The Chaotic Throne

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Mar 3, 2011

'History is the most severe teacher of stubborn lessons oft repeated. Humans seem to need enemies like the air they breathe. If they can find no likely adversaries, they will begin to agitate those around them. Ever since I learned of the disaster at Giran Castle, the words of my only teacher follow me, taunting with his perverse sense of wisdom: Since humans are made of the refuse of the gods, they are naturally dirty...'
- Student of Hardin and Writer of Dasparion, Hindemith, Order of the Empire, 1640

I remember the soft summer breeze that was gently ruffling leaves of the Mother Tree, the cool water in my shoes and the stunning sunrise reflecting in the lake that I've never seen anywhere else but here, at the land of elves. Night was slowly placing it's big hand over the earth that's been damaged by many wars, allowing fields, forests and ancient ruins to rest in peace. Catching a brief smile of my master, I smiled back. We both knew that it's the end. I proudly squeezed my first staff in my hand, and took my first step, leaving the Shadow of the Mother Tree, finally entering the sacred Elven Village no longer as a child, but as a mage who's name will soon be known all over Aden and Elmore, who will bring nothing but fame to my race, that's been forced to hide and isolate from outer world for many hundred years.

Though our long absence was forced by other races, we, elves, held no grudge over anyone. Except for the Dark Elves, who once were our brothers, but at the times of despair have chosen a wrong path to follow. Even if document announcing peace between us was signed,the old wounds are healing slowly, and once given a reason, each side could start it over again. Sometimes I can't help but wonder if it's their fault, that at those terrible times when Gods seemed to forsake us they snapped and worshiped the God of Death, or ours, for being so heartless towards our own kind who's lost faith. Or maybe those are orcs to blame? For putting us in that situation, when we had no one to rely on. It can be human kind as well, who have abandoned us after we've taught them magic and fighting skills, expecting to receive some help in war. But instead they have taken away land that's belonged to us, and by using our knowledge got over the continent. And sometimes I just feel like blaming dwarves for being ignorant to anything that's going on and supporting side that was stronger. But times had changed, and as the chaos was slowly taking control (At least in our nightmares, that's been repeating every night), we had to unite and forget the past. For our own good, for good of our children and upcoming generations.

The Mother Tree was dying, and probably that was the only reason why we, elves, accepted to cooperate with the rest of the world. It was strange, and even frightening to leave forests, that's been our whole world. The outer world seemed to be cold, scary, senseless and full of dangers. But soon we've got used to that, and nowadays it's normal for elven to work at Mithril mines at dwarf land, or teach at Einhovant's school of magic at the Talking Island, the land which was taken away from us by humans. Back then young and naive, already caught into vortex of possibilities that's been opened for us after removing magic barrier that kept us away from others, I didn't find it any thrilling to stay and dull at the locations of my village, when there was a chance to go somewhere else. I heard a lot that the Talking Island lately was the most popular place for amateur adventurers as myself, and just couldn't miss my chance to travel there! Sadly, I didn't earn any gold from hunting yet, so I couldn't use service of gatekeeper, but who cares! I felt strong as never before, even though armors covering my body were made from the thin and cheap leather. Nothing could have stopped me, and nothing could have killed the desire to explore!

I didn't wait for the night to end, or for my shoes to dry. Just visited the head of Eva's temple for a farewell and my friend Andelia, who wasn't pleased with me leaving.
"You will come back, right?" She finally whispered, after yelling at me for being a complete traitor for leaving her here alone. Even in the dark I could see her blue eyes staring at me worried.
"Of course." I said simply. Coming back soon wasn't part of my plan. Not before I find a way how to cure Mother Tree.
Andelia awarded me by a tight hug, and my own arms went around her too. We stood like this for a couple of minutes, and I could feel her shaking, her shoulders twitching from time to time. I was hardly keeping my tears too, but the thought of myself being a professional mage (who needed a bit of training...) didn't allow me to snap. I let off her, and waving headed to the eastern entrance of the village.

