I'm just good for nothing (Zalvek x Nyarly)


Jan 14, 2009
It was the evening and Haku was sitting at the bar as she often tended to. Being a vocaloid was often very hard during the day, what with all of the singing and work they had to do. However that wasn’t why the vocaloid was drinking. No, in fact she barely had to do any of those things during the day. The other vocaloids like Rin and Miku were much more popular than her and often took the spotlight. Yowane Haku instead was left in the black with nothing to do.

She reached for her glass of bourbon and took a large swig again. Her face was flushed red from having drunk too much, and her breath lingered with the scent of alcohol. She couldn’t help but wonder why it was she was made to be a singing program when she was programmed to be a poor singer. Maybe her creators did it as a cruel joke, or maybe they did it because they needed someone to make the other vocaloids look better. Even the newer vocaloids that were made after her like Lily and Honey were much more popular than her. Maybe it was because they were much cuter and brighter than Haku, who was so dull and lifeless compared to the others. Whatever the reason was, Haku was often rather morose and depressed, even when she wasn’t drinking. The red eyed and fair skinned girl sighed before asking the bartender to pour her another glass. The night was still young and she had a lot more drinking to do in order to make herself feel even a smidgen better than she usually did.
Luka was worried. That wasn't too uncommon, especially with the person she was worried about. Not that she thought that the girl would do something stupid, but her nearly always depressed state was quite worrisome. That she had a good reason to be like that didn't make it better.

She entered the bar, that girl visited often. Too often, but Luka couldn't really hold her back. Sure enough, she sat there, drowning her worries as she did so often already. One could think that she got used to this sight, but that was not the case. It made her pity her, but she knew that this wouldn't help her. She pitied herself enough, anyway.

Yowane Haku. She was like her, a vocaloid, and yet so different. Her singing abilities were... not all that great. Luka didn't think that she was all that bad, but in the same way an amateur wasn't bad. For a vocaloid, this was really weak. Haku probably had some potential, but Luka had to admit that wasn't sure if she could ever tap it fully. Not that she would say that into her face.

Luka went over and took a seat beside her. She could see, and smell, that Haku already had a few too many. But she could probably tolerate a lot. After all, she has enough experience, Luka thought bitterly.

After watching the girl for a few seconds, Luka broke the silence. "Hey, are you alright?" she asked rather rhetorical.
Haku let out a heavy sigh and led her forehead gently thud onto the bar. She closed her eyes and listened to the soft piano music playing in the background along with the slight hustle of other bodies and voices in the bar. She didn’t think much of when someone took a seat next to her. She just made the assumption that the person just needed a seat, and not that they were there to sit next to her and say hello. People rarely did after all, considering who she was. If she was Miku, Rin, Meiko, or Luka then guys and girls would be flaunting towards her for attention. However poor old Haku was just forgotten and left in the dust…

When the person next to her did finally speak up, Haku couldn’t help but blink curiously before tilting her head up to see who had greeted her. She was greeted with the familiar sight of her fellow vocaloid Megurine Luka. Luka was another example of a vocaloid that was made after Haku that was much more popular than her. She couldn’t blame them either though. Her voice was near heavenly and she was incredibly beautiful as well. Her costume was also very stylish and made Haku jealous that she didn’t have a flowing long skirt like that herself.

Haku let out a simultaneous sigh of relief and disappointment before replying to the girl. “Ah… Luka… Yeah I’m doing alright I suppose. As well as I ever am.” Haku nodded softly before reaching for her glass again and took a small sip of the bourbon. Since Luka was watching her now though, she did her best not to literally pour the bourbon down her throat. Haku’s eyes were just a little bit watery. It wasn’t uncommon for her to get a little emotional at times, and having alcohol in her system didn’t help her very much in that regard. She sighed again before turning her flushed face towards Luka and asking her, “Luka… Why do you think they made me like this? So undesirable in every way? It’s not very fair to me…”
Luka wondered what Haku thought when she saw her. It was obvious that she hadn't noticed her immediately and judging from her reaction, it was hard to say whether she was glad that it was someone familiar or disappointed about that. Maybe she wished that someone else would show interest in her. Someone, who heard her and liked her singing. But it was very unlikely that this would happen.

