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As Day Fades

Feb 7, 2009
Everything was...hazy.

Especially where to go from here.

Though, things weren't hazy at all, were they? They were tumultuous, they were chaotic. Lightning cracked through the sky. Steady rain fell upon Kratos' face, washing away the blood, the water leaving his body as soon as it came, carried off by the same wind that beat about what little clothing the Spartan wore. Zeus was dead. Most of the gods and goddesses were, with Kratos now standing upon Olympus in a victory that hardly felt worth celebrating. As he looked about at broken columns and a shattered paradise, at flames everywhere being put out by wind and rain, the muscles of his body just...relaxed. He didn't know what else to do, really. Zeus lay dead only a few feet away. Equally dead were any that had aided the godly king. His wife and son were still dead. Vengeance was complete. The mortal realm was uninhabitable, filled with floods and locusts and souls wandering about free. The realm of the gods was...destroyed, but inhabitable. Though completely undesirable. His upper lip found a slight sneer as he looked about, even considering the idea.

Turning, Kratos started to walk. The steps were slow, holding no goal ahead of them in mind. "Still, it's somehow better this way," he grumbled, looking about at the smoke and rubble of the once-temple at the mountain's apex. "No more tyrants...even if there are none left to tyrant over. Let them all cease -- I have found my revenge." Tired, his body sore, bruised and cut, each footstep came heavily as the Spartan warrior found himself approaching an overturned column. He paused when he came to it, his strong face and cold eyes glancing down, fists balled together in resistance. Of something. He wasn't sure what.

"There is nothing left to accomplish, is there?" Kratos spoke to himself. Glaring down at the rubble, he continued, his tone heavy, gravelly, "The bastards all have their release, and yet here I am, 'victorious.'"

The glare continued, as did the howling wind brushing against his face in the open air.
Pandora stood looking out from a different point, Kratos had done as he set out to do and though thrilled she was worried about him. Turning her odd ice blue eyes fell upon his face; he was weary, as was she. At least now rest could come and perhaps peace as well. The odd mix of despair and peace was unsettling. Mayhem was all around them and it seemed as though all was lost, but Pandora had faith. Looking around others stirred amongst the rubble. The rain and wind where the last thing on her mind as she lifted her leather clad feet to cross over to his side as he wandered aimlessly amongst the columns.

The white of her tunic was frayed around the edges and drenched, her petite body was seen through the fabric but she didn’t bother with it. His last question hit upon her ears, looking around there was much to accomplish. “You are victorious Kratos; the feat you accomplished was amazing and some said impossible. The fact that you spared my life and still defeated Zeus… remarkable. You have my respect and admiration as well as devotion.” She touched his cheek, the rain had rinsed off the blood and mud leaving behind the face that plagued her dreams. The wind picked up causing tendrils of flame red and blonde hair to whip about her face as she moved closer. A chill raced her spine as she held a thin arm, one finger shakily pointing out to the mountain around them.

“There is still much to do, many tasks to accomplish.” Her ice blue eyes settled on him after trailing around them at the debris and rubble. “You are needed in a new way, we all are. How are those left supposed to survive without guidance. You can take that on, it is only right. Since you defeated Zeus, you must take his spot as god of the gods and goddesses. Your offspring should fill the emptied thrones.” An odd tingle rattled its way through her belly while a pleasant smile crept over her features. A girl could dream and lately her dreams had been of repopulating the heavens with him. If only he’d allow her to prove herself worthy of being the one to bear him many children. She knew he saw her as a child, and in many ways that was true, but she was not and needed to show him the woman she could be.

Blinking there she stood looking up at him, climbing atop the column she was able to look him in the eye. “I never did properly thank you for sparing my life. I had faith that you could do it perhaps you knew all along and only meant to test me. My allegiance is to you Kratos, always.” Looking into his eyes, she felt the pain he still carried and the burden as well. “I heard you say they have their release… is there a way that I can help you receive yours.” She knew that opening herself up to him in this way could be dangerous but she was willing to try anything just to see him happy. “Please let me help, it’s the least I can do.”
He heard words through the din of the wind, and it was then that he remembered Pandora was even here. Through the fight with Zeus she'd been forgotten about. Kratos didn't turn to acknowledge her but he did listen, somewhat at least, and only whenever the booming sound of thunder did not overwhelm the skies.

"They should survive on their own. I am not someone to depend on," he replied simply and with a grumbling irritation. "And my only offspring is dead."

He'd felt the fingers on his face, but it wasn't until Pandora climbed upon the fallen column so as to look him in the eyes that Kratos actually looked back at her. He stared into her blue pools as she spoke. When she finished, when silence rose up between them, Kratos' gaze fell from her face to look over the rest of her body. Ever-bold, the warrior-god thought nothing of looking her over, specifically how the rain caused the thin garment she wore to cling to her small, pert breasts, how it pronounced her nipples against the fabric, and how it caused a shimmer on the rest of the skin that wasn't covered in the first place. "The only release I desire at this point is death's. Yet, with Hades dead, I would not find it now even were I to die -- my soul would wander, unguided to its final resting place."

Kratos brushed past her. "Let others accomplish whatever needs to be. I did not kill everyone, only the ones foolish enough to resist my revenge." An arm shoved her aside from that column, with Kratos stepping over and walking past it, a flash in the dark sky briefly illuminating the pale white skin of his muscled form and the red streak that ran down it. "I will find...something," he exhaled, disappointment tinging his voice. Kratos continued on in his walk, as he did in his thoughts, every unguided, leathered step taking him across an open square and to the steps of another nearby temple. He could remove himself from the rain, at least.
Seeing the way he looked over her, she licked her lips and watched him her eyes locking on his face. Her face fell but only internally. As he moved past, she wanted to scream for him to stop to allow her the pleasure of his body. She toppled from the column and landed in the mud. “And I am nothing?” she whispered, almost to herself. Standing up she moved toward the fountain in the center, she dipped her hands in the water and splashed the water over her face cleaning up her peach tinted skin. Leaning over the edge, she peered at herself. Did he not desire her? Pandora smiled at the reflection and trailed her fingers in the water to clear away her image.

