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deeper in a g r a b a h. [CLOSED ]

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Feb 16, 2009
a big, big city.
      • Things were just starting to get ridiculous. Getting married at her age! What was her father even thinking? Rolling her eyes up to the sky only to see the heat rising off the ground in the process as though any sign of moisture was being evaporated in the instant the sun got ahold of it. Hiking her hood up again, carefully making sure to tuck her hair away from vision, the young woman made sure the cloak kept her as a shadowed figure, showing no vision of the curves of her frame and merely that of her lips if she angled her head properly. The idea had been brewing about in her head for quite some time quite frankly, and it was only until now that the young woman had decided to act upon it. There were so many things that she couldn't decide, but running away was certainly her choice, making it out into the city of locals and into the marketplace, her eyes had wandered wonderfully around with curiosity.

        Merchants out selling things they had worked hard to gain, or merely had lying around to shine them up and sell them off because they were wasting space in their homes. The young woman was obviously curious to this new world she had only been able to view from her home in the palace, peeking out of her windows with wandering eyes as her father or someone else managed to venture outside to the other world, as she called it. Her pretty eyes stopping upon the sight of two young children running across the street, she watched the merchant sell his goods off to an older woman, noticing the children who were obviously without someone to take care of them. They were both dirty, covered in smudges and then she decided mentally to consider them as what she had heard Razoul call them before 'Street Rats'.

        Her eyes again taking in the sight of an apple, the young woman moved forward as the man went to keep himself busy with another, her soft hand reached out and gently took a grasp of a round apple, handing it to the two children. " Share it. " She spoke softly, watching their faces light up as the ran off to go and do exactly that with the apple, feeling a shadow looming beside her, the young woman nearly jumped out of her skin as she saw the merchant looking over to her. " Giving away my apples without paying for them? " There were obviously more words to follow, however the young woman was appalled that someone was speaking to her in such a way, even reaching out and grasping her hand to tug her toward the stand, " I- You better let go of me right now! Or my father will- "

        " Oh, and who is this father of yours? He should've taught you what stealing meant!" Frowning noticeably, the young woman again attempted to pull her wrist away from the man, only to speak out again, " The Sultan is my father, now let me go! "
Re: deeper in a g r a b a h. [ mintie && chris_tina ]

Lounging atop the canvas of a merchant stall in the heat of the afternoon wasnt the best of ideas. But it was one of the best places to lift the freshest of the fruits out from under the merchant's noses if one were quick enough. With Apu's distraction, the girl... one of the street rats that infected the city streets, managed to lift a pair of plump juicy apples. Her teeth had just sunk into one of those apples as her partner in crime joined her on the canvas, the same moment her eyes had fallen upon the loveliest young woman she had ever seen.

Aladdin, as she was known on the streets had learned at a young age that a girl in her position was in much more dire straights than a boy. As such she had taken precautions to hiding herself... A simple cloth bound her chest, crushing her breasts tight against her body. The gentle curve of which could only be seen on closer inspection beneath her vest, the bandage flamed rumors of wounds gained at the hands of Razoul and his cohorts. Her black hair had been shorn short, barely framing a face that saw more dirt on it than the streets themselves. She'd been living as a boy for so long that she'd forgotten those simple social norms like not getting entranced by another young woman.

It was even sweet the way she gave the starving children she often looked after an apple. A beauty with a heart...

The girl's reverie, imagining the two of them alone at an oasis far from Agrabah was shattered however, the moment the angry merchant had siezed the young woman's hand. It had suddenly become clear that the beauty had no money, and Al was down from the top of the stall in a heartbeat.

"A liar and a thief!" The merchant drew his blade as he pushed the girl down on the ground, laying her hand on a cutting board still dripping with the residue of fresh cut fruits. "I'll show you what we do with thieves in Agrabah-" The hand holding the blade had begun to descend toward her wrist as Aladdin slipped smoothly in between them.

"Oh thank you sir for finding my sister..." At ease and relaxed, she'd talked her way out of worse jam's before. Her hand already easing the merchant's blade from his fingers to shake his hand. Keeping herself between the merchant and the girl as she handed the blade off behind her to the lovely young woman.

"Your sister... was stealing my apples. She said she knew the Sultan...!" Still enraged, though the heat of the moment was beginning to difuse. The young man in front of him handed him one of the shiny red aples, producing it from his vest somehow.

"I'm sure there was no harm in all of that..." Al leaned in closer to mutter. "My sister's a bit touched... She thinks the monkey is the Sultan..." She motioned toward Apu near the edge of the crowd that had begun to gather at the spectacle.
Re: deeper in a g r a b a h. [ mintie && chris_tina ]

      • It was only a short matter of time before an awkward figure perched himself beside the male who sat attop the canvas of the merchant's set up, knowing that these merchants were often to busy to look up in regards to what went on above them. It had generally posed as nothing important when one or two apples, one or two bananas, or somethings like that came up missing, however of course there was more mischevious times to be had. Odd looking feet curled around a steeple of one of the stands, the male sitting in the naturally crouched stance of that of a monkey, long arms stretching beneath him, it seemed that it was like a contest between he and Aladdin to see who could gather the fruit in the fastest time. In this case however, instead it was that they were both opting for the friendlier route, Abu feet hitting the ground and posing as a potential customer only to have two apples stolen without a thought in mind.

        Reappearing only a little while later, without any scarring or something else of the dangerous nature, the young man perched awkwardly again, awaiting his prize for acting as the decoy. Arms outstretched only to find himself gawking slightly, the man wasn't entirely awkward in appearance, obviously some sort of monkey judging by the way his feet mimicked his hands. " What are you- " Unable to finish his sentence, the blond capuchin anthro's black eyes bugged slightly when his apple was gone from his vision and as was Aladdin, moving down toward the merchant they had only recently stolen from. His feet hitting the ground, his frame was bent forward in a fashion that was native to him obviously being a primate with a few more abilities than the average, being a bit bigger, both coming to witness a young woman close to having her hand chopped right off of her pretty little wrist.

        The young woman was obviously completely out of her element, not surrounded by guards or protected by her father's reign to actually have an impact. Not covered in jewels or willing to expose the majority of her face to allow one to see that she, in fact, was the daughter of the Sultan. Feeling him wring at her wrist again, her eyes grew wide behind the darkness of her hood when she noticed that his free hand had reached for the large knife, being aware that it wasn't as large as the ones her guards carried, though it was still large none the less. Quite large enough to do the damage he intended, until the blade was stopped by someone unfamiliar, though familiar enough to have her breathing out softly as though she were close to passing out. Relief? Something like that. His. . Sister? What?

        Blinking in a rather confused fashion, the young woman's tanned skin already showed sign of goosebumps, despite the exposure to being out in such desert sunlight. The curvature of her frame left exposed thanks to being tossed onto the ground like a rag doll, the young woman was fortunate enough to have created an outfit for herself of nothing that appeared royal, gold things replaced with brown things, et cetera. Eyes still wide to find an apple emerge from the man's vest, only to find herself moving carefully to a properly sitting position, because quite frankly, it was either do this or get her hand chopped right off. And though she wasn't 'touched' as this strange young man had put it, she would play the part once the- What in the world was this thing? He looked like a big monkey. Oh. . He was a monkey.

        So he was like Raja? But a monkey? Bowing anyway, the young woman spoke up warmly, " Oh father, there you are. "
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