--- Quote from here ---
Character Name:
Nickname(s): The Smith, The Shank, Sailbreaker. Make one up people, it ain't hard! -- That is, if you want one.
Guilds: Are they a member of any guilds
Age: Site rules apply. Don't make me slap you.
Build: Skinny/Lean/Average/Athletic/Overweight/Muscled. Don't be silly with this; A heavily armored knight-type who has trained for years in fighting techniques is hardly going to be overweight or skinny, now are they? And a mage who does nothing except read books for ten years is hardly gonna be muscles mcgee.
Marital status:
Specialization: This is, in theory, the skill-type the character uses most or is most proficient in. Combat, Stealth, or Magic. Or, perhaps a combination of the two. Note, however, that having a combination of two or three would mean you will NOT be able to do certain things that other, full breeds can.
An example: A person who uses magic AND combat will not be able to wield all weapons, wear all armor and cast all spells from all classes of magic.
A person who uses only magic is limited only to the armor he wears. The person who uses only combat is limited only by his stamina.
Occupation(s): Where do they work, what did they do before they were arrested.
Hair: Colour, Length, Appearance.
Eyes: Color, shape, general appearance
Other: Any scars or abnormalities. Do they have spikes welded to their skin? Tattoo's on they faces? A GIANT WORT? Put it here.
Weapons: They may have one SMALL [SMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLL!!!!] item for self-defense on them at this moment as they are in a jail cell; A small dagger, a knuckleduster, something like that. Or, a weak magic spell if you like.
Also, what do they have in the lockbox upon their escape? Iron please.
Usual Clothing/Armor: They are currently wearing jail rags. What do they have in their lockbox after the escape?
Inventory: On them and in lockbox.
Birthsigns: Each has their own skills and abilities given to them. Though, each has a weakness too. One must be chosen. They are.
Please add and subtract based on the chosen birthsign and race. I'm trusting you. If you purposely act like a tard and add more points than you should have I'll make your ass weak as hell.
You may also spend ten points between these skills.
Alteration: 20
Archery: 20
Alchemy: 20
Conjuration: 20
Block: 20
Light Armor: 20
Destruction: 20
Heavy Armor: 20
Lockpicking: 20
Enchanting: 20
One Handed: 20
Pickpocket: 20
Illusion: 20
Smithing: 20
Sneak: 20
Restoration: 20
Two-Handed: 20
Speech: 20
Not available until a stat reaches 30 points naturally. At this point I will give you the first skill, and when you reach 40 in said skill I will tell you the choices you can make.
Agility: 40
Endurance: 40
Intelligence: 40
Luck: 40
Personality: 40
Speed: 40
Strength: 40
Willpower: 40
--- Stop Quoting Here ---

Character Name:
Nickname(s): The Smith, The Shank, Sailbreaker. Make one up people, it ain't hard! -- That is, if you want one.
Guilds: Are they a member of any guilds
If you would like a different race added to this list, ask me and I'll make one up. That is, a canon race [Like Chimer or Maormer]
[M] = Only males of this race.
[F] = Only female of this race.
- Altmer [High Elves]: +50 Magicka, added spell fury.
+ 10 intelligence.
-10 Endurance[F], Speed[M] and Strength.
+10 Illusion. +5 Alteration, Conjuration, Destruction, Enchanting and Restoration.
[*] Argonian:Histkin power [recover health ten times faster for six turns].
Can breath underwater for extended periods and swim faster.
+10 Lockpicking.
+5 Alteration, Pickpocking, Light Armor, Restoration and Sneak.
Agility +10[M], Intelligence[F] and Speed.
Endurance -10, personality and willpower[M].
[*] Bosmer [Wood Elf]:Command Animal power [Control any animal-type for ten turns].
+10 Archery.
+5 Alchemy, Light Armor, Lockpicking, Pickpocketing, Sneak. +10 Agility and Speed.
-10 Endurance[F], Strength, Willpower and Personality[M].
[*] Breton:Resist magic 25% and additional spell 'Conjure Familiar'.
+10 Conjuration.
+5 Alchemy, Alteration, Illusion, Restoration and Speech.
+10 Intelligence and Willpower.
-10 Agility, Strength, Endurance[F] and Speed[M]
[*] Dunmer [Dark Elves]:Resist Fire 25% and additional spell 'Sparks'.
+10 Destruction.
+5 Alchemy, Alteration, Illusion, Light Armor, Sneak and One Handed.
+10 Speed.
-10 Endurance[F], Personality[M], Willpower.
[*] Imperial:Imperial Luck [Gain more gold from..well everything, based on dice-roll. Could be 1 more coin, could be 500 more]
Voice of the Emporer. [Allows you to 'turn' one enemy, forcing them to fight for you for 5 turns. Once per battle]
+10 Restoration.
+5 Block, One handed, Heavy Armor, Destruction and Enchanting.
+10 Personality.
-10 Agility, Speed[F] and Willpower[M].
[*] Khajiit [Meow! <.< >.>]:
Night Eye [Can see in the dark] and Claws [Can climb more easily / Unarmed attack boost]
+10 Sneak.
+5 Alchemy, Archery, Lockpicking, Pickpocket, One Handed.
+10 Agility.
-10 Endurance[M], Strength[F] and Willpower.
[*] Nord:
Resist Frost 50%
Battle Cry [All allies and user, fortify Endurance and Willpower 10 pts for five turns]
+10 Two-Handed
+5 Block, Light Armor, One Handed, Smithing, Speech.
+10 Strength. +10 Endurance[M]
-10 Intelligence, Personality, Willpower[M].
[*] Orc
Berserker Rage [Do double damage and take half for five turns]
+10 Heavy Armor
+5 Block, One Handed, Smithing, Enchanting, Two Handed.
+10 Endurance, Strength, Willpower.
-10 Agility, Personality, Speed.
Adrenaline Rush [Stamina Regenerates 100% faster for five turns.
+10 One-Handed
+5 Alteration, Archery, Block, Destruction, Smithing.
+10 Endurance, Strength[M]
-10 Intelligence, Personality[M], Willpower.
Age: Site rules apply. Don't make me slap you.
Build: Skinny/Lean/Average/Athletic/Overweight/Muscled. Don't be silly with this; A heavily armored knight-type who has trained for years in fighting techniques is hardly going to be overweight or skinny, now are they? And a mage who does nothing except read books for ten years is hardly gonna be muscles mcgee.
Marital status:
Specialization: This is, in theory, the skill-type the character uses most or is most proficient in. Combat, Stealth, or Magic. Or, perhaps a combination of the two. Note, however, that having a combination of two or three would mean you will NOT be able to do certain things that other, full breeds can.
An example: A person who uses magic AND combat will not be able to wield all weapons, wear all armor and cast all spells from all classes of magic.
A person who uses only magic is limited only to the armor he wears. The person who uses only combat is limited only by his stamina.
Occupation(s): Where do they work, what did they do before they were arrested.

