I'll play in your comfort zone (CLOSED)

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Old dog
Jul 21, 2011
Welcome, to my little corner of hell, where I will challenge you and your characters to a near fatal degree. This is no place for pansies, so if you fear grammar or flat out don't know how to use it, GTFO. I'm looking for partners who are up to par with my abilities, not someone in need of a lesson in English. (I understand the occasional slip-up, but don't feed me bullcrap excuses about consistent mistakes. It's irritating.)

I play DOMINANT males. Rarely switches. And I don't do series-based/fan RPs/fandoms (since so many people keep asking), unless I've known you for a while and you manage to convince me.


What is EXPECTED by ME, and CAN BE expected by YOU, in a ROLE PLAY:[/SIZE]]

I.) GRAMMAR so that I can UNDERSTAND what you are trying to convey in your posts.

II.) Proper SPELLING so that there is no confusion.

III.) DESCRIPTION OVER DIALOGUE; it’s very difficult to write a response if all you throw at me is a whopping wall of character speech.

IV.) CREATIVITY of writing, or STYLE—you’re an artist of language, so use words as if they are paint used to hash out a brilliant piece of art. ALWAYS write from your gut.

V.) Strong, well rounded, dynamic characters. This means I don’t want to read anything dealing with Mary Sues. Characters should be original. They’re your puppets! You should be able to step into their shoes and express their emotions. And dominant, subordinate, or switch, I won’t have it if they’re lame.

VI.) LEADERSHIP. I will lead, but I REFUSE TO LEAD ALL THE TIME. Step up to the plate, put something into the story, or the role play will die. End of story. If a time skip/fast forward is something you’re hesitant to carry out because you fear it will fling the story into an abyss all you have to do is raise the question: “Hey, do you think implementing a time and space dimension will be alright right now? Or will the story not advance?”

VII.) It is NEVER going to be a PROBLEM if you ask me questions. I’ll probably ask you ten million and one, anyway, so ask away.

VIII.) YOU WILL HELP WITH PLOT DEVELOPMENT (this goes back to the ludicrous belief that I’ll stay interested if I’m the one making all the decisions, every movement forward in the story).

IX.) You WILL NOT dwell in MY posts, but will further the story (see VI and VII).

X.) I want a CHALLENGING PARTNER with CHALLENGING CHARACTERS. This does not mean I require you to write up profiles.


*My men are often a little rough but not entirely without tenderness, though they may be prone to making their partner feel a little glum at times, perhaps a little unwanted. If I’m playing a bad boy, you better believe he’s going to be nasty, temperamental, and quite possibly violent; he may break more than just feelings and/or a heart.

*Women who are not entirely meek and timid are often the best pitted against my guys. My males are quite domineering and likely to make a woman submit and feel fragile and vulnerable, but having your gal slap them around a little bit or metaphorically whip the rug out from under their feet may encourage them to “pay attention.”

*I prefer quality over quantity. In fact, one to two paragraphs often gets me to respond quicker than a book, unless I'm completely engrossed in the game.

*I DON'T DO M/M. PERIOD. END OF STORY. DON'T MESSAGE ME WANTING TO PLAY A M/M PAIRING. IT WON'T WORK. .___. Thank you for reading this and understanding my aversion to dude on dude gaming.


Roles I would prefer to play vary in color. If there is no differentiation, then I don't mind playing either role. Also, if there is no plot, send me a few pairings you might be interested in. Usually I can come up with something if you don't already have an idea of what you want to play.]

Human x Vampire
Vampire x Vampire
Demon x Human
Demon x Angel
Angel x Human
Angel x Angel
Angel x Fallen
Musician x Fan
Musician x Musician
Nypmh x Human
Elf x Human
Sprite/Fairy x Human
Lycan x Human Female
Lycan Female x Human
Lycan x Lycan
Lycan x Vampire
Ghost x Human
Teacher/Professor x Student
Psychologist x Patient
Elemental x Human
Assassin x Vampire
Human x Mermaid
Shifter x Human Female
Shifter Female x Human
Shifter x Shifter
Human x Human
Director x Actress
Cinematographer/Photographer x Actress/Model
Screenwriter x Woman
Screenwriter x Screenwriter
Author/Journalist x Woman
Prince x Commoner
Princess x Commoner
Prince x Princess
(Demi) God x Mortal
(Demi) God x (Demi) Goddess
(Demi) Goddess x Mortal
Human x Selkie
Human x Android
Soldier x Civilian
Nun x Soldier/Agent


Ask for full summary.]


