[Krys Snape & Madge T)

Madge T

Jan 31, 2012
Another year older, another year at Hogwarts. Tegwen Sinclair had no idea what to expect this year at school. With Dumbledore's murderer as headmaster of the school, who honestly knew what to expect. The hufflepuff seventh year had no earthly clue how Voldemort would choose to run a school. The more logical part of her mind kept repeating that the teachers would never allow any harm to come to the students. The less logical part of her mind screamed at her that the Death Eaters loved to cause people anguish and things would probably be more strict. More harsh.

Tegwen honestly wouldn't be coming to school this year if it wasn't Mandatory, and her parents weren't forcing her older brother to take her to the station. She was quite furious with her parents right at that moment. They were going on the run. This was primarily because her father David was a muggleborn wizard and he did not want to go through with the Ministry's forced interrogation. Tegwen's mother Siobhan, who was actually a pureblood, was going to disappear with him too because she was very vocal about the Ministry's new ways. Beatrice, who was the youngest Sinclair child at ten years of age, was also going into hiding with her parents.

Klaus, who was eighteen, would be staying in London in order to oppose the Death Eaters openly. He wouldn't run. "Be careful this year Gwen,"Klaus said. This brought Tegwen out of her train of thought about her family. She glared at her older brother. What right did he have to lecture her to not take any risks when he was going to be in the thick of the fighting?

"I will,"Tegwen said. Her voice was slightly bitter.

"I'll be fine Gwen..."Klaus began.

"How am I supposed to know that. It's highly unlikely that I'll be able to get any word from you at all, or mum and dad for that matter. How am I supposed to know what is going on?"Tegwen demanded.

"Shush."Klaus commanded. Her brother shifted his eyes slightly to indicate the death eaters that had positioned themselves in front of the train. "Let's get you on the train now,"he added.

Tegwen had to announce who she was to the death eaters standing guard in front of the train. They would then check her name off a master list of all the students that would be at Hogwarts that year. It was probably a way of weeding out the muggleborns. The purebloods and half-bloods would most likely not be given any hassle. The muggleborns might be carted off somewhere.

Tegwen gave her brother a fierce hug before getting on the train.
Krys stood at Platform 9 and 3/4 watching all the students pile in, "How many mudbloods you reckon are attending this year" ,Krys asked Dolohov who was standing next to her. He snickered and looked around, "I haven't a clue Snape a lot of them are probably on the run in fear" ,he replied. The two watched as the students formed a line to get onto the train, they asked the routine questions and looked up names. A few students who were muggle born got sent to a certain section of the train.

Both Dolohov and Krys watched as a girl hugged her brother good bye, "Aw how touching, move along we haven't got all day" ,Krys snapped at the two.

When all the students were on the train Krys climbed on and made her way down the aisle, "No sign of Potter eh"? she asked a fellow death eater in passing. "Nope, he must be in hiding" ,he replied. Krys shook her head and continued to make her way down the aisle, a disgusted look came across her face as she passed all the muggle borns. As she made her way toward the back of the train a boy stood up, "He's not here losers" ,the boy said in a nasty tone. Krys looked at him, "Ah Neville you finally grew a pair, unfortunately it was at the wrong time if you speak to us like that again you'll find yourself suffering the same fate your parents did, sit down and shut the fuck up" ,Krys snapped back. Neville gave a nervous look before taking his seat.

When the train arrived at the school Krys got off first with the rest of the death eaters and made her way up to the castle. She walked into the great hall and made her way to the staff table, she had graduated the year before and Voldemort had appointed her to punish students who had received detentions. The twisted young Snape enjoyed to torture people so there was no doubt that some students would be receiving the cruciatus curse as punishment.
When Tegwen walked along the train trying to find a place to sit she began making a list of everyone she recognized in her head. She started with those in her year. So far she had caught glimspes of Susan, Ernie, Hannah, Paravati, Padma, Terry, Sheamus, Neville-

Lost once again in her train of thought she ran into some random Slytherin boy. She had no idea who he was. He shoved her violently out of his way. She landed on her knees on the corridor of the train. "Get lost freak,"he snarled. Tegwen's face burned bright red and she hurriedly scampered away. She took a seat with Ernie, Susan, and Hannah when she located them. Some of the others like
Neville and the Paravati twins sat not far away from them.

