Something Wicked This Way Comes (Krys Snape & SweetLittleLies)


Nov 23, 2011
Rhode Island
Krys boarded the Hogwarts express like usual at the start of the school year. She made her way down the aisle towards the normal compartment her and Draco usually sat in when she got there she looked at her friend and smirked, "So Draco how was your summer"? Krys asked as she took a seat across from him.

"Why do you take the train Krys your father's a teacher at Hogwarts couldn't you just come in with him" ,Draco asked. Krys gave him a funny look. "Not that I'm complaining or anything I was just wondering".

"I take the train because my father uses floo powder and I quite frankly like to keep my tuxes clean" ,Krys said back to him. "Plus I like to talk with you sometimes ya know we have been friends since pretty much birth".

The train ride was relatively long like usual, Krys and Draco passed time by talking about Quidditch and other topics of interest. When the train came to a stop the two stood up and made their way off the train.

"So my father tells me there's a new teacher this year" ,Draco told Krys as they made their way up the steps into the castle.

"Really now? Wonder what they'll be teaching seeing all positions are pretty much full".

The two walked into the great hall and sat down at the Slytherin table and waited for dinner and the sorting to begin.

"Wonder where this new teacher is" ,Krys said looking around, she didn't see anyone that she hadn't before.
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