EXAMPLES OF MY RP WRITING (Size can be daunting, don't let it be):[/SIZE]]

1.) Images flashed through his mind, their telekinetic connection a curse to him in that instant and forever. A displeased animalistic growl rolled through his chest as his lips curled back, revealing unsheathed fangs, gleaming white in the dim light of the living room offered by a standing lamp. The clear irritation in the sound continued to thrum lowly throughout his chest, never venturing beyond his teeth, always contained, controlled. He breathed deeply when he heard the latch of the door click, followed by her light, graceful footsteps as she boldly, stupidly began walking in his direction. His name on her tongue was like a poison to him, one that made him madder than he already was, more prone to tumble into the insanity that loomed over him.

His chest heaved once, nostrils flaring, as he clenched his hands at his side, forming them into tightly balled fists. Not a second time, he wouldn’t fall for her sweetly soft voice, a voice that curled his insides and turned his will into dust. Straightening his back, shoulders pushed as far behind him as they would go, acting as a barricade between himself and her, he snarled once more—a warning. She spoke once more, claiming that her turning of him had been an accident, mere ill fortune. I didn’t mean for this to happen. Those words, her terrible lie, a deceit greater than her existence in this world itself, brought him more rage than he had ever believed possible.

Whipping around, he lunged at her, gripping her shoulder tightly. Her bones groaned under the pressure exerted by his grasp on her, fingers digging into her flesh, jabbing into muscle, and threatening to break through both to shatter her delicate frame. She wouldn’t die, but she would be stunned by a fractured shoulder, collarbone, or neck. His eyes plummeted to hers; his were a deep, angry shade of crimson. Teeth bared, the corner of his lips twitching wickedly, menacingly, he gnashed his strong maw in her face. Lifting her just a short distance from the wall, he slammed her back against it with enough force to make the structure creak and the plaster give just a slight bit, denting the surface.

So fragile, he could tell she was weak, could smell how desperately she clung to life. Sharp, pointed fangs pricked at his bottom lip, drawing forth two small droplets of blood that spilled over and coated his lip. He could smell it, that coppery sweet flavor, metallic and glorious. His nostrils fanned out to suck in a deeper breath of the delicious scent.

He was deprived, thirsty. Throat burning, he licked away the blood, only to have two more red beads emerge once more. Slowly, they began to dry, but he didn’t wipe them away with his tongue this time. Instead, keeping her locked in his grip, restrained to the wall, he let the agonizingly pleasurable aroma seep into her senses, drive her insane. After all, it was what she craved.

“You didn’t mean for this to happen?” He sneered, finally speaking as he scoffed at her in disbelief. She’d turned him into a monster before he’d even had a chance to blink. Images of their kiss flashed through his mind, his tongue raking over hers, rough hands moving over her body, encouraging her, and then her bite to his neck. His jaw snapped open, and he sunk his fangs into the throbbing jugular vein that ran the length of her throat. He gave one hard pull, letting her dwell in the terrible pain of one’s blood being sapped from the body. She didn’t have much, and if he took it all, he wouldn’t have the pleasure of tormenting her further.

All too aware that she desired more than just the crimson, life-sustaining substance flowing through his veins, he slowly lapped at the rouge staining his lips. Then he forced his mouth against hers in a hard, savage kiss that lasted no more than a mere second before he snapped his head back, raking his fangs over her lower lip, breaking the sensitive skin there. “How does it feel?” he snarled, cheek brushing against hers, warm and rough with stubble, breath hot as it spilled into her ear. “To know you’re dying, Isabel. Tell me, how does it feel?” His hold on her shifted, hands dropping lower, and he wrenched her right arm behind her back. There was a sickening snap, and he could feel the bone fragments in elbow moving beneath his fingers as he continued to pressure the injury.

