Fhallon Storm
- Joined
- Feb 17, 2012
Hi this is just a thred for a wolf romance rp . There is no plot just yet, a go with the flow type thing .But if you have any suggestions please tell me
Name: Storm
Age : 17
Gender: female:
Looks :http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/199549_1910250358891_1320811464_2206415_3279330_n.jpg human form: http://data.whicdn.com/images/5380926/tumblr_ld2ye1OtWt1qztq5so1_500_thumb.jpg?1291810904
Personality: friendly, playful,shy at times.,Sweet loveing.Strong willed bold, smart, witty
Storm padded around the mossy wooded path As it started to rain.She whimpered lethargic and hungry.Storm found a small cave behinds a large oak tree and lLaid down passing out from exhaustion .
Don't forget the romance hehe[/color]
Open to first guy character!!