It was not hard to believe that she was alright as she ever was. Of course, since she was never really alright, that was exactly the problem. To make it worse, Luka had no real idea how to make it better. But at least she could be there for her.

"I... I can't really say, to be honest," she answered. "But you shouldn't give up. I'm sure you have a lot of potential that is just unrealized yet." It sounded a bit hollow, she had to admit, but there was truth to it. Or at least, she liked to believe that. "And you aren't undesirable. You have other qualities after all."

Actually, Luka wasn't really sure what her other qualities were. Or even if she had other ones. After all, as Vocaloid her only purpose was singing. Everything else... well, that was probably secondary. Except maybe for appearance, in which Haku excelled quite nicely, just as much as Luka and the others. She had her own beauty, but it seemed that it isn't apparent to most people, not even to Haku herself. Except for...

Luka caught herself staring at Haku's breasts for a short while. At least, she had one quality that was quite obvious...
Haku sighed again, before quickly taking the rest of her bourbon down in a single fluid motion. She slammed the glass down on the bar with a slight thud and a heavy sigh caused by the burning sensation that tickled down her throat. She signaled the bartender for another as her glazed eyes started down at the empty glass while listening to Luka. Of course she had heard those words before from Luka previously, but she always had difficulty believing it or convincing herself otherwise.

"Potential... Huh? But what else am I good for? I'm made to be a singer, and my singing is terrible. The way I see it I'm already a failure then..." Haku sighed as the bartender brought over her new drink, and she grasped the cool glass in between her hands. Her eyes were still focused on her glass as she silently thought to herself for a few moments before finally speaking up as yet another fact of life began to bother her.

"And on top of everything else, I'm not even cute or pretty like the rest of the vocaloids are. No one ever looks at me and compliments me on how pretty I am or anything of the sort. While like Miku and you are always getting asked by people if they can take your photograph even when you're just walking around. I never get anything like that at all..." Haku pouted her lips slightly, her eyes staring down at her cleavage for a few seconds. She wasn't particularly happy with her curvy body type either. She wasn't petite and cute like the rest of the vocaloids and she hated the fact that she was so different from the rest.
It was always like that. Haku always put herself down and worst of all, she had reason to do so. Still, Luka thought that she should be more confident in herself. With an attitude like that, it's no wonder that she doesn't improve. Granted, it's not like she didn't try either...

Seeing her gulping down the alcohol was a bit infuriating. Luka briefly considered taking it away from her, making her... well, not sober, it's way too late for that now, but at least preventing her to get really drunk. But Haku would probably be angry at her, if she did that, and she really couldn't use that now.

But what's more infuriating was, that she said something, Luka agreed and disagreed with. In all the wrong ways.

"That's not true, you are very beautiful," she replied. "Really, much more than Miku or I could even be. All these people, they don't know the first thing, they can't or don't want to see it, but you are the most attractive one out of all of us."

Luka nearly shouted the last part. She could see why she and Miku were more popular, but she couldn't understand why Haku's good looks were so lost on other people. She sighed. She was quite attracted to Haku, that was something she couldn't deny, and maybe that clouded her judgment a bit.
Haku sighed as she finished off the last of the bourbon in her glass. She contemplated getting another, but wondered if Luka would say anything if she did. She hoped that maybe her friend would try and stop her from drinking any more because she was worried. That's all Haku really wanted. Just a little bit of attention from someone.

She let out another heavy sigh and crossed her arms on top of the bar before setting her head down for a moment, closing her eyes and contemplating her awful situation. Haku of course expected Luka to just remain silent, since everything thing she had just said was true. However instead of hearing nothing, she her Luka defending her instead. She was caught off guard incredibly and for a moment, wondered if she had simply hallucinated hearing Luka say anything. However it wasn't long before she looked up at Luka, staring her straight in her blue eyes before retorting in a near silent voice.

"You... You really think that Luka...?" The thought had never crossed her mind before that she could be beautiful as well, and especially not the most attractive of all of the vocaloids. Her face was now flushed red not only because of her alcohol consumption, but also the slightest bits of embarrassment and bashfulness.
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