Wind Waker (me & Fun Times)


Dec 16, 2011
The moon was full tonight and the light from it shone brightly on the dark ocean waves. Link had been on Tetra’s pirate ship since this afternoon and was on her way to the Forsaken Fortress. Her little sister, Aryll, had been kidnapped that morning by a giant bird. The bird had come to the island carrying Tetra in his claws as Tetra’s pirate ship was giving chase. The bird dropped Tetra into the forest and Link had managed to save her. The bird, however, mistook Aryll for Tetra and took her and flew off. Tetra decided to help Link get her sister back in order to repay her life debt to Link. The fortress was in view now over the horizon. “We’ll be there any minute now.” Tetra came up on deck as Link was sitting there staring out into the waves.

The ship had managed to get close to the fortress but had to stop once it gotten within a certain range. “Captain we can’t go any further the ship is heavily armed and there are search lights everywhere we’ll get spotted immediately especially in this moon light. Tetra then got an idea. She handed Link a necklace and made her wear it. “We’re gonna send you into the fortress now, as long as you have that on you we can communicate with each other even at a distance.” Tetra signaled her henchmen to make the preparations. They loaded Link onto the cannon in the middle of the ship and fired her towards the fortress. She landed in the water within the walls of the fortress.

Link was equipped with a sword and shield. She also had the telescope that she had received from Aryll for her 17th birthday. However all of her equipment had fallen off of her when she was launched from the cannon. She would be defenseless until she recovered her sword and shield. Link made her way over to the shore and stood in front of the stairs that lead up to the fortress. The place was heavily guraded by Bokoblins, Miniblins, and Moblins. Link got a message from Tetra via her necklace. “Link be careful this place is crawling with guards and with your weapon missing you’re completely defenseless, so make sure not to get caught.”
Getting sent into a dark, mysterious facility had never been one of Link's plans when she sent out to rescue her sister, and when she ended up on her ass with no sword and dozens of armed monsters wanting her dead, Link was not happy. The blonde was surprised to hear the voice from the necklace from her neck, even though she had been told that it would speak, and the young woman listened to it and nodded. Being captured and killed was not something that interested her. It was hard to save your sister when you were dead. Rising to her feet, the woman rubbed at her sore body a little before getting serious. It was time for some serious business. The young woman moved slowly up the stairs, her eyes divided between the searchlights and the guards. When the woman saw the barrels, she smiled. Link had an idea.

Seeing the Moblin turn back on his predetermined path of searching, the girl held in a grunt as much as she could when she slid the barrel on top of her, a convenient hole in it allowing her blue eyes to peak out into the world around her. Sure, these guys were probably dumb enough that a barrel a bit out of place would attract attention, but no one was stupid enough to think that it was simply a barrel with legs. One of the bright lights passed across her cover, and then she got to moving. The first thing to do was to deal with the searchlights. It would be hard to get to her sister, or get away, if these lights kept looking around the area. Her sword would be step two.
While Link was hiding in the barrel a mouse holding a bomb scurried towards her. The mouse ran into the barrel at full speed and exploded. The barrel shattered and Link was sent flying. The Moblin turned back around and threw its lantern in Link's direction. The area around her burst into flames and the Moblin ran up to her and grabbed her. His big hands were around her small waist and he ppicked her up and carried her off to the upper levels of the fortress. He opened up the doors to a Cell and threw her in. Surprisingly instead of closing the door he walked in and began to approach her. A bulge could be seen sticking out through the Moblin's pants and he began to pull his pants down as he approached her.

When he got in front of her he pulled out his massive pig dick and held it in her face. He made grunts and snorted while shaking his cock up and down in front of her. A voice could be heard again from Link's necklace. "How repulsive, but it seems like you really have no choice here Link. Hopefully he'll leave once he's finished if you get what I mean."
ks9045 said:
While Link was hiding in the barrel a mouse holding a bomb scurried towards her. The mouse ran into the barrel at full speed and exploded. The barrel shattered and Link was sent flying. The Moblin turned back around and threw its lantern in Link's direction. The area around her burst into flames and the Moblin ran up to her and grabbed her. His big hands were around her small waist and he ppicked her up and carried her off to the upper levels of the fortress. He opened up the doors to a Cell and threw her in. Surprisingly instead of closing the door he walked in and began to approach her. A bulge could be seen sticking out through the Moblin's pants and he began to pull his pants down as he approached her.

