Two Failures=? (Me and Zalvek)


Jan 31, 2010

Jake Duvalk sighed as he walked out of the comic book shop he worked at and made his way home to his small apartment in New York. Life had... been not so fair to the young man. See, ever since he was a little kid jamming out to NWA, Run DMC, Daft Punk, A Tribe Called Quest and such he's grown a love of hip hop and electronic music and learned how to use turntables and make his own beats. Rapping could use some work though. He had some talent but it still needed polishing. But one thing kept haunting him. About a month ago there was a DJ contest in one New York's most popular clubs. He had signed up to see how he would do. He worked tirelessly for days to come up with original material and even remixed old TV theme songs. However when he got there and played his rather... er... what's the word out of the norm and generally bizarre tracks, he was out shined by some petty remix of a Katy Perry Song or something. Something that any kid with Garage Band could do in a couple hours.

Well he was devastated and had gone into a bit of a depression. He smashed some of his records in a fit of anger and frustration and the cops were even called by an angry neighbor. After all that, Jake was in a store and saw a large... 'box'... it was blank and just said "Yowane Haku:Vocaloid." He knew they were popular in Japan but Vocaloids were rare in the US. He knew it was for music and promptly purchased it only to find a grey haired, red eyed... busty... girl in the box when he got home.

A month had passed and well, Jake was getting frustrated. Turns out this Haku was kinda... bad compared to other vocaloids... and she never seemed motivated when he tried to get her to help him with his music. He ran a hand through his soft black hair as his eyes looked through his wallet and pulled out the apartment keys.
"Hm... maybe I just... need to try and motivate her some... but how." Jake muttered as he brushed off some crumbs off his work shirt and unlocked the door and went inside "Haku? I'm home. I brought some Del Taco for dinner."
It wasn't uncommon for a lot of people in Japan to own a Vocaloid of their own. Some people used them to record songs and music, and other people just enjoyed their company. Almost all of the various models and personalities had sold out with no trouble at all. However, one model in particular never seemed to sell better than the rest. That was poor Yowane Haku. Originally a modified Hatsune Miku, Yowane Haku's voice had ended up being rather... lackluster, and her depressing personality left her undesirable and generally unwanted. It wasn't uncommon for Haku models to make their way into various stores across seas in different countries like Korea, China, and even America.

Oddly enough, Yowane Haku wasn't phased at all when she was awoken in an unfamiliar American setting. She instead just let out a heavy sigh and accepted her position. Somehow Haku had managed to be programmed to believe that she was already the worst singer, and it had managed to reduce her self confidence to near nothing. Her owner seemed rather unhappy with him, and she didn't know what to do in order to make him think other wise. At times it seemed like a vicious cycle she couldn't end, but she couldn't help it if she was designed that way.

Haku was sitting at the apartment, looking out the window as cars drove by. Her ears clicked when she heard the lock come undone and the door open. Her bright red eyes peered over unenthusiastically, as she stood up and greeted him at the door, "Ah... Welcome back Mr. Jake..." she said with a small bow.
Jake smiled softly seeing the Vocaloid. If anything, she was good company even if she 'can' be a bit depressing. He set the bag of food on the table and sigh sitting down. Lately he had to take double hours at work and because of it he didn't have time to cook dinner and mainly subsisted on the $50 cent menu from Del Taco and cheap faygo drinks. Well... he DID have someone else living with him now.
"Heh, told you to drop the Mr." Jake gave a small chuckled as he checked his phone "Here, I got your favorite." He began to pull out the food from the bag and set it on the table on her side. He started to wonder how to motivate her.. and himself even. That's when something hit him. She was pretty much unwanted for the most part. What... if he made her feel wanted...
Haku didn't probably actually need to eat in order to function. However she could still taste and feel like any other human could. She wasn't one to deny a meal after all. She was taken slightly aback when he reminded her to drop the "Mr". She nodded softly and looked down, "Ah, I'm sorry... I forgot again about that..." When he handed her the meal she thanked him for the meal and began to undo the wrapping and ate quietly. Haku wasn't particularly sure what to say, so she was rather quiet, eating in silence as the two of them sat there having their dinner.
Jake sighed seeing her look down. Well... so much for that. He sighed and began to eat aswell. He knew what to do... how to do it though was another thing. Though despite the depressing nature, she was indeed beautiful in Jake's eyes. He suddenly had an idea. After he ate and finished his drink with a big gulp. He smiled over at the Vocaloid and finally spoke.
"Haku... there's something i've... been meaning to talk to you about." He sighed "I've... been kinda harsh on you these past few weeks. I... I'm sorry... I've just been frustrated in getting money... and such." He walked over and gave the silver haired woman a soft and gently hug. "I've been a shitty owner."
Haku ended up finishing her meal rather fast, possibly due to her mechanical nature. She sat silently while waiting for Jake to finish eating, since it would be rude for her to do otherwise. She blinked when he began to rush to finish his own food as well and tilted her head curiously, watching as a grin unfolded on his face. Suddenly he became rather apologetic, and she wasn't entirely sure why. Her expression was confused and unsure of what he was saying. She began to speak up and replied, "No, it's not your fault at all Jake. You have been wonderful to me. I just have been failing as a proper Vocaloid uni-"