Hair: Colour, Length, Appearance.
Eyes: Color, shape, general appearance
Other: Any scars or abnormalities. Do they have spikes welded to their skin? Tattoo's on they faces? A GIANT WORT? Put it here.
Weapons: They may have one SMALL [SMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLL!!!!] item for self-defense on them at this moment as they are in a jail cell; A small dagger, a knuckleduster, something like that. Or, a weak magic spell if you like.
Also, what do they have in the lockbox upon their escape? Iron please.
Usual Clothing/Armor: They are currently wearing jail rags. What do they have in their lockbox after the escape?
Inventory: On them and in lockbox.

Birthsigns: Each has their own skills and abilities given to them. Though, each has a weakness too. One must be chosen. They are.
- The Apprentice: Mana Increases by 100, Spells do 100% more to you.
- The Atronach: Mana Increases by 150, Cannot regenerate Mana naturally, absorbs 50% of the spells used against you. Spells you absorb regenerate mana by half of their mana cost.
- The Lady: Fortify Willpower and Endurance by 10 points. Regeneration of health is 20% faster.
- The Lord: Health regenerates 50% faster. Magic does 25% less damage.
- The Lover: Learn all skills 20% faster. Starts with 5 less points in each stat.
- The Mage: Mana Increases by 50. Learn 'Mage' abilities 20% faster.
- The Ritual: Raise all dead in one battle once per battle, stopping regeneration for five turns afterwards. Turn one undead, no matter the power, for the cost of half the users mana.
- The Serpent: Fire and Frost-based spells deal 50% less damage. One per battle the user can paralyze one opponent for three turns, dealing 25 points of damage to them.
- The Shadow: Can become entirely invisible for four turns in battle. Can become entirely invisible outside of battle; If the user is spotted by an enemy or NPC a dice-roll will decide the outcome. [We'll do it rather childishly, but fairly. I, as the dungeon master will pick a number and so will you. Say 6 and 10. A dice will be rolled [1d12 for this] and the closest number wins.]
- The Steed: Fortify Speed 20 points permanently. Jump/climb chances have 5 points added to them. [Explained later]
- The Thief: Agility and speed increased by 10 points permanently. All 'Stealth' skills increase 20% faster.
- The Tower: Unlock one lock no matter the strength once per ten posts. Reflects 10% of all damage taken.
The Warrior: Fortify Strength and Endurance 10 points permanently. Learn all Strength skills 20% faster.
Please add and subtract based on the chosen birthsign and race. I'm trusting you. If you purposely act like a tard and add more points than you should have I'll make your ass weak as hell.
You may also spend ten points between these skills.
Alteration: 20
Archery: 20
Alchemy: 20
Conjuration: 20
Block: 20
Light Armor: 20
Destruction: 20
Heavy Armor: 20
Lockpicking: 20
Enchanting: 20
One Handed: 20
Pickpocket: 20
Illusion: 20
Smithing: 20
Sneak: 20
Restoration: 20
Two-Handed: 20
Speech: 20
Not available until a stat reaches 30 points naturally. At this point I will give you the first skill, and when you reach 40 in said skill I will tell you the choices you can make.
Agility: 40
Endurance: 40
Intelligence: 40
Luck: 40
Personality: 40
Speed: 40
Strength: 40
Willpower: 40
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