“Scream,” he commanded, and his crimson eyes went wide before they narrowed to dangerous slits. “I want to hear how much pain you’re in, how you really didn’t intend to steal my soul, turn me into a fucking leech.”

2.) His brow furrowed, about to give up, but then he saw her. Green eyes flipped to where she stood wading in the water, a panicked look on her face, and completely bare to the world. He swallowed, and she turned to flee to shore, grabbing some sort of article along her way. She was beautiful, a sight for him to take in, but he didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable. It was clear she hadn’t been expecting anyone to come around, as quickly as she’d moved to cover herself up, and as surprised as she’d appeared. The boat drifted closer, and he glanced down at the waves, noting the shallower portions of sea water.

Straying from the helm, he jumped down onto the lower deck, and made his way over to the side railing. There was the question of whether or not she was foreign. If she couldn’t understand him, then it would be difficult to get close to her without causing tension to build. At the moment, he had a feeling she might run from him, a strange man to her.

Then, another thought came to him. Pirates still roamed the waters. Maybe she had been out on her own boat, and the sea thugs had come and taken it and all of her clothes from her, leaving her whatever she was using as cover. It wasn’t much. He could still see a good majority of her skin.

The boat rocked on the water as he pushed away from the rail, and the bottom of it scraped along the bottom of the sand. Cursing silently to himself, he cast a glance at her as he caught his balance. Slowly, he moved back up to the controls, and maneuvered the boat to a standstill on the water washed sand, still a good several feet from her, and still in the salty waves. He would push off when it was time, or if she turned out to be a threat.

“Are you alright?” was the first question to come out of his mouth. “Not hurt are you?” Moving from the helm once more, he went to lean over the railing, elbows resting on the metal surface. Even from the distance he was at, he could see her blue eyes, the color of the deepest of ocean depths. “My name is Ian.”

RE: I'll play in your comfort zone

Raivh said:
Welcome, to my little corner of hell, where I will challenge you and your characters to a near fatal degree. This is no place for pansies, so if you fear grammar or flat out don't know how to use it, GTFO. I'm looking for partners who are up to par with my abilities, not someone in need of a lesson in English. (I understand the occasional slip-up, but don't feed me bullcrap excuses about consistent mistakes. It's irritating.)

I play DOMINANT males. Rarely switches. And I don't do series-based/fan RPs/fandoms (since so many people keep asking), unless I've known you for a while and you manage to convince me.


What is EXPECTED by ME, and CAN BE expected by YOU, in a ROLE PLAY:[/SIZE]]

I.) GRAMMAR so that I can UNDERSTAND what you are trying to convey in your posts.

II.) Proper SPELLING so that there is no confusion.

III.) DESCRIPTION OVER DIALOGUE; it’s very difficult to write a response if all you throw at me is a whopping wall of character speech.

IV.) CREATIVITY of writing, or STYLE—you’re an artist of language, so use words as if they are paint used to hash out a brilliant piece of art. ALWAYS write from your gut.

V.) Strong, well rounded, dynamic characters. This means I don’t want to read anything dealing with Mary Sues. Characters should be original. They’re your puppets! You should be able to step into their shoes and express their emotions. And dominant, subordinate, or switch, I won’t have it if they’re lame.

VI.) LEADERSHIP. I will lead, but I REFUSE TO LEAD ALL THE TIME. Step up to the plate, put something into the story, or the role play will die. End of story. If a time skip/fast forward is something you’re hesitant to carry out because you fear it will fling the story into an abyss all you have to do is raise the question: “Hey, do you think implementing a time and space dimension will be alright right now? Or will the story not advance?”

VII.) It is NEVER going to be a PROBLEM if you ask me questions. I’ll probably ask you ten million and one, anyway, so ask away.

VIII.) YOU WILL HELP WITH PLOT DEVELOPMENT (this goes back to the ludicrous belief that I’ll stay interested if I’m the one making all the decisions, every movement forward in the story).

IX.) You WILL NOT dwell in MY posts, but will further the story (see VI and VII).