Before she could finish he came closer to her and embraced her in a huge. She gasped and didn't know how to respond, her eyes wide open. She failed to form words and was silent, wondering what it was her owner was doing.
"No... you're not failing you just...." Jake thought for a moment as he kept his arms around her "We just need a little bit of work, some motivation ya know? You're a lovely girl Haku and you still have a lovely singing voice." He smiled softly at the vocaloid and looked into her lovely red eyes. He blushed softly a bit seeing her breasts up close but kept his smile. He ran a hand across her soft hair and leaned in to softly kiss her lips. Forward... yes. But he rarely got an opportunity like this, and if it was to help her... well... why the hell not?
For a moment Haku's eyes locked with his, and she was mesmerized. Completely unaware of her surroundings for a moment, she didn't even notice his eyes wandering down to her rather large breasts. Indeed she was still wearing her default clothes that she came with, which did offer a large glimpse at her cleavage and exposed her navel as well, but she didn't think much of it. She didn't expect Jake to go out and get her a new outfit after all, not when she had a fully functioning wardrobe as is. She wasn't used to being complimented like this before and her cheeks flushed a bright shade of red that was almost the same color as her eyes. His warm fingers lingered on her hair before pressing his lips against her own. She gasped as he stole all the air from her body, unable to comprehend why he would be doing this right now.
Jake kept the kiss going and even slid his tongue into her mouth. He was honestly getting turned on but reminded himself that this was all about her right now. He moved them so she was now on his lap and he was sitting on her chair. "Hehehe, your face is like your eyes now." Jake smiled sweetly at her "I'll make you feel wanted." He moved his hand to gently brush against her bare midsection before gently groping her left breast. His face turned re again as he felt the clothed orb of flesh against his palm and he started to get a bit hard.
His tongue pushed against her lips, asking for entrance and Haku wasn't able to deny him. It was rogue, yet slimy at the same time, and her own tongue gently lashed against his own. Jake shifted her body while their lips were locked until she was straddling him. She was now slightly above him, and her breasts were positions right at his eye level. When they finally parted lips Haku was left panting heavily, out of breath and flustered. Her eyes had a glazed layer to them as she watched his fingers glide around her stomach, making her entire body shiver as she gasped again. Suddenly she felt his fingers run up to her breast before giving a grope. Another gasp escaped her as she couldn't help but moan softly, looking down as her cheeks turned another shade redder. "W-Wait, don't tease me there Mr. Jake...!"
"It'll be okay Haku." Jake smiled as he groped her other breast "I'll make you feel really good." He gave her a reassuring kiss on the lips again before gently kissing her soft neck. As he did, he moved his hands under to undo the buttons of her shirt. God this was turning him on so much. He wanted to make her feel as good as he possibly good. He felt his erection gently poke her crotch as he continued to rub and massage her tits.
Haku bit her lip as she tried to keep herself from making any more moans or noises. His lips brushed against her own soft lips again and she gasped when he kissed her neck as well. Her eyes watched as his fingers undid the one button that kept her blouse in place, and once undone her breasts swung down freely, eager to be free from their cloth prison. Her embarrassment rose again when she watched his hands return to her breasts, this time no fabric keeping their contact separate. She shivered and couldn't help but let out another moan. She shuddered and looked down, feeling a soft throbbing coming from Jake's crotch. She blushed when she felt the heat pouring off of his erection as it pressed in between her legs closer.
"You're beautiful Haku." Jake smiled gazing at her bare breasts "Maybe we should do a change of scenery." He gently lifted her in his arms and carried her to his bedroom... which due to lack of money was just a mattress on the floor with a hand made blanket. He laid her down on the bed and undid his own shirt and took it off revealing his bare chest. It wasn't really chiseled but it definitely looked like he had been taking care of himself even before Haku came into his life. He went back to kissing her neck before moving his head down to softly lick and pleasure her breasts and nipples.
Haku's cheeks were now beat red, and she sheepishly shook her head. Her self confidence still wasn't the best and she had trouble believing Jake when he said so. Before she could say anything though, he easily swept Haku up and lifted her. She gasped and blushed as he easily carried her towards the bedroom. He set her down gently and Haku looked up at Jake, her heart beating heavily as he slipped his shirt off and leaned in closer.