She’d seen the temple he ducked into, would it be proper to throw herself at him? Did it matter; Pandora bit her lower lip as she stepped quietly behind him in the darkened room. The only light was from torches along the walls, she didn’t know whose temple it was but she knew they were alone. “You have found something… me.” She moved to the alter in the middle of the room and held her hands out to it to warm herself. “It is cold Kratos,” She pulled at her tunic allowing it to fall to the stone floor. Her creamy skin glowing golden in the fire as she exposed herself to his scrutiny. Her petite form was unmarred other than a few small scratches on her knees and elbows.

“May I help you from your wet clothes?” Her small hands slid up to her red locks freeing them from their bindings and allowing them to fall about her shoulders in a mess of waves. “Perhaps we can find a way to keep warm…” her hands moved over his pale flesh, the muscles were hard as she’d always imagined them to be. The red mark on his skin she traced with the tips of her fingers. “You can have more offspring Kratos… with me. I offer myself to you,” Her pale blue eyes went to his, “Allow me to take it all away, I offer my body for your use only. Please Kratos, I want to.” She clasped his hand and moved it to one of her firm breasts. “Please?”
Why had he even entered here again? To be rid of the rain, but as Kratos stood looking about the open circular temple, murals embossed along its walls, a statue and an altar in its center, he had to wonder -- now what? Walk somewhere else? Then sit? Then rest? Then eat? Then continue on, possessing no purpose anymore for existence? Droplets of water cascaded the Spartan's chiseled form as he looked about, his face calm, yet still bearing a disapproving sneer.

Then a voice came, from behind, and the war god turned to look over his shoulder. He watched quietly as Pandora walked around him and to the altar to warm her hands. For a moment Kratos went back to observing the display itself, a ten foot bronze statue of Helios, the sun god, and one of the litany who fell to his twin blades. So they were in Helios' temple? The altar itself was a flat surface about four feet high, also bronze, its surface meant for offerings to a deity that had apparently been well respected by his peers; to the left and the right were standing braziers, with the flames from their full torches giving off what felt rare in Olympus right now -- light and heat both.

It was the fall of that wet robe to a puddle at the goddess' feet that took over from Kratos' peripheral vision, now having him look back to her, his gaze openly soaking in the nude, petite thing that so nonchalantly stood before him. He watched as her hands rose up, and with it so did her breasts and her ribs, her tummy becoming taut as she stretched. He looked down to the crotch she so willingly bared to him. He looked back up to her face, framed now by blonde and by red that Pandora had allowed to settle loosely about. Were this all not surprising enough, now she was approaching him. Touching him. Speaking of being...his.

"More?" He questioned, his body remaining rigid as he looked down into her eyes. The idea, even the suggestion of a new woman, a new child, would have seen most others have their neck snapped in anger. For some reason he cared for this girl though, for Pandora. "And what makes you suitable," he asked slowly, disapprovingly. "You want to bear me a child? Children? As what, mother and servant both? Where is this from? What is your purpose? And what makes you worthy?"

His left hand remained where she had set it, upon her right breast, where it now squeezed down, firmly feeling the supple skin -- barely an A-cup, as small, tight and firm as the rest of her. Kratos' right hand rose up to Pandora's face, cupping her chin and jaw with his palm, his pale fingers wrapping around her freckled cheeks. Staring icily into her eyes, he spoke, "What makes you think you could even survive getting fucked by the God of War, little girl?"
She didn’t shy away as he looked her over; she felt his eyes sliding over her every part. Her sex fluttered at the prospect of him taking her as he wished, she wanted him. His words struck deep, straight to the heart. She opened her mouth to answer but no words would come as his hand caressed her breast, squeezing the flesh enough to have her moan, her eyes closed, it had been so long since she had been touched like this. And he, the one she wanted, questioned her motives. Her head hung; couldn’t he see that she wanted him? Was he so blind to her as a woman that he couldn’t see her desire?

Pandora shoved away from him the cruelty of his words bashing her over the head. “I’m not a child, I’ve told you time and time again. I am a woman. I want YOU. Why can’t YOU see it?” Her blue eyes held hurt. “Is it so improbable to you that I bear you a child or many? I have nothing left for me Kratos, only you. I am worthy because you spared me, it is MY destiny to serve you in this way.” She looked around and stared at the red line on his body anything to avoid his gaze.

“My purpose… I wish to take your pain away and become your companion. I want to see you smile Kratos; I know you are capable of it.” While speaking her blue eyes went to his face sweeping over his stern and strong features. “I would survive. Not only am I stronger than you allow me credit for. I don’t think you would allow yourself to hurt me.” She licked her lips slowly hoping, to whatever god or goddess she could, that she was right.

“Why is it so hard to believe that I could be what you have been missing? I understand hurt and loss. I was locked in a cage when you found me… do you think I enjoyed my life?” She laid her hand on his chest, not expecting an answer, “I didn’t… you freed me. Now allow me to free you…” she drug her small fingertips down his body to the top of his coverings at his waist. “Please?” Her heart thundered in her ears and a small chill worked its way up her spine, her dusky nipples beaded because of it. Her head was tilted up at him; she waited her eyes soft as she gazed at him.
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