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Envy's yaoi requests ~

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Jan 17, 2012
Final Fantasy X
I am looking for a lengthy roleplay with somebody featuring either Canon characters or oc characters from Final Fantasy X. I am, right now as it stands, only looking for yaoi. Not Yuri or anything in between. Just straight up yaoi. Unless you can convince me otherwise with smashing plot ideas and particularly delicious writing. I am not looking for anything strictly sexual, as I am quite to romantic and kind of expect a bit of a love story no matter how brutal it can get in between or whatever. I enjoy some bumps in the road, yes. Another big thing I must point out it I LOVE LOVE LOVE plot and actual story that isn't just related to a relationship. And seeing as this is Final Fantasy I feel that isn't asking too much. Yes, it can stray from the plot from FFX, I do not expect to rewrite the game word for word. No, I want something that would show how a certain relationship and different actions would have effected the overall outcome of the story. For example; Tidus and Yuna are a large part of the story and what would have happened if that wasn't there? If Tidus never fell in love with Yuna, and Yuna not with him, would he have been the one to disappear in the end? Would she had questioned her fate as much or would she had just accepted it? And if Tidus wasn't into her, would he have become a guardian in the first place? And if so, why?

I don't expect things with Tidus, but that was the best example I had. And as far as plots come, I am afraid I don't have much and what I do have is very bland. I do not plot alone but what I exceed at is creating the foundations of a story with somebody else. So don't fret, we will collaborate ideas so we can both have what would make us comfortable. And if something doesn't make you feel comfortable, just say so and I will be sure to try and avoid it. If you do something that makes me uncomfortable, don't worry. I will tell you. Not to make the experience awkward or anything, but just so you know what I will and will NOT do.

Forgive me if this is a bit wordy, I enjoy typing a lot. Now, the most important part to me. What I expect from you. Please do forgive me if any of these may seem unreasonable but writing with anything less than these requirements is generally a no go for me. First off, if you post anything less than 200 words I may ask you to add. I am not doing this to be an ass, I am going this because it makes it easier for me to reply. I am not expecting the best descriptions ever about every little thing, but I also don't want to see a bunch of filler sentences. They are no fun to read and quite frankly throw me off when I go to reply. If I can't use it, don't put it. What I mean by this is not that you shouldn't put thoughts and feelings and stuff like that. That stuff is great, even. If you are unclear by what I mean say something. We will post a couple times and if you do it I will point if out. I won't stop roleplaying with you for it but I may request that you try and put things that are relevant down. If you character is known for being somewhat random then that is fine to an extent if you know what I mean. Another thing is I do not expect perfect grammar and spelling, as I am not perfect at either of those myself. I expect you, though, to roleplay as if you know what you are doing. And if you make a mistake I WILL point it out. I do not think this is asking much of you, honestly. As Spell check and Grammar check are available. So are word count tools. If you need links to some I will provide them.

Also, if you are unsure about how a character will react to a certain situation that is fine. But try to remain as in character as you can. I know that it may not always be possible because you don't get to see certain people in certain situations. You don't get to see characters like Auron in a relationship or anything. But I am asking for at least basic knowledge of the character. And what I mean by this, I at least expect the knowledge of them on their wikipedia page. You can at least do me that much, yes? But, like I said, if you are unsure about something feel free to ask questions.

Things that are nono's. I will not touch scat, diapers, and... Well, anything that belongs in a toilet. Or food. Food belongs in the kitchen, no eating in bed. Other things I won't accept?... I haven't thought of them yet. But ask about your fetishes before you throw them in. I might like them, I might love them. But I also may disagree. And I won't judge you for any of it, you are free to like whatever you like but I don't and I would like if you just don't put it in. I will do the same for you, and if you don't like it I just won't put it. Plain and simple. I don't think that is too hard, and please don't let it offend you. As my intention is not to offend you, I am not that kind of person.

Now the part you have most likely been looking for. The pairings I can do. WELL. Not all of the ones I would do are up here as I could not think of all of them. So if something doesn't pop up on this list and it interests you, ask about it before considering it a no. I am usually very open about pairings. Also, there are just some characters I can't play at all so if requesting a certain pairing I may request a certain role. If you don't want to be the other person, maybe we can work out another pairing.

Though to be honest I will most likely always want to Auron. Kay? Kay.

Here is the list as I think of it;

Auron x Jecht (most likely pre-Sin Jecht, but if you can come up with a good reason for Auron and Sin-Jecht then I will be willing to do this.)

Tidus x Wakka (Hehe. They strike me as an amusing pairing.)

Auron x Tidus (I am a little weary of this one, but if played out well this can be a smashing pairing.)

Auron x Braska (This will certainly be in the past.)

Jecht x Braska (This would be past too... Unless you have a damn good idea)

Auron x Wakka (this would have to be a damn good idea, bro. Just sayin'.)

Jecht x Tidus (love but careful with this.)

Um... Hm... I don't really have much I can think of at the moment. Things with Seymour could be amusing perhaps but I am not sure who with. And I am not a huge fan of pairing canons with oc's so if you have an oc you want to use, I can make an OC for them. With your help of course to make a pairing plausible. I like opposites far too much.

But yes. This is what I have so far and if you are interested, please PM me what you want to do. Thank you for reading this, and even more thanks if you respond to it.

Also, Seymour x Tidus was put into my head so that would be fine too. I would edit but this is quicker for me.

Though I must admit that Auron x Jecht is, like, my all time favorite.

Soul Eater
Okay so all of the above rules apply to any of the ones I am writing up now, so these ones won't be NEARLY as lengthy as I don't feel like repeating myself. So if you want to know, read the Final Fantasy section. ^^ But yes. Sould Eater. I love it very very much and what I was thinking pretty much... Well... List;

SteinxSpirit(Death Scythe)

and ocxoc.

Steinxoc but I am very picky on this one xD so be careful.

That it? Well... Yeah, pretty much, actually. I am not really in the mood for anything else at the moment :3

Chronicle (Yes, that movie still in theaters)
This one is going to be short. I expect somebody who actually knows about the plot and stuff. Meaning you have to have seen the movie. I stress this because some people think they could do it otherwise which I find silly. but anyways.


This pairing has been stuck in my head ever since the moment I saw that movie *__* I don't care if they are cousins. It would be AWESOME ~

X-Men Origins Wolverine

I just want some fucking SabretoothxWolverine! SOMEBODY. ANYBODY. Come on! PLEASE.

That is it for now :3

Also I should add that I am available to roleplay here in PM or what have you, email, or Im. Pretty much anything that strikes your fancy. I have all IM agents except IMVU... And maybe other ones I have never heard of. But I have Skype, MSN, AIM, and Yahoo. Also I should mention I do enjoy actually speaking to those I roleplay with so don't act shocked when I attempt to spark a conversation.

- Envy :heart:
RE: Final Fantasy X (m x m)

I'm just going to leave a post here. I want to come back to this thread later, since that Seymour x Tidus pairing really interests me.
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