His lips returned to tease his neck again, and Haku couldn't help but moan and arch her back slightly in reaction. He then shifted down to her bare breasts again and began to tease her with his tongue. She squeaked and cried out loudly, her nipples sensitive to being teased and played with for the first time.
Jake smiled hearing the squeak and cry. Just meant he was doing something right. He continued to pleasure her breasts and slid a hand down to undo and push down her pants and underwear. He pulled back up to gaze at her body again and blushed even more She was gorgeous and beautiful. He smiled softly and undid his pants and pushed them off revealing his thick and lock cock which was throbbing in the cold air. He moved a hand to gently tease her womanhood to get her wet.
Haku whimpered and continued to moan softly when he continued to tease her breasts and nipples more and more. At the same time his fingers wandered down her midsection before finding and undoing her pants and panties at the same time. Her fair skin was already warm and almost ready for more, even though Haku herself wasn't. She watched as Jake pulled away and began to undo his own pants.

Haku gasped when he revealed his member in front of her. It was surprisingly large size and she couldn't help but blush at the sight of it. He was already preparing himself to take her and rubbed his head against her opening. She gasped and blushed, his mushroom tip feeling almost burning hot against her warm sex. She bit her lip, knowing what was going to be coming next.
Jake smiled as he got himself ready to penetrate her pussy before looking down at her. He smiled sweetly at the albino and leaned in letting their noses touch. He paused for a moment saying "I'll be gentle. I love you Haku." He leaned in to kiss her lips again and began to slowly and gently penetrate her warm virgin pussy. He groaned softly at the tightness but kept going and looked into her eyes to gauge her reaction.
Haku's heart began to beat faster and faster, and she felt Jake begin to prepare himself. She couldn't help but still feel rather nervous and unsure of what was about to happen. But before she could have even react or reply he locked lips with her again and she let out a muffled cry. Suddenly she felt him begin to gently press in close and begin to penetrate her. Haku winced and couldn't help but moan and cry out. The girth and warmth of his length was almost too much for her first time. Her finger nails began to dig into the mattress as her toes began to curl, her entire body almost having a spasm just from insertion alone.
"Ah!" Jake gasped hearing the muffled cry and pulled back from her lips. He looked down at the beauty and was getting a bit worried. He wrapped his arms around her and gently kissed her cheek.
"A-are you okay? I know it's supposed to hurt a bit your first time... but if it's too much just tell me okay?" He smiled and placed a hand on her cheek "I don't want to hurt you." His cock was still inside her and it began to pulse and throb against her warm folds.
Haku panted and felt herself begin to even sweat. She looked up at Jake with a dazed look and nodded softly. She was going to be alright, but this was just so intense on her, especially considering it was her first time. His arms curled around her form, and Haku's arms began to work around his shoulders as well, pulling him closer almost instinctively. Haku bit her lip as she prepared for him to begin to push in further. Already she was feeling so filled for the first time, and it was such an unusual sensation that she didn't know what to make of it.
Jake smiled a bit relieved and gently began to push deeper into her. "G-god it's so tight." He moaned and kept going until he made it half way in.He smiled softly as he was closer to the vocaloid and leaned in kissing her cheek again and pulled her closer as he began to move his hips up and down to slowly and gently fuck her. He kept at a steady and gently pace mainly so she could get used to the feeling. He kissed her neck softly and moved his hands to massage her breasts.
Haku began to whimper more, her moans becoming more frequent between his motions. As Jake kissed her, she blushed and gasped for more air when he began to thrust in slowly. The motion was still rough, but she was slowly beginning to adjust and was able to more easily accept his length. She panted softly and shivered when his hands returned to teasing his breasts, which were in need more more attention now.
"Ha... g-god you feel so good." Jake groaned as he kept going and kept massaging her breasts. He began to go a bit harder and faster on her pussy once he felt her get accustomed to it. After maybe fifteen minutes he moaned softly already feeling close to his limit.
"Sh-shit I'm gonna cum!" The youngman moaned and went a bit faster and harder on her.
Haku shuddered and moaned more, her cries increasing in volume and frequency. She shivered whenever he continued to play with and tease her sensitive breasts, and every time he thrust in harder she found herself nearing her peak even more. Her form shivered once more before she saw him suddenly begin to thrust in feverishly as he neared his orgasm. She gasped and blushed before comment, "W-Wait, it's to soon for that! I'm not ready for that just yet...!" She moaned out in reply.
Jake was a bit confused honestly. Did that mean she wanted him to cum outside? Or to try and hold it in? "O-okay." Jake moaned in reply as he decided to hold and wait for her orgasm to come first. He started to ease up a little to keep himself from cumming too quickly. "D-do you like it?"
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