Legend of Zelda: Link's debt

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Dec 16, 2011
Link9/url] has slain Ganondorf and peace and prosperity returned to Hyrule. The land thrived and was prosperous once again. Link decided to live out the rest of her days in Ordon village helping out on the farm. When she had returned she found Ordon to be in a pretty bad shape. The once green fields were now brown and the clear waters in the lake were ow muddled. The village itself was falling apart windows were broken, walls were cracked, and some houses were even burned down.

It turms out that the invasion of the twilight beings had done severe damage to the villages economy. Due to the monsters in the past Ordon village was unable to sell the farms goods to castle town. They went into massive debt because of that and hasn't been able to pay it off ever since. It also doesn't help that bandits had raided the village a couple of times stealing their supplies and food. Every day debt collectors would come to the ranch demanding money and would more than likely use force. They managed to get by with the help of the women of the village.

Since no one else was capable of leaving the ranch the burden of raising money for Ordon village fell on Link. She traveled to Hyrule castle hoping Zelda could help her out but she could not be reached due to heightened security at the castle. Link wandered back into Castle town disappointed but then as she looked around she realized that the town was littered with places to work. Link decided that she would pay off the villages debt by working various "odd" jobs in Castle Town. First she would need a place to stay.
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