When he got in front of her he pulled out his massive pig dick and held it in her face. He made grunts and snorted while shaking his cock up and down in front of her. A voice could be heard again from Link's necklace. "How repulsive, but it seems like you really have no choice here Link. Hopefully he'll leave once he's finished if you get what I mean."
The hiss of the bomb filled the air, but before the young girl could do anything, the much louder sound of an explosion filled the air, and the wood around her splintered, being turned into a pile of burning wood around a slightly-crouched blonde with a look of both fear and surprise on her face. Explosions attracted attention, as did random intruders, so she knew that this would not work out well for her. Before Link could move away, one of the Moblins decided that it was time to make an introduction to her. When a strong hand went around her body, she knew that she wasn't going to be getting away. A moment of struggling showed her that it would be futile.

When she met the hard ground of the cell, a small grunt escaped her mouth, her entire body slightly sore from the feeling. Link sat up, turning to face the pig-like creature. He did not look friendly, but he looked pretty interested in her. A gasp of shock escaped her mouth when the cock was revealed in front of her head, the smell of a cock that hadn't been washed in too long filling the air, causing her nose hairs to curl. It took a few moments for her to realize what Tetra was getting at, as a young girl from a small island wasn't exactly knowledgeable about sex. The blonde didn't want to do it, but there was no choice at this point. Her sister couldn't be saved from here. She had to do it. Her mouth wrapped around the head of the cock, sucking at it as the disgusting taste filled her mouth, making it hard to breath and avoid gagging. She began licking at it, trying to focus on not gagging or retching at the terrible smell and taste inside of her mouth and nose.
A huge grin spread across the Moblin's face as Link began to peck his cock. He began to grunt and snort as he grew more and more excited. A Moblin's dick emits a terrible smell that drives any woman mad if she's exposed to it for too long. The Moblin grew impatient with Link's slow blow job and so her grabbed the back of her head and forced his pig cock all the way into her mouth and down her throat. The Moblin began to fuck her throat like it was a pussy and gave no regard for Link's well being. He was scrapping the inside of her mouth with his smelly dick and as he fucked her the smell smeared into her tongue forever engraving the taste and smell into Link's memory.

The Moblin's cock began to twitch as he fucked Link's face. his breathing got heavier and her let out a grunt as he pushed Link's head back and forth. his cock began to pulse before releasing his thick heavy load into Link's mouth. There was so much that it spilled out of Link's mouth and onto her shirt staining it in his juices. The Moblin's cum was sour and had a pungent taste. After he was satisfied he let go of Link and left the cell and went back on patrol.

"Now's your chance Link. This fortress is pretty old so I'm sure f you look hard enough you can find a loose birck or two or a place in the ceiling that's missing some roofing. Well I'm sure you can figure this out somehow, but I'm not holding my breath." And with that Link was left in her cage covered in Moblin cum.
[Link was so busy keeping herself from turning away at the smell that was wafting up to her nose that she didn't put any attention into increasing the pleasure, which left it as no surprise when he decided to take matters into his own hands, the head of his cock moving from right inside her lips to the back of her throat with one strong thrust, driving it in with the force of a drill. Her protests became muffled grunts with the large cock filling her, and be began moving it back and forth with the force that he had used to hold her. The woman knew she could do nothing to get away, and at that point, let him do his thing, holding herself steady as he pleasured himself with her mouth, his scent filling and permeating her nose and mouth, leaving the disgusting scene all over her mouth.

When the strong pulse vibrated through her head, she bracer herself for what was coming next, and a torrent of his juices spilled into her, much of the disgusting paste forcing itself down her throat into her stomach, the rest of it filling her mouth and dripping out of the front. When he finally pulled out, she thought about swallowing, but that wasn't going to happen, so she spilled it out on the ground in front of her, the scent fusing with that of the Moblin's dick, both scents filling the blonde's nose.

