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Jan 29, 2012
Agron sat in the sewer cleaning his sword off from their last battle. "Fucking Romans dirtying my sword with their blood." He chuckled loudly and looked up as Spartacus was approaching him. He stood at attention looking him in the eye. "Are we heading out again Spartacus?" The broad slave legend shook his head. "No I need you to take a scouting mission. I want you to scout the surrounding area first and then head into the city. See what rumors you can pick up about the army's advancement." Agron nodded and picked up his sword and cloak heading up the stairs.

He poked his head out of the hidden door checking to make sure he was clear before exiting. He pulled on his red cloak tossing the hood up as well. He did a quick scout moving along silently. When he was OK with his work he moved in the direction of the city. "Maybe I'll kill a few Romans before I return." With another loud chuckle he made his trek into the market.
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