Name: Mitsuhiro Samidare
Alias: The Poison Master
Sex: Male
He wears a white shirt, green flak jacket, light brown pants, black sandals, white lab coat, long blue scarf, and black gloves. He also wears multiple brown belts that hold his various poison containers.
Personality: Mitsuhiro is a strange individual. At first glance he seems fairly normal, if a bit of a loner. He often appears to be analyzing everything he sees, as if he is picking it apart in his head. In fact, he is. He is a calm, analytical man who constantly desires to understand how things work, especially things he has no knowledge or understanding of. Usually this is as extreme as it gets, but at times he will find something so tremendously fascinating that he will gain a frenzied, manic look and desire to experiment on it thoroughly, to cut it open and see what makes it tick. When he gets like this there is almost no stopping him short of physical restraint. This is one minor reason he tends to remain secluded in his own laboratory.
History: Mitsuhiro was born to the Samidare clan, one of the more obscure families in the Leaf village. However, this family was known for one thing. Poison-making. Many considered them the foremost craftsmen of their trade, developing all manner of creative poisons and toxins. Anything from a simple knock-out drug, to poisons that could leave an enemy writhing in agony for days before they died. As a son of this family, it was inevitable that Mitsuhiro would also take part in the family business. This also meant he too was to be the subject of one of the most secretive and shocking experiments the family had developed. As an infant, the most skilled poisoners in the family began giving him injections and feeding him several different ingredients, steadily increasing the dosages and potency of the ingredients. It was all in the pursuit of the most coveted poison the family had at its disposal; Death's Tears.
This continued throughout the early years of Mitsuhiro's life. Before he could even walk, he was being shown the process of making high quality poisons. As soon as he was old enough to comprehend the process, he was taking part in the making of his family's trade. He caught on almost immediately, and before long, he was even attempting to make his own poisons. Everyone in his family knew he would be an unrivaled poison-maker. Unlike most of his family, he chose to ply his trade while working as a shinobi of the village. Despite his demanding home life of constantly having to perfect his poison-making skills, and his duty to his job as a ninja, he excelled at both, gaining note in the village and outside of it. As the years have gone by, he has become an incomparable posioner, skilled assassin, and talented ninja. Currently, he spends much of his time either in his laboratory, or out in the wild seeking new ingredients for his poisons.
Rank: Jounin
Organization: Leaf Village
Clan: Samidare
He carries numerous containers of poison on him at all time. They are of varying size, and hidden all throughout his clothing, particularly within his gloves.
Mind Numb -Powder- Attacks victim's brain, causing disorientation and dizziness.
Poison Ivy -Powder- Creates searing pain in the lungs when inhaled.
Bone Melter -Liquid- Upon contact with bone, seeps in and destroys the internal structure and bone marrow.
KO -Liquid- Renders the victim unconscious for several hours.
Standstill -Liquid- Causes major muscle groups to seize up, excepting lungs and heart, similar to an extended electrical shock.
Gut-render -Powder- The poison dissolves mucus. Begins with a nosebleed as nasal mucus dries initially, followed by dryness in the throat and lungs, causing intense coughing, often coughing up blood. Eventually this will dissolve the mucus lining in the stomach causing the stomach and intestines to be eaten by gastric juices.
Euphoria -Gas- A type of truth serum that works by creating the blissful high provided by some drugs or alcohol without inhibiting the subject's higher brain functions. Used to make the subject more amenable and willing to talk.
Fire Ant -Powder- Activates the nerve endings of the subjects skin, imitating the pain of a bite from its namesake, then steadily increasing it over a period of time over the entire body.
Breath-taker -Gas- Shuts down the muscles controlling the subjects lungs at random intervals for short periods of time, leaving them unable to breath every time the muscles are stopped.
Seizure -Liquid- Scrambles the signals for movement from the brain, causing violent muscle seizures for several minutes. Use over time generally leaves the subject exhausted, and can also cause muscles to tear from the violence of the seizures.
Joint -Gas- Upon entering the body, it travels through the bloodstream and settles in the cartilage in their joints and begins eating away at it until only the bone is left. Leaves the subject unable to move without experiencing intense pain.
Boiler -Liquid- A highly acidic poison that burns and melts flesh, causing bloody lesions to appear that are prone to festering and infection. The puss that is exuded by these lesions works to spread the infection, possessing the same properties as the original poison.
Craze -Powder- A hallucinogenic poison that induces a sense of dread in the subject. While not inducing full on terror, it steadily increases the subject's apprehension, which slowly develops into intense fear and paranoia through the natural process of human emotions.
S Burn -Liquid- When ingested, the poison coats the walls of the subject's stomach and intestines and stimulates the nerves surrounding with a sensation similar to a severe burn. The sensation is likened to having a fire being lit inside the subject's gut.
