Order and Chaos [Kaybee x Konrad Curze]


Oct 12, 2011
Elena was on her knees, her gadgets and tools of her craft as an artificer gone, wearing nothing but a simple cloth that covered her crotch, her wrists and ankles bound to the prisoners -no. Slaves. She reminded herself- adjacent to her. They were all inhabitants of her planet, a simple farming world that had easily fallen to the surprise attack by the forces of Chaos. She had expected death as the warriors had entered her workshop, a swift end at the hands of one of the brutal chaos space marines, but instead she had been taken and chained to others, a line that grew longer and longer as more and more prisoners joined it. Elena had counted more than eighty other pour souls, and wondered on their fate in a sort of detached way, not associating the horrors that could be visited upon them to the possibility that they could just as easily be visited upon herself.

Eventually they were rounded up, made to walk into the belly of what had once been a space marine gunship, and taken away from their home, the soil every one of them had lived their entire lives upon. With a glance around the dimly lit bay, Elena realized something else as the juddering slowed, the shuttle leaving the atmosphere. Nearly every prisoner is a woman... She could see a few men here or there but for the most part she could see an acre of female bodies and suddenly recalled her own state of undress, feeling extremely shy all of a sudden. Finally, the ramp lowered again and they were all led blinking into a cargo bay, the bright lighting blinding after the dim interior of the thunderhawk.

They were made to sit in a line, the warriors of Chaos began to gather about them, looking over the long line of captured farmers. What will be done to us? Elena wondered for the umpteenth time, but with nothing to do, she simply sat and waited, her arms crossed to cover her breasts like much of the rest of the line, even the girls she knew as promiscuous suddenly seeming shy and fearful -as they should be- before the Chaotic presence.
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