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My Wish List(Updated 2/27/12)

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Jan 15, 2012
Hey there everyone my name is Treader. Little bit about myself in the real world before we get things started. I'm 19 going on 20 in May and I am currently serving in the Navy. I tore my ACL and subsequently had surgery on it February 22nd. I can't really walk around or move much and was given a free month of leave to rest up and get better. I'm deciding to immerse myself with this site as one of my pass-times while I'm getting better and hoping to continue some good role plays far into the future. I am originally from Southern Illinois, however I am currently serving in California.

I have been role playing for the majority of my life beginning with the old world of darkness moving in to forum role plays on msn groups before it became defunct, and later on experiencing a multitude of other games. I have played dungeons and dragons extensively and I really enjoy the fantasy settings but nowadays I mainly play with my friends the New World of Darkness. Interesting how things come around like that huh?

Here is a little rabbit hole I've put together to show my interests. Treader

I generally play characters who are shy and cautious and have every move thought out before they do it. This tends to make my characters not so much submissive in the true sense of the word but definitely having the non-sexually aggressive aspect. Also, when I am in a game I am more focused on the story, sure sometimes some mindless sex is fun and sometimes it happens but I like the journey to and from much better than just the sex. Another thing, I really enjoy the forming of bonds. If the characters are just going through the motions because that's what they think is expected of them, than it won't be that interesting. In a role play it is best when characters form their own likes and dislikes about the people who are around them. Also just like in any good story there has to be conflict, whether it is between the two characters or an outside source that we work together to bring into existence it must exist. I like to think of the things we are doing more as a collaborative story than a role play and I'd prefer if it came out to look like that from the very beginning.

I am going to list a few ideas that are thought out enough to give us a place to start from. However the things that I mention are by no means static. If there are some changes you'd like to suggest to make things interesting to you or even more fun, then by all means let me know. If you have ideas you'd like to see in the story just give them to me. I really like to flesh out setting, and character details, so in the beginning I want a descriptive character bio. You don't have to go into minute details, I just want to be able to picture that persons appearance and attitude. If you can find a picture to represent your character I would be fine with that as well, but I still want you to describe how they act. I also am not asking for too much from every post, by all means if you've got something to say then say it but sometimes I know there are times when one paragraph gets things done. I will try my best to get at least one every post, but I know that sometimes I can artistically represent a lot of action in a single paragraph.

All of my role plays will be male/female, also one more thing before I start listing ideas. I expect there to be combat in just about every role play I do. It's fun and odds are we will be playing in a high fantasy setting, plus sometimes you need to just cut loose and blast someone with a fireball.

_1_ : Mage and a Warrior
My character would be a talented sorcerer in this high fantasy world. War breaks out between the humans, elves and several other "light aligned" races against several of the "dark aligned" races. He is brought into the front lines on the very first battle. Tensions have been mounting for years and this war was looked at as only a matter of time because of the prejudices of both sides, and when the two sides meet it is simply terrifying. My character would be a human and as the battle begins he spies a beauty on his side of the battlefield. Captivated by her looks, he can't seem to understand why she is here, until he sees her amazing skills with a weapon. Things begin to get interesting as things start to go south quickly for the "light aligned."
( More information about setting, races and plot available upon request)

_2_: Ruffian and a Vampire
In this setting based in an early Medieval European capitol city(I won't state which one for artistic freedom). My character is a fighter, his past is unsure, in fact everyone seems to be scared of him. He isn't very tall and is actually pretty skinny despite his physique being very well defined. His mere presence seems to discourage people from any aggressive action, which allows him to drink and have a good time with very little worries, also the fact that he seems to get along well with all the cities police in the lower class areas seems to work out for his benefit most of the time. Your character a female vampire has taken in interest in him. Whether she intends him to be her next meal or for other reasons she quickly finds out there is more to him than just a reputation when she fails to control him with her powers of suggestion.

_3_: In the Vast Emptiness of Space
Our characters are recruited onto a heavily armored ship carrying a weapons load out bound for the war-front in the galaxy. The ships crew is made up of several tough space cowboys but is still technically a civilian manned supply ship, even though the armaments can contend with any military vessel. Also the ammunition on board could level several fleets. Our characters are just typical people on board the such a ship of such magnitude. However things get interesting when a mutiny on board causes damages to the ship and an emergency crash-landing onto an uncharted planet. The struggles of the crew continue even on the dangerous new planet they'd discovered. This story would start with our characters meeting before the mutiny and continuing from there.

_4_: Special Forces of a Fantasy World
Both of our characters are in a small special forces division working for one of the countries of the light aligned. As the war is starting and the first major battle is taking place we are sent in in a different area, to accomplish different, more sinister objectives than the armies that are gathering in other places. This occurs in the same world as my mage and a warrior role play.

( this is a living list, so it will grow constantly.)
RE: My Wish List

I updated and added another plot line to go off of. Hopefully more in the future!
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