Blackmail (Cerberus and FrostyLicker)


Jan 9, 2009
Saturday, now there was a day that could never be ignored. A day where you didn't have people bickering at you and no work to do. Just laze about and enjoy the day as it slowly went by. Plus the fact that it had now become summer only made this Saturday even better. In the Leto's darkened room the soft sounds of dog's feet were softly heard plotting on the floor before jumping into his master's bed and licking Leto on the face. "All right all right im up, gah!" He sighed and yawned and stretched before sitting up and throwing the blankets off of him and onto the bed. "All right Shadow lets get you some food." He smiled and ran his hands over the husky's muzzle and pulled on his p.j pants and a white tee-shirt. Leto knew he had to get up and at least start the days chores, feed the animals and then he could relax.

Leto then thought about it for a second and looked at Shadow. "Oh sorry boy come on lets let you go out back for morning bathroom. Sorry boy." He laughed and grabbed his shoes and slipped them on and headed to the back yard and let Shadow go and head out" Once shadow was done with his morning bathroom break he trotted back over to Leto and barked. Leto laughed and just patted him on the head. "Well time for breakfast so go lay down." He walked back through the sliding glass door and to the living room and sat down watching the news as he always did.
Ari sighed as she spotted her half naked younger sisters tanning by the pool side again. She walked over to the twins and looked down at them. "What did I tell you about do this? I let you guys live here when Mom and Dad kicked you out, the least you could do was listen to the rules." she said, shaking her head. She felt as though she was the only one with a brain sometimes, but then again she knew the twins were a mischievous bunch.

Lily and Shay looked up at their sister and smiled brightly at her. "How else are we supposed to get an even tan?" they said in unision, know that it would put a smile on Ari face.

Ari just laughed and shook her head. "Well remember we have work to do tonight." she said turning to walk away from them. The three sisters worked for a big company, they were secret employees. The head of the company was their mother's friend and knew how well Ari was at hacking into accounts. He also used the twins to sabotage other companies or even to black mail them. No one really knew what they did, not even their family for the most part.

Ari leaned against the door and shook her head. She knew that if anyone were to find out about this their lives would be in the shitter, again.
So tell me Ari what's up?" He sighed and shook his head before getting up and heading over to the table to set up his plate. Once he got his plate set up he carried it over to the table and sat down and started to eat. Shadow just bounded over to Leto and sat down under the table at his feet. He watched Ari and smiled as he finished his food before sitting on the couch and relaxing. "Sounds good I'll." He was cut off as The twins walked in and started to talk to him. He shrugged and looked at Sherry before tying her top. "Sherry you have got to do this yourself." He then sighed as he heard his phone ring and he got up to grab it. "Hello..Yes sir but I..Can't...Okay I'll be down shortly." He looked at his sister's and smiled. "Behave I have to take duty on base..I know I said I had the day off but the private who was supposed to got sick from something in the mess."

He got up and headed to his room to get his uniform on. The reason the family was able to get and stay together after both their parents passed was due to Leto being part of the Army Reserve which allowed him a good sized income which allowed him to keep the home and look after his sisters. He sighed and finished getting dressed but had left his cuffs on the counter as he left the house. He just shook his head as he walked out He had to get in and deal with the intel on this newest hacker who was trying to get into DOD files.
Ari smiled at her brother and shook her head at him. She knew he worked hard for their family and that he was loyal to his country, but she had to do what she had to do. She looked at the twins and frowned. "I swear you two and just trouble makers she said moving to sit down on the couch, petting Shadow.

Lily leaned against Ari and sighed. "So do you have a new job yet?" she asked, knowing that Ari was the only one who handled all their information. It was easier for only one of them to know everything, that way if they got caught only one of them went down and not all three. Ari nodded and looked between Shay and Lily, making sure that she had their attention.

"We have to be careful this time. Our employers want us to get into the DOD files." she said, watching the twins eyes open wide. "But we can't" Lily said, moving away from Ari.