Tegwen stiffened once the death eaters began making their rounds once the train began moving. When Neville stood up to them about Harry not being there, the hufflepuff girl smiled slightly. He was showing courage he had never really shown before. Tegwen hurried over to him once the Death Eaters had left the compartment. "Um...nice j-job Nev,"Tegwen whispered. Neville looked up at her. "Thanks,"he mumbled.

The time on the train seemed to fly by. Before Tegwen knew it the Hogwart's express had arrived at the school. She joined her fellow students on the carriages leading into the school. She hastily moved to find her seat when she got into the Great Hall. Tegwen didn't want to accidently cause any incidents. Fate seemed to have other plans in mind for her though.

"Get out of my way you filthly mudblood!"Falon shouted. Falon was a sixth year Slytherin. Tegwen had been picked on by him for years. His focus of attention seemed to be directed at Madison Green, a second year, in Tegwen's house. "Honestly, people who aren't scum need-"Falon began.

"Leave her alone,"Tegwen snarled. She had rushed upon the scene almost immediately. The seventeen year old could take Falon teasing her, but she wouldn't stand for his attitude if it was some innocent little kid. She had always been protective of Maddie anyway.

"Ohhh...and you're going to make me are you?"Falon asked.

"Yes,"Tegwen said. She began pulling out her wand. Falon already had his wand out, but unless someone was standing right up close to him they wouldn't have been able to tell. Tegwen sent a blasting curse straight at his chest. It wasn't one that could actually do him much damage. It only caused him to fall back a couple feet.

"That will teach you to be a bully,"Tegwen said. She honestly didn't care if she got into trouble. She was quite sure she could justify her actions.
Krys watched as all the students piled in she noticed a few seventh years arguing, one a Hufflepuff the other a Slytherin. One of her fellow death eaters went to stand up but Krys stopped him, "Let them have it out for a while, see where it goes" ,she said with an evil smirk.

After the Slytherin boy was hit with a curse that sent him falling backwards Krys stood up and began to walk over to the two. "Falon go sit at your table" ,Krys told the boy. He got up and quickly mad his way over to the Slytherin table and sat down.

Krys turned her attention to the girl, "You will be seeing me in detention later" ,she said.

Krys looked at the second year who was shaking in fear, "Shoo"! The girl hurried over to her own house table and Krys turned her attention back to the older girl, she put her hand on the girls shoulder, "After dinner tough guy meet me in my office".

Krys turned and made her way back up to the staff table and sat down she eyed the Hufflepuff girl until she sat down. When dinner was finished Krys made her way to her office which was located right near the dungeons. She waited for her first victim so to speak to come and serve her detention.
Tegwen glared at Krys when she approached. She was getting detention? She barely had time to explain herself. Plus, Falon had been getting ready to attack her first. She pulled herself away from Krys when she placed the hand on her shoulder. "Right then...um s-see you later Miss,"she said. The seventeen year old's voice was slightly sarcastic.

She moved towards her table and sat down. "You shouldn't have done that Gwen,"Hannah whispered. "I'm not going to stand for him picking on her,"Tegwen said. She tucked a strand of her auburn hair that had fallen out of the neat bun that she usually wore her hair in. "B-Besides what's the absolute worst that she can do to me?"Tegwen asked. Hannah had no answer to that.

Tegwen piled her plate up with all sorts of food. She ate slowly. She was deliberately making Krys wait for her. Honestly...was she expected to treat some girl who was barely older then herself like an actual teacher.

Tegwen knocked three times on Krys's door when she reached it. "I'm here Miss,"she said loudly.
Krys sat in her office and waited for the Hufflepuff girl to show up. When she heard the knock on her door she smirked.

"Enter" ,she said coldly. Krys had that same spine chilling tone her father had when he spoke, some found it sexy others found it scary.

Krys looked at the girl when she came in, "Sit down at that desk right there, for now until I figure out what your punishment is going to be" ,Krys said as she stood up and began to pace around the room, she put her hand on her chin as if she were deep in thought as she walked around.

"Hmm what would be a fitting punishment for you eh, maybe you can clean the floors to start with" ,Krys summoned a bucket of soapy water and a sponge.

"Get to it, oh and you'll be cleaning the floor in your underwear so strip down".

Krys walked over to her desk and sat back down and waited for the girl's response. If she was defiant then she would definitely be getting a crucio. Krys was a sadistic being and she almost would rather curse the girl then see her half naked and wet bent over scrubbing a floor.
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