The New DADA Professor (Krys Snape and Krazy)


Nov 23, 2011
Rhode Island
Kayciee woke up the morning she was to leave for Hogwarts, it had been a long time since she had step foot in that magnificent place and she was excited to be going back. Professor Dumbledore had owled her asking f she would like to take the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, of course Kayciee jumped on it. She was always quite fond of the subject and did really well, she even studied it more after she graduated.

Kayciee made her way to the port key that was to bring her to Hogwarts, it was an old dustpan that looked pretty nasty. She grabbed hold of the port key and she was off. After landing in front of the castle Kayciee made her way inside to meet up with Dumbledore. When she found the old professor a smile came across her face. "Hello Professor it's been a while" ,she said excitedly as she walked over to him and gave him a hug. After everything was settled Dumbledore walked with Kayciee to the Great Hall before the sorting ceremony began.

Kayciee took her seat next to Professor Snape, she gave him a shy smile before turning her attention to the door, waiting for all the first years to pile in.
The ritual was the same as always, the other professors coming in, exchanging greetings and taking their seat at the head table. Nothing ever really changed... Snape coulden't help but notice Dumbledore was taking a bit longer to come into the Great Hall. As he tucked his chair closer to the edge of the table, he glanced upwards at the Head Masters enterence, he was followed by a young looking woman. He slightly raised a brow as she took a seat next to himself and smiled at him gentl before looking towards the students.

Snape pursed his lips together, knowing that this would be the replacement for the Defence Aganst the Dark Arts position that he has once again been denied for. Dumbledore had called him into his chambers earlyer that day, stupidly, he managed to get his hopes up that he would finally gain the position he had thrived to get for years. He was sat down and told that a witch by the name of Kayciee was going to be taking the position instead of himself.

He focused his angry glare at the first years, doing his best to compleatly ignore the young woman, although there was something about her that simply stuck in the back of his head...
Kayciee just sighed at the fact that Snape was ignoring her, she knew why of course it was only because she had gotten the job that he has wanted for years plus she was a former student of his so that probably only made things worse. She ate her dinner quietly and when she was finished she waited for everyone to clear out before standing up, the only people left in the great hall were the teachers. Professor Dumbledore looked to both Kayciee and Severus and smiled.

"Severus I find myself quite busy tonight would you be so kind and show Miss Cameron where her room is"? Dumbledore asked Snape kindly.

Kayciee looked at Severus and smiled, "It would be nice to catch up with you professor" ,Kayciee said in hopes he would loosen up a bit but she knew that she would have a better chance at being struck by lightening.
He felt his heart sink a bit as Dumbledore asked this of him, but he knew he did not have much of a choice, he slightly bowed his head to the Headmaster. He raised a brow at the offer to 'catch up' with his former student. She was there in his first years of teaching if he remembered correctly...
Sighing, he stood up and pushed his chair back under the table, "This way," He said softly and walked out the hall. For a few long minutes walking towards the sleeping chambers, he was silent. He could feel her nerves and her wanting to say something to him. He let the silence increase the tension between them for a bit longer, he nearly enjoyed it.
Shortly before her room, he slowed his stiff pace and turned to look at her. She was stunning.. He shook the thought from his head, and realized he stoped walking, facing her. He tried to hide the awkwardness, "You must be.. excited.. to be back here?" He was glad they were so close to her room, he motioned to the door for her to open it... Somewhat hoping she would invite him in, but fearing himself for thinking that thought in the first place..
As Kayciee walked with the man she kept stealing glances at him, she had always had a thing for the potions master. "Oh yes professor I am very excited to be back here, it's been so long and I've missed all of my teachers you in particular" ,Kayciee's face went red, she had just admitted to missing professor Snape the most out of all her old teachers. "I mean you are a brilliant man and I learned a lot from you, I say you're the best potions professor I've ever met" ,she said quickly trying to cover up what she had told him before. When he motioned her toward the door to her chambers she smiled, "Thank you professor, have a good night and if you need anything from little old me then please feel free to ask". Kayciee wanted desperately to invite him in but she didn't want to look like a slut even she knew if she had him alone she would definitely try and seduce him so she thought it best to end their night with a kind gesture and let that be it.
Although his normaly stone cold face was still pale as always, he could feel the blush building behind his skin as she complemented him and breifely smearked to show his appriation. "You were a good student.." he paused as she entered her doorway, "Im sure you will be a good teacher aswell..." As she said good night, he backed up a tad, "Goodnight" He said it quickly.
He felt the dull tinge of dissapointment in his stomach that the thought had crossed his mind.. He spun on his heel and walked further down the hall to his room..
As he got in, he loosened his coller, and put his cloak on the rack inside the door.. His room was dimly lit by a few endless candels, he sighed and told himself he had to get some sleep tonight for a change. He sat on the edge of his bed, dimly looking at the door, thinking to him he really needed to get her out of his head... he disliked she had his position, yet he felt his disliking growing into -- No... he sighed again and picked up a book he had been reading. Lightly opening the pages to continue the novel... every once in a while glancing towards the door...
Kayciee laid in her bed biting her lip, she wanted so bad to get out of bed and walk down the hallway to Severus' room and spend more time with him. She shook the thought from her mind and closed her eyes in an attempt to fall asleep. Her thoughts still stuck on the potions master, Kayciee had forgotten just how much she had liked him during her time as a student. It seemed as if morning came quickly after Kayciee had finally gone to sleep. She got out of her bed and went to her bathroom and took a shower, when she got out she got dressed into a pair of black slacks and a white blouse then sprayed herself with a strawberry body spray before putting her black and green cloak on.
Kayciee made her way to the Great Hall and took her seat. She made a plate and began eating watching as the students sat and chatted, she wondered how many of them she would have in her first period.
He always enjoyed walking through the halls while students were rushing around, weather they were going to the great hall for food, or running to their first classes, they all lowered their volume and straightened their backs as they came close to him. Knowing his reputation... he squinted his eyes at a particular student who was jesting around with a friend, and they quickly slienced themselfs. As he rounded the corner he let loose a feint chuckle. He walked into the great hall and down the middle isle. "Is there anything you need before your classes begin?" He had been silent and attempted to shock the new teacher that was trapped in his mind.
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