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Sacrifices on the altar of blood


Jan 30, 2012
Chicago burbs
Or a simple blood mages ramblings.

Not really sure what to put here but since it's a journal for all to see, first thanks to all the welcoming people I've spoken to so far. As for the couple girls I'm roleplaying with right now, I'm quite impressed. It been a while since I've really enjoyed the roleplaying I've had online verse face to face. I look forward to as much smutty roleplay as grand interweaving plots to rp with in the future.

As for the title of my little blog/journal - I offer up one imagined goat to sacrifice to the rpg gods for continued great scenes.
What a great weekend, hours of great rp via PM yesterday before a group of friends came over. Ran my on going Vampire the Masqurade game for five - six hours it was a great session, invovate plans and poltics by my players. Then we all left and hit up anothers friends house for another five or six more hours of gaming in a friends Star Trek setting.
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