In a moonlight I've began my long trip from the middle of continent to the very corner of it. For inexperienced adventurer as myself, who's never stepped out of the land which belongs to elves, every step might be deadly. Soon I passed a tiny waterfall with it's protector - old treant, that was hardly moving. My heartbeat got a bit faster - I've never got any further than this. The forest laying after this was a bit darker, had more secrets that haven't been discovered in centuries, and was home of the way more dangerous creations that goblins and wolves I've been hunting before. I'm happy I was born elf and had those pointy ears, since they've allowed me to hear things better than other races - and it had saved me for several times, so I was just safely avoiding enemies. When I finally got out of the forest, after getting lost few times, it was a sunset already. I believe it was the moment when I realized how stupid I was for going to such a long trip without having a good rest... I've crossed the bridge, leaving ever green forests, lakes of pure water, gentle whispers of the wind and stunning sunsets that I've never seen anywhere else, stepping into neutral zone.

All day long I was following the sandy path in between of giant hills, where I haven't met anything or anyone alive. When I've reached the Town of Gludio, it was night again, and I could no longer stand on my ground.Not to mention I was thirsty. I haven't taken any water or food supplies with myself, as I didn't expect it to take so long. But I was lucky enough to see that Gludio had a giant market place and even at this hour was still busy. Seeing some elf, I walked to him.
"Excuse me, sir, do you have any water? I'm thirsty.."
The stranger didn't answer me,he just looked at me as if I was a slug, and walked away. It happened with some other people, and only one of them told me there's a veil next to gatekeeper, downstairs from the church. I headed there, as I felt as if I'm dying already, when I've tripped... I felt my body falling on the ground, but I didn't feel any pain... Everything went dark, and I just gave up, letting that darkness to suck me in.

"Is she okay?"
"Yes, she doesn't seem to have any serious injuries. Just looks quite pale..."
"Poor little fella... She looks to be one of those naive newbies who think they can handle traveling big distances once they finished training."
"Bring me some water."
Water...My eyelids twitched slightly, and I woke up. Some human mage was staring at me concerned, and in a moment human fighter hurried to us with a bucket full of water. I only managed to weakly mutter
The warrior helped me to sit up, and mage held bucket for me. No longer caring if it's embarrassing or not, I pushed my whole head into the bucket. Enjoying the feeling of water caressing my cheeks I got out, and began drinking it hungrily, till whole bucket was gone. People who helped me out were a bit of surprised and still worried, but once my face began receiving it's normal color, mage spoke to me.
"You don't seem to belong to this location. How come you're here?"
"I'm traveling to Gludin."
His eyes met warrior's, and I could tell they weren't too impressed.
"Didn't you know it's a dangerous trip?" Finally asked the warrior, keeping me still, though I was able to keep balance myself.
"Why didn't you use teleport instead?"
"I have no money."
With a sigh, mage took out a pouch, and gave it to me.
"Is two thousands of adena enough?"
I widened my eyes, and nodded shyly. With this amount of money I could even buy new gear!
"Y-yes.. Thank you, sir." I got up and bowed to him. "Thank you, as well." I bowed to the warrior too. "Is there anything I could do for you?"
"Yes, there is something.." Mage smiled at me, and pointed at gatekeeper. "Go to Gludin and find a place to sleep. Only then continue your journey."

Once again I thanked my saviors. They haven't introduced themselves to me, neither did I. But I never forgot the kindness they showed towards me. In less than minute, thanks to the gatekeeper, I was at the Gludin village. Since I had no money to spend, I went to the church, and slept there on the ground. The same nightmares got me that night, just like any other night. But even in my sleep I knew, that there's a big adventure awaiting for me, and those bad dreams were no longer scaring me.
I remember in those days how everyone was on edge... I never paid attention to it back then because I thought it was people being supersitious, but now I realize that there was truth behind that fear. The rumors that reached us from Aden, the Elves and their nightmares and the Dwarves suddenly discovering more and more hidden ruins... It was the beggining of the end.