When the voice again filled her head, the heroine nodded and rose to her feet. A rape couldn't be able to stop her, and even though Tetra didn't sound convinced, she wouldn't give up yet. The young woman used the furniture she could to get to the ceiling, and like she said, there were some loose bricks. It took a strong push, but finally some of it gave way, the moonlight filling the room. It was good that she was thin, so she could slide out of the cell with a sigh of relief. Now it was sword-hunting time.
Luckily for Link the cells were located on the third floor of the fortress. When she emerged outside her cell she stood on a steep ledge with her back against the wall. From this place she could see most of the fortress layed out before her eyes. There were five towers and one of them was the one she was standing on. The other four were in front of her arranged in a circle formation around the fortress. The one right across from her appeared to be the tallest tower, it had half of a ship lodged onto it. The other three in front of her were pretty low rise they sported spotlights 2 on each. She could see that each tower had one bokoblin guarding it and another one maning the lights. If she could manage to take out the Bokoblins maning the spotlights she'd be able to walk around the fortress without being seen at all.

She also spoted what appeared to be her sword on one of the towers. It was wedged into the ground near the spotlight and it was surprising that none of the guards had picked it up or even seemed to have noticed it. If she could get her hands on that then she'd have nothing to fear, well maybe the big Moblins could still give her some trouble but at least she'd have a fighting chance. The camera stopped moving and Link had gotten control over her body again. The tower she was on was pretty high up therefore some wind managed to blow in her direction. It wasn't strong enough to knock her down or anything but it was certainly too cold for her to endure especially with what she was wearing. A green v-neck tunic with her cleavage sticking out which was now wet due to the Moblin's cum, a skirt that her grandma had made for her thinking she'd look cute in it, and sme white stockings with some pointed brown shoes.
ks9045 said:
Luckily for Link the cells were located on the third floor of the fortress. When she emerged outside her cell she stood on a steep ledge with her back against the wall. From this place she could see most of the fortress layed out before her eyes. There were five towers and one of them was the one she was standing on. The other four were in front of her arranged in a circle formation around the fortress. The one right across from her appeared to be the tallest tower, it had half of a ship lodged onto it. The other three in front of her were pretty low rise they sported spotlights 2 on each. She could see that each tower had one bokoblin guarding it and another one maning the lights. If she could manage to take out the Bokoblins maning the spotlights she'd be able to walk around the fortress without being seen at all.

She also spoted what appeared to be her sword on one of the towers. It was wedged into the ground near the spotlight and it was surprising that none of the guards had picked it up or even seemed to have noticed it. If she could get her hands on that then she'd have nothing to fear, well maybe the big Moblins could still give her some trouble but at least she'd have a fighting chance. The camera stopped moving and Link had gotten control over her body again. The tower she was on was pretty high up therefore some wind managed to blow in her direction. It wasn't strong enough to knock her down or anything but it was certainly too cold for her to endure especially with what she was wearing. A green v-neck tunic with her cleavage sticking out which was now wet due to the Moblin's cum, a skirt that her grandma had made for her thinking she'd look cute in it, and sme white stockings with some pointed brown shoes.

When Link came out onto the slim ledge, she slammed her back up against the wall, not wanting to die an embarrassing death from falling. That wouldn't even be heroic. Her eyes scanned around the area, taking note of the towards that occupied the outer edge. There was no way that the heroine could get around with all of those searchlights looking around, maybe even having been alerted by the Moblin that had recently finished raping her mouth. The young girl hadn't even so much as seen a cock in her past, so to have one introduced roughly to her throat was quite the odd experience. Blech. Moblins needed to learn how to wash. Maybe then they wouldn't have to resort to raping female adventurers for kicks.

Knowing that standing there wouldn't do any good, the female got to work, moving slowly down the ledge. First she had to get the sword, as it would be hard to take out the searchlights without a sword to fight off the Bokoblins. If a Moblin dick was that gross, she didn't want to know what the cocks of other monsters were like. It was hard to move and not fall, and when the cold wind struck her, the blonde braced against the wall, not wanting it to blow her off. A chatter came from her teeth as the cold air slid across her skin. Did the outfit make her look adorable? Yes, but was it warm? No. For a moment, Link couldn't help but wish that her grandmother had put a longer skirt on, or at least some longer sleeves. The blonde felt a little bad that such a nice piece of clothing had been ruined by the thick cum of a Moblin. It would take time to get the scent and taste out of her clothing and her mouth.

It took a lot of careful movement, but finally the heroine made it to the tower that she wanted to get to. Her sword was tantalizingly close, but there was still the Bokoblin to deal with. Stealth was her first choice. When his attention was the other way, the blonde set to sneaking past him to her blade, hoping that he was stupid and she was quiet.
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