Smoke Bombs
Exploding tags
Strengths: Varied arsenal, able to use poison and poisoned items skillfully, immune to poisons, fairly experienced
Weakness: Not as physically strong as many, less emphasis on taijutsu skills, able to run out of on-hand poisons
Name: Poison Fog
Form: Ninjutsu
Rank: B
Type: Offensive
Range: Short to Mid Range
Description: Chakra is kneaded within the body and then changed into special chemical substances. It is then ejected through the mouth. When this substance comes in contact with the air outside the body, it instantly changes and is transformed into a mist of deadly poison. The poison's ability to kill is tremendous, as even just breathing in a small amount will mean the end of the target's life. As this technique combines ninjutsu, chemistry, and medical knowledge, using it requires fine chakra control and advanced ability in medical ninjutsu.
Name: Acid Bomb
Form: Ninjutsu
Rank: B
Type: Offensive
Range: Short to Mid Range
Description: Using a similar technique as the Poison Fog, the user spews a thick acidic liquid from their mouth, melting whatever it comes in contact with.
Name: Poison Claw
Form: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Type: Offensive
Range: Short Range
Description: This technique requires the use of an already available poison in order to work. The user pours the poison onto their hands, then uses their chakra to form it onto razor-sharp claws that can poison whoever they cut. Effects vary depending upon the type of poison used.
Name: Earth Style: Headhunter Jutsu
Form: Ninjutsu
Rank: D
Element: Earth
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short Range
Description: This technique conceals the user underground and drags the object of their attack down into the earth, robbing them of their freedom. In addition, they can start another attack
Name: Earth Style: Mud Wall
Form: Ninjutsu
Rank: B
Element: Earth
Type: Defensive
Range: Short Range
Description: This ninjutsu is used to defend against an incoming attack by creating a solid wall of earth. Chakra is converted to earth within the body and then spat out. This earth then instantly rises up and takes form. The barrier itself is also coated with chakra, making its strength incomparable to that of a normal mud wall. Because of the earth's special characteristics, the wall is highly resistant against, for instance, fire and water.
Name: Earth Style: Hell's Cauldron
Form: Ninjutsu
Rank: B
Element: Earth

Range: Short to Mid Range
Description: The user creates a swap-like pool of thick tar-like poison that fills a shallow basin. The pool can range in size depending upon the amount of chakra used. A Kage-level user could potentially make something the size of a small lake, possibly larger. It can serve as a trap for unsuspecting enemies or as a deterrent for attackers, similar to a moat. While it is possible to use the water-walking technique to overcome it, extended exposure to the fumes can leave the user unable to focus enough and result in becoming trapped in the pool.
Name: Earth Style: Earth Dome
Form: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Element: Earth
Type: Defensive
Range: Short
Description: The user creates a dome constructed from the earth that can protect them from external attacks.
Name: Earth Style: Destructive Rising Rock Pillars
Form: Ninjutsu
Rank: A
Element: Earth
Type: Offensive
Range: Long Range
Description: This jutsu causes gigantic pillars of rock to forcefully emerge from the ground, causing shockwaves in the process that flatten the ground around them and cause devastating damage to the enemy
Name: Wind Style: Venom Wind
Form: Ninjutsu
Rank: D
Element: Wind
Type: Offensive
Range: Short to Mid Range
Description: A technique similar to the Wind Scythe technique, the user sends out a powerful blast of slicing wind infused with a mild disorienting poison that enters the cuts. Since the cuts are not usually very severe, the mild poison serves to leave an enemy lightheaded and dizzy, making it better suited to capturing enemies rather than killing.
Name: Wind Style: Vacuum Wave
Form: Ninjutsu
Rank: A
Element: Wind
Type: Offensive
Range: Short to Mid Range
Description: The user takes a deep breath and spins while exhaling a large blade of wind so that it covers a wide range around the user. The resulting blast is large enough to slice through multiple targets, causing great or even fatal damage.
Name: Wind Style: Vacuum Sphere
Form: Ninjutsu
Rank: A
Element: Wind
Type: Offensive
Range: Short to Mid Range
Description: The user takes a deep breath and exhales several small blasts of wind chakra in a wide range, enough to make it difficult to avoid without taking damage. The blasts are also capable of piercing into an opponent's flesh, similar to bullets.
Name: Samidare Special Technique: Death's Tears
Form: Ninjutsu
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Range: Short Range
Description: The pinnacle of the Samidare family's poison development, using the bodies of its own members to create it. At an early age, those chosen are given countless injections and fed numerous ingredients until their body becomes practically immune to all forms of toxins. The chemicals and other ingredients change the user's body, manifesting inside the tear duct of one of their eyes. It is because of this that Mitsuhiro's entire right eye is a mottled purple color, and the reason for the patch over it. The patch acts as a container for the poison, preventing so much as a drop from escaping. It is highly prized even among those within the family, and only a select few are permitted to handle it.
It is unquestionably the most terrifying poison ever developed by them. As soon as it comes in contact with any biological matter aside from that of the host, it immediately begins eating away at it, resulting in excruciating pain throughout the body as it slowly reduces its victim to a gooey mess. The only way to stop it is to remove the infected area before it can spread, and if even the tiniest amount remains, it will continue to destroy the victim's body. By diluting it, the user can slow the speed of the destruction, extending the agony of their victim to several days. As it can only be produced in very small doses, it is reserved for only the most dire of circumstances, or for the most vital assassinations.