She sudden realized that if Archer wouldn’t be able to do that, things could get really difficult on her.
Jeanne rose to her feet as directed, but quickly lowered her head in shame when her need for information was presented as a problem. "I beg your forgiveness for my lack of knowledge. I assure you that I will not allow this to become an issue." Her promise felt empty, almost as though she was scrambling to make up for her prior short-coming.

"Fear not, master. I am plenty capable of assuming my spirit form whenever you feel it is necessary. I am well in tune with my own abilities and capable of action at a moment's notice." She straightened herself quickly, in preparation for her master's command. "I understand your instructions, Master. I will not fall short of your expectations."

Jeanne had a feeling it was going to be a long hard road to earn her master's trust and reliance. If in fact, they were to win this war, it would be only through mutual faith and teamwork. She could feel Melissa's power, and therefore did not doubt her abilities as a mage. However, Jeanne had already managed to arrive, not only as a secondary class option, but lacking the necessary knowledge to function in this day and age. She'd come up short from the beginning.

"Shard London Bridge. Understood. I am ready whenever you command it." Her soldier like tone was firmly in place.
Melissa smiled contently as Archer apologized to her and assured her that she was still able to use all her abilities. “Don’t worry about it, you’ll learn about everything soon enough. And I’m sure you won’t disappoint me. I don’t take disappointment lightly.” She couldn’t help but sound stern. Ten years she had prepared for this, ten years she had given her all and now she had everything within her grasp. And she would be dammed if her servant would be the cause that she lost. Thus if that meant her being stern, so be it. Archer had to gain her trust first for she would allow her a bit more freedom.

“Okay, now turn in to your spirit form. When we’re outside it’s better for you to stay hidden unless I say so. Also remember, today is just reconnaissance, giving you a grasp of how the city works and looks like. We won’t engage or seek out any battles. That is off course unless we’re not given another option and then we’ll fight.” She said while putting on her coat. Then she stepped outside, took a subway and walked over the streets. Now and then she pointed out and told Archer about the modern technology as cars, the subway, airplanes, electricity and such things.

When they finally reached the top of the Shard London Bridge and were looking down on the city she turned to Archer. “You can materialize yourself now. This place should give you the best view of the city.” And then again she started pointing out a few buildings. “Over there you got the Tower of London. That is the place where the Magic Association is located. They have a master called Milford Clay, a specialist in both water and air magic, who’s also a master who’s participating in this war. He’ll probably has set up his base in the Tower. But it’s too heavily guarded so we can’t go attack him there and I don’t know who his servant is. The chances of it being either Saber or Lancer are high since they always have managed to have a servant from the Knight classes.”

“I know a bit information about a few more other masters. One is coming from Russia and will have Rasputin as his Servant under the Caster-class since the bones from his grave were stolen a little while ago. The third master will be coming from Asia and knowing their skills he probably has Assassin under his mark. A fourth master is coming from America. As that country is always moving fast forwards, I bet he has the servant Rider. I think those three will hold themselves up at their countries embassies. Each of them are located on crossing magic lines just like my house. A perfect location for a base.”

“Then there is Westminster Abbey. The overseer from the Church will be located there. So if I’m ever wounded pretty badly that is the place you have to take me. Though be careful. I found out the church send out two people to here. So they probably also have a master in their ranks. And as the church has an almost unlimited supply of relics in their possession, it’s pretty sure there Servant will be a powerful one. Maybe even Saber. Remember well, they might claim that God is on their side, but this war has nothing to do with God. About the last master I have no information.”
She explained pointing out each building when talking about the masters.

“So I would rather make use of your abilities as Archer, wait a bit and observe the other masters and Servants. I got no problem taking on any battle head on but it would be unwise to throw ourselves in these battles without knowing a bit about who we are facing. Lack of knowledge of the enemy had proven to be the downfall for many. And I don’t want to be one of them. Is that understood?” She asked Archer while still looking down at the city.
Jeanne paid serious attention to everything Melissa had to say during their journey throughout London. Though she was incredibly intelligent for her age, a lot of the technology that was explained to her, still escaped her understanding.

Her eye twitched at the mention that Masters serving the church may claim they were fighting in the name of God. Her own mistreatment at the hands of the church was proof enough that the church didn't have God's grace. Surely if their claim were true, St. Michael would have made her allies clear to her.

She nodded after Melissa laid out her request. "So we are to establish this bridge as our point of reconnaissance? Seems a sensible decision to me. I can see nearly all of London from here." Her eyes moved over the city, picking out each individual detail that seemed important to their effort. "We will want to monitor all major means of transportation, both in and out of the city. Hopefully we will see the out of town opponents early, that should allow us the advantage."

"I admit to some concern regarding our opponents at the tower. If they're truly so well defended, we'll have to find a way to lure them away, to fight on our terms. Either that, or create a distraction, and draw their protective force elsewhere while we make our move." The tactician in Jeanne was clearly at work as she analyzed their situation. Rasputin has always had an eye for underhanded tactics. We may, at some point want to seek out an alliance. If he could be tricked into assaulting the tower, than the front door would be open to our use."

"A saber or Lancer would not be an easy opponent. To ensure our ability to succeed as a team, and to stop them before they get their own opportunity, we should likely seek out the Assassin first. In face-to-face combat, I'm certain I could best one better suited to the shadows. After that... I propose the church or the tower as our target." Jeanne stopped after her analysis, turning to face Melissa. "Of course, the decision is yours, Master. This is simply what seems as the wisest course of action from my perspective."
Melissa stared at the Tower of London. “If we have to, we’ll bring down the entire structure on their heads. That would be a fitting ending for them anyway.” She said bitterly before turning away her gaze towards Archer. “Listen up, I won’t work with anyone else if I don’t have too. Also we’ll wait until all pieces of the game have showed themselves. I know patience isn’t your strong suit but I’m telling you to hold back for the moment. Like I said, even the strongest Servant can be easily defeated if fighting unprepared or taken off guard. For now we’ll just watch and wait. Then openings will present themselves and that’s the moment we’ll strike.”

Though she liked the idea of keeping eye on the transportation. “Well it’s a good idea to watch transportation though the ones going outside the city we can neglect. The Holy Grail War takes place in this city so going outside it won’t have any benefit. Let’s focus on the quadrants where the embassies are located. Perhaps we can find out something about them or their Servants.” She stated simply before turning around, her coat fluttering in the wind. The sun slowly started to rise.

“Now let’s go back home. I’ve had a long day and am tired. Tomorrow there’ll be plenty enough of things to do tomorrow night.” She knew that all the other master probably would go do the same as her. It was some sort of unwritten rule of the war that you act at night time. Perhaps they though that they could minimize the collateral damage that way. Though in a city like this, a city that was buzzing with life both day and night, she knew the collateral damage would be huge. But she didn’t care about that. Only thing that mattered was winning and getting her revenge. Just by that simple thought of revenge, she could feel the fire in her veins heat up.
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