For the Love of Hyrule (Krys Snape and Sometimes May)


Nov 23, 2011
Rhode Island
It was a cool spring morning and the sun was shining bright in the sky. Aries woke up early in the morning to tend to the farm. He was an orphan from Hyrule and was taken in by a race called the Kokiri and raised under the protection of the Great Deku Tree. Aries was told stories about his father, about how he was a hero and how he saved Hyrule and married a princess. That princess being Aries mother. Aries' father was killed right after Aries was born and his mother they say died of heartbreak.

Aries made his way out to the horse stable and fed the horses, he milked the cows and collected the eggs from the chickens. After he was done working he went back to his tree house to grab a quick lunch before heading out to have some fun with his friends. When he got inside he was greeted by a few of the Kokiri, they all looked terrified.

"Aries you must go see the Deku tree"! ,one of the boys told him.

Aries was confused he had never been summoned by the Deku tree before.

"What's going on? Is there something wrong"? He asked curiously.

"No time to explain the Deku tree will tell you everything you need to know" ,the small people rushed Aries out of his house without another word.

Aries walked through the forest until he reached the Deku tree, he bowed down in it's presence as a sign of respect. When Aries looked back up the great tree was looking back at him.

"Aries, the time has come for you to fulfill your destiny once again Hyrule is under attack. Your father saved Hyrule many years ago and now it is under attack yet again. They need you to save them, you are unique that is why you must be the one to carry out this task, Navi will guide you just as she guided your father, now go Aries there is not much time and there is still a lot you need to learn".

The tree's face disappeared before Aries could argue, he was pulled away by his new companion fairy.....

That day replayed over and over in Aries mind, he had been through hell and had questioned himself many times. He face death on more then one occasion he had been attacked by numerous monsters and other creatures. He always asked himself 'Why' why was he chosen above everyone else. His journey was long and tiring and it seemed as if it would never come to an end.

Aries found himself in another place to collect another piece of this giant puzzle, around people who were probably going to make him jump through hoops to get what he needed. He looked around and stayed quiet he would not speak unless he was spoken to first, he didn't want to be rude while in someone else's domain.
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