Ari sighed and shrugged. "We can't say now. I need you two to be extra careful, take precautions to disguise yourselves well." She said petting Shadow some more. She stood up and walked towards her rooms. It was time to go hunting again.
Leto pulled up and parked and got his belt on and felt for his cuffs. "Damnit... forgot the cuffs." His partner on duty just shrugged. "really wouldn't worry about it that much, its saturday and we arnt having any big plans, Don't expect to have to go and cuff someone so I wouldn't worry about it." Leto nodded and sat down at the desk. "So I wonder what Jenkins got that made him so sick?" Abel just shook his head. "I have no clue but I really hope it isnt the chicken cause I've been eating that for the past few days."

Leto nodded and just kept relaxing on the chair since no one was coming through the gate. As he was relaxing he was slightly thinking about his sisters but not as sisters but as women. He then looked over the files. He quickly stood up when the base commander walked in. "Sir, I've read the mission planning and i know it will work."

They had planned to make one of their hardest systems and sacrifice it but load it with false information including a tracking so that they would know how to fix their system and have a lock on the hackers that were trying to get through.
Ari went back into her room, leaving the twins to get ready themselves. She knew that she could trust the twins to get information that she couldn't get. She went to the back of her closet and open a secret door that held her main computer. She had paid for the equipment herself and all of the power and internet that it used. Ari was a professional hacker, have many bank accounts over seas to help keep followers off her trial. She changed into tight biker shorts and a tank top, piling her hair into a bun on top of her head. She like to be comfortable as she hacked. Turning on her baby she started to log into all her networks, making she all her walls were up and and at full strength. If she was hacking the government's network she need to make she everything was running smoothly.

Ari eased into their network smoothly and started to look around. She found a the network she wanted and started to hack into it. It was until she was almost done did she realized her mistake. Her employer had trusted her with some information to make she got into the right one. She got into the right one but with the wrong information. She tried to back out if it quickly but she knew that they were already tracking her. She quickly to lead them through some of her fall back routers, hoping to lead them away form her, but all was lost. The best she could do was keep them away from her house, but still in the area.

Ari was calling herself all types of stupid when she walked to the twins room, watching as the tried on different wigs. "I wouldn't go out tonight." she said. The twins looked up at their sister confused.

"Why?" Lily asked.

"I messed up and their know I'm the area." Ari said. "We just need to be careful for a while." Ari smiled and left the twins to pack their stuff up. She left to go on a walk with Shadow.
They had already tracked right to the house and through Ari's system back to their handlers. their bug was good but now the position had put Leto now into some hot water. he was looking at treason charges if he didn't get this cleared up. He shook his head as he was able to convince them to hold off the raid. He would get them to flip on their handlers. He got home and waited till they were all back for the night. Once he did he looked at them and shook his head. " Since we do not know who it is, just that it was a computer in this very are all in a whole shit load of trouble. I can have you ALL arrested for espionage and treason."
The girls just looked at him. They had their orders and they wouldn't easily give up their employers. "I don't know what you mean brother." Ari said, trying her best to look innocent and confused. Ari was very pissed at herself for being such an over confident fool. She was just happy that the twins always made sure that they left the house looking like themselves before going on their own mission. "What happen?" the twins said together, holding each other's hands while Lily rested her head on Shay's shoulder.
Leto just shook his head as he looked at Ari. "really..You really think the innocent act will work. The IP address was traced here so they know it was from here and since I was gone its on you 3." He sighed and shook his head before drawing his pistol. "I have no other choice but to bring you in. All of you against the wall and place your hands on the wall." He waited until they complied before he stood behind Ari and searched her before cuffing her hands behind her back and making her sit down on the couch. He then turned to the twins and did the same thing. Sure they were his family but if he didn't he faced charges that could lead to the firing squad.
All three of them sat down, their arms behind their backs. They didn't fight their brother just yet, knowing that it wouldn't work just yet. They need to surprise him to have the best chance at beating him. Ari watched her brother for a moment. "What are they going to do with us three, we don't mean anything to our employers. They could be getting someone new as we speak." she was telling the truth. All of the had contact their employers on disposable phones, telling them how Ari had screwed up and what to watch out for. Ari sat up straighter, glaring at her brother. "We are your family."
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