Being a human is not an easy fate. Our bodies enter this world weak and shaky and we are forced to sit back and wait patiently until we are developed enough to begin the training that the Elves had taught us many years ago. Even then, the amount of limits we must overcome to advance in our schools of magic or fighting are way too numerous. There are those that argue that this is a benefit that allows us to learn more much more quickly, and that the fact that our overall abilities are “well-rounded” offers us the ability to progress as we see fit. I disagree. Without any particular talents we are left in the hands of hard work and effort if we wish to keep up with the other races that are blessed with more powerful gifts from the gods. The Elves had their strong bonds with magic and nature, the Dwarves had their ingenuity and business drive, the Orcs had their spirits and strength and the Dark Elves had their dark magic and ambitions. But what did we have? Every single thing we possessed had once belonged to another race (including the parts of our body, according to some legends) and only a selected few make it to the elite of this world. Still... If I wanted to get somewhere, I would have to stop whining about these things and keep going.

My name is Hairo. Those that have seen and traveled the world describe me as a “human fighter”, something I have grown accustomed to over the years. It was not because of this, however, that I had dedicated my entire life to learning the art of fighting here in Talking Island. Every night, just before the sun came up, I would make my way to Cedric's Training on the far edges of the island to practice my skills with a sword and dagger. I would return only when the sun had set down once again, leaving me a scarce few hours to stroll along the beach and relax before ending the day in my small bed. Such a mundane routine was necessary to teach our limit body how to cope with it's existence and how to harden it and train it to make it more loyal to the mind. Luckily, I had no problems learning the basics and I was soon granted my first set of leathery armor and a weapon of my own to begin my adventures in the more dangerous parts of Talking Island. I remember leaving the Training Hall that day more sick of it than I had ever been before.

I first decided to make my way to the village to gather some supplies and to sell what I had collected from my hunting (which amounted to nearly nothing in the end). It was not my first time leaving the village in the opposite direction but this time I was armed and ready to fight, unlike before. The Orcs that had chased me to the village many times scattered across the green plains that led towards the forest and, eventually, the mountains where the infamous Elven Ruins were located. The truth was that I had plans to go into the ruins and see for myself what kind of dangers awaited all the adventures I had seen make their way there. It brought a grin to my lips to think I was finally one of them and that this was the first to my awaited dream of becoming the greatest and most powerful fighter known to any race.

It felt like an eternity before I reached the Obelisk of Victory, cutting my way through an infinite number Orcs, wolves and spiders. I could feel myself grow stronger with each enemy I slaughtered and this drove me to take many detours along the way to make sure I left none of these fiends unattended. Still, by the time I had reached the giant monument, I was out of breath and my muscles ached from all the running and sword swinging. This would of not been a problem if I had kept using the wooden sword I had departed with, but one of the Orcs had left their longsword on the ground before fleeing the scene and I decided to give it a better use he would of ever given it. This weapon proved to be invaluable as I encountered tougher and stronger opponents along the way and I could not help but admire its beauty as I sat down on the steps of the Obelisk to take a break.

“You are quite luck to find one of those, my friend...” said a voice from up ahead. When I looked up, I saw another fellow adventurer that did not seem too different from myself walking towards me with his wooden sword sheathed. I grinned.
“Yeah, it definitely makes all of this Orc culling much easier”
“I bet it does...” he replied, a hint of jealousy in his words before he added. “We should team up. Perhaps we can get closer to their elites if we do”.
I considered his request and found that I was not too keen on the idea. Sure, two fighters meant more and tougher enemies to take on, but I was in a hurry to reach the Elven Ruins. There was no time to worry about someone else.
“Your offer is an interesting one...” I said with a slow nod. “But I must decline. Feel free to find me if you run into trouble though”.

And with these words, I got up and made my way down one of the paths that led to the beach. I could not see him but I knew he was scowling, obviously seeing arrogance arrogance in my words even though I meant them simply because of efficiency. I knew my own strength and capabilities and it was much easier to elaborate a plan with just this in mind rather than adding someone else and their inexperience. It was nothing personal against my fellow fighter, it was just the way I did things.

If I wanted to reach the Elven Ruins and place myself one step further to becoming the strongest in Aden, I needed to focus. Thinking about this brought renewed strength and I could not stop myself from grinning as I dashed towards a group of Orcs staring into the ocean with my blade raised.

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