I love to hate you (MissBubbles and Hannibal)

Sep 3, 2011
Lexi pushed back her long curly black hair behind her shoulders as her long legs took her down the stairway towards the common room. Rounding the corner her thick lips formed a beautiful smile when she spotted her favorite blonde sitting in a chair reading the paper. Lexi took a lot of joy out of annoying Draco, especially in the morning. He always made it so easy for her. She would never deny there wasn't a sexual attraction that she had towards him but he was always such a dick and she could never get past that. Lexi quickly made her way over to Draco's lap, sitting across his legs with a smile. Her arm wrapped around his neck as she leaned back against his chest, "Were you waiting down here for me?" She asked jokingly. Draco always hated when she touched or sat near him but she could tell he some what enjoyed playing along with her. The two had a strange relationship but for the time being Lexi genuinely enjoyed it.

Her eyes scanned over him and stopped at his. For such an asshole he had the most gorgeous eyes. She could tell there was hate built up behind them as he stared at her. They were going to play with one another for the time being but usually by the end of the day they were yelling down each others throats. The boy had an arrogance about him that Lexi hated more then anything. At the same time on those rare occasions when Draco flirted back with her, she would nearly give in once in a while. Lexi knew if she ever gave into him it would be nothing more then adding a notch to his bedpost for Draco, she was sure he had slept with every girl in Slytherin besides her. When she first met him she had thought it over for a second but she couldn't bare to give herself over to such a jerk.
The man had been sitting in the chair reading the paper about his favorite Quidditch team. It didn't hurt that his father happened to own majority share of them, but that was beside the point. Fact of the matter was, they had lost again and this is what made Draco rather upset. That was when Lexi had plopped down on his lap and ruined his train of thought. This morning, however, Draco was feeling particularly good, he had finally closed the deal with Ms. Pansy Parkinson after months of trying to convince her. It didn't take too long, but nonetheless Draco was full of spirit this morning.

"I was wondering what smelt like that bastard Blaise, and I guess now I know." He said looking her up and down for just a moment before ripping what was left of his paper out from under her. He and Blaise Zabini were close, but they were always butting heads. He was actually gifted at Quidditch whereas Draco was just rich and had better things than everyone else. He was getting better though. There had been rumors going around the Slytherin Common room that Lexi and Blaise had had a little thing going, and he had heard it from the horses mouth itself that it was true. Matter of fact, Blaise couldn't hang out with him and Pansy last night because of Lexi and that allowed him to close the deal. He supposed that he should be thankful of her. At the moment though, he would have his fun.

Not waiting for her to answer, he ran the outside of his hand against her cheek and smiled. "What a lucky guy that Blaise, a good romp in the hay you are I bet?" He said, more of a rhetorical question to himself. "Better hurry, I hear Blaise is coming." He said as he looked towards the door. While he and Pansy perhaps were starting up, Blaise and Lexi seemed to be an actual relationship. That was cute, he would have to get the details from him at Quidditch Practice later in the day. For now, Draco Malfoy was perfectly content.
Lexi sat up a little in his lap when she felt him pull at his paper. Laughing at his comments she finally looked over to see Pansy staring at them. Pansy was a complete bitch and Lexi enjoyed more then anything to make her jealous when around Draco. The girl was obviously steaming mad as she glared over at them.

Feeling Draco's hand against her face she almost flinched away but she wanted Draco to know that he wasn't bothering her in the slightest. "What happens between Blaise and I is really none of your business." Her hand moved reaching up her finger brushed down his nose, "You're a nosey little thing aren't you." Feeling Pansy's eyes on them she finally looked over at the girl lazily finger waving to her. Leaning in her lips brushed over Draco's ear causing the girl to stomp out of the common room. Lexi started to laugh uncontrollably, "It seems I've upset your little girlfriend."

Lexi decided she had done enough damager to ruin Draco's day a little and rose up from his lap. "Maybe we can all go on a double date to hogsmeade?" She laughed, half joking. Draco seemed to be in a good mood and she assumed it had something to do with all the smiling Pansy was doing. Lexi wondered how serious things were between them, she pushed those thoughts out of her head when she saw Blaise coming down the stairs.
The man knew better than to get upset with her. After all, he loved having the ball in his court and making the first move and Lexi always seemed to set him up with perfect conditions. Shrugging, he brushed Pansy storming off and looked at her. "I don't have to impress her." He said motioning at Blaise. "However, here is your man." He said as Blaise had come back from his class. Blaise's face was not too happy with Lexi, she was doing the one thing that he hated any of his girlfriends to do and that was flirt with Draco Malfoy. Matter of fact, he knew better than to trust whatever Draco said.

The man carrying his books put them down on the table. "Just what the fuck are you doing?" Blaise asked Lexi, clearly not pleased with her positioning. Unlike Draco and Pansy, he and Lexi were an actual couple around the school. He always got her the best seats for the Quidditch matches and this was how she repayed him? Draco gave Blaise a little nod, and went back to his paper while Blaise dealt with Lexi. "Well?" He said, his voice and temper starting to rise. He knew full well that Draco didn't pull Lexi on his own lap, probably Lexi just trying to mess around.

Shaking his head, he picked his books up and looked her square in the eye. "I'll give you ten minutes to try and think up an excuse or we're done. I'll be in my room." He said as he trudged up the stairs and when the sound of heavy footsteps stopped, the sound of a door slamming was heard. Draco looked at Lexi and laughed. "Now you have done it, you have pissed off one of the more wholesome guys we have." He said with a snicker. He knew he was untouchable with Blaise, but he wasn't so confident for Lexi.
When Draco mentioned Blaise Lexi was feeling slightly worried about what he would say or do. Her eyes widened slightly when Blaise spoke to her, he had never actually been angry with her before. She knew he had a well enough reason to be angry with her because after all Draco was his best friend. Lexi watched Blaise walk off after he more or less threatened to break up with her and could barely believe her day was going that badly already.

The girl was more then worried that Blaise would actually break up with her when Draco's laugh brought her back to reality. Lexi glared at Draco before immediately removing herself from his lap. Without a thought she headed up the stairs to Blaise's room. Lexi hated more then anything to apologize to someone but Blaise was fun and she genuinely liked him.

Taking a deep breath she knocked on his door, "I'm sorry Blaise. I was just trying to piss off Pansy but I promise I will not go near Draco again." She stood there for a moment hoping he would answer the door. Lexi was sure if he wouldn't take her apology she could persuade him to forgive her some other way.
It was true, for the whole four days to a week that Blaise and Lexi had officially been together, it had been pretty smooth sailing. Blaise had some sort of an idea that something might go awry with Draco but at the current moment, he wasn't thinking long term, he was angry now. When he had heard the knock, he trudged over to the door and ripped it open, half expecting to see Draco there. His mouth was wide open and he was about to start yelling at her, fortunately he thought before he started to yell and grabbed her arm and pulled her in the room.

Slamming the door behind him, he looked at her, pacing for just a moment trying to gather his thoughts. Letting out a sigh, he shook his head. He was worried about her sure, but at the moment he was worried about something else. "I don't want you to not go near him." He said bluntly. "We are friends, and we will hang out, I just don't want you to do that kind of stuff." He said as he started to pace again. He was starting to get more and more angry with her, but he had no idea how to formulate his words, and he didn't want to turn this into a yelling contest. Blaise Zabini tried to keep a level head.

The two were good friends, but that didn't mean that there wasn't some sort of rivalry between the two. Having her touchy feely on Draco meant that he looked weaker, and that was something that couldn't happen when he butt heads with Draco on a regular basis. "What do you think we should do?" He asked her, truly wanting to know what she had thought. This was a matter that they had to try and work through. Testing their bonds early. Blaise Zabini at heart was a better man than Draco, though he did have his temper. . .
Lexi stayed quiet leaning against the door as Blaise paced the room and spoke to her. She was more then happy he didn't start to yell at her because she didn't want him to break up with her. The girl knew she was wrong for what she did but she wasn't really thinking at the time and she loved to ruin Draco's day.

When Blaise finally finished talking she walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, "I'm really sorry and I know he's your friend so from now on if I want to piss off Pansy or Draco I'll do it without doing something that might make your mad." She meant every word she said and leaned up pressing her lips against his for a quick kiss.

She didn't know what else to say and they had just started officially dating. Her arms slid from around his neck and her hands held onto his shirt gently as she looked up into his eyes. A smile danced on her lips as she looked up at him, there was something very sexy about the way Blaise was acting, "You're kind of sexy all mad and jealous." She smiled but quickly spoke again, "Not that I purposely did that, I'm just saying." She didn't want the situation to get any worse then it already was by Blaise thinking she purposely did it.
Blaise Zabini had let her kiss him before looking at her. He had no problem with her trying to piss off Draco and Pansy, though he knew that they had pretty thick skin. The man shook his head when she had made her comment and finally let out a laugh. He was pretty upset with her, but he figured there was nothing wrong with a little harmless fun. "That's all i ask." He said with a laugh before looking down and realized that her hands were on his blazer and his nice white shirt.

One problem was that Blaise had a class in twenty minutes. He didn't care at this moment though, without much of a prior warning, Blaise pushed her against the closed door and proceeded to ram his tongue down her throat. That was something that was wrong with Blaise, he was much to spontaneous. It had hurt him when dealing with Quidditch, but he didn't think that Lexi would really mind.

It was time for some make up for Draco. He knew Blaise was too soft to do anything, and he moved quickly to knock on Pansy's door. He found it interesting that Lexi and Pansy shared a room, how ironic. Though it made sense, that was how that had all met in the first place. Finally, when he got no answer, he just barged into their room and closed the door behind him. "Pansy?" He called out into the dark, looking for his friend. He was unsure where she was, but he had a feeling that she was in her room. There was no where else for her to go.
While Blaise and Lexi were making up in his room Pansy was lying in the dark over reacting about the situation. She had finally gotten Draco this year and some new girl was trying to screw it up. She heard the boy knock at the door but refused to answer it, he could have pushed her away but he didn't. What pissed Pansy off more was that she shared a room with that slut, she was sure she was just trying to ruin her life.

Draco finally just walked into the room and Pansy stayed quiet as he looked around. Hearing him call her name out cause her to sigh softly, "Lexi isn't here if thats why you came." She was so annoyed with that girl and she was always around Draco. Finally shutting the table lamp on Pansy sat up and looked up at him. "You know I hate her yet you let her sit on your lap like that?"
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