X.) I want a CHALLENGING PARTNER with CHALLENGING CHARACTERS. This does not mean I require you to write up profiles.


*My men are often a little rough but not entirely without tenderness, though they may be prone to making their partner feel a little glum at times, perhaps a little unwanted. If I’m playing a bad boy, you better believe he’s going to be nasty, temperamental, and quite possibly violent; he may break more than just feelings and/or a heart.

*Women who are not entirely meek and timid are often the best pitted against my guys. My males are quite domineering and likely to make a woman submit and feel fragile and vulnerable, but having your gal slap them around a little bit or metaphorically whip the rug out from under their feet may encourage them to “pay attention.”

*I prefer quality over quantity. In fact, one to two paragraphs often gets me to respond quicker than a book, unless I'm completely engrossed in the game.

*I DON'T DO M/M. PERIOD. END OF STORY. DON'T MESSAGE ME WANTING TO PLAY A M/M PAIRING. IT WON'T WORK. .___. Thank you for reading this and understanding my aversion to dude on dude gaming.


Roles I would prefer to play vary in color. If there is no differentiation, then I don't mind playing either role. Also, if there is no plot, send me a few pairings you might be interested in. Usually I can come up with something if you don't already have an idea of what you want to play.]

Human x Vampire
Vampire x Vampire
Demon x Human
Demon x Angel
Angel x Human
Angel x Angel
Angel x Fallen
Musician x Fan
Musician x Musician
Nypmh x Human
Elf x Human
Sprite/Fairy x Human
Lycan x Human Female
Lycan Female x Human
Lycan x Lycan
Lycan x Vampire
Ghost x Human
Teacher/Professor x Student
Psychologist x Patient
Elemental x Human
Assassin x Vampire
Human x Mermaid
Shifter x Human Female
Shifter Female x Human
Shifter x Shifter
Human x Human
Director x Actress
Cinematographer/Photographer x Actress/Model
Screenwriter x Woman
Screenwriter x Screenwriter
Author/Journalist x Woman
Prince x Commoner
Princess x Commoner
Prince x Princess
(Demi) God x Mortal
(Demi) God x (Demi) Goddess
(Demi) Goddess x Mortal
Human x Selkie
Human x Android
Soldier x Civilian
Nun x Soldier/Agent


Ask for full summary.]


EXAMPLES OF MY RP WRITING (Size can be daunting, don't let it be):[/SIZE]]

1.) Images flashed through his mind, their telekinetic connection a curse to him in that instant and forever. A displeased animalistic growl rolled through his chest as his lips curled back, revealing unsheathed fangs, gleaming white in the dim light of the living room offered by a standing lamp. The clear irritation in the sound continued to thrum lowly throughout his chest, never venturing beyond his teeth, always contained, controlled. He breathed deeply when he heard the latch of the door click, followed by her light, graceful footsteps as she boldly, stupidly began walking in his direction. His name on her tongue was like a poison to him, one that made him madder than he already was, more prone to tumble into the insanity that loomed over him.

His chest heaved once, nostrils flaring, as he clenched his hands at his side, forming them into tightly balled fists. Not a second time, he wouldn’t fall for her sweetly soft voice, a voice that curled his insides and turned his will into dust. Straightening his back, shoulders pushed as far behind him as they would go, acting as a barricade between himself and her, he snarled once more—a warning. She spoke once more, claiming that her turning of him had been an accident, mere ill fortune. I didn’t mean for this to happen. Those words, her terrible lie, a deceit greater than her existence in this world itself, brought him more rage than he had ever believed possible.

Whipping around, he lunged at her, gripping her shoulder tightly. Her bones groaned under the pressure exerted by his grasp on her, fingers digging into her flesh, jabbing into muscle, and threatening to break through both to shatter her delicate frame. She wouldn’t die, but she would be stunned by a fractured shoulder, collarbone, or neck. His eyes plummeted to hers; his were a deep, angry shade of crimson. Teeth bared, the corner of his lips twitching wickedly, menacingly, he gnashed his strong maw in her face. Lifting her just a short distance from the wall, he slammed her back against it with enough force to make the structure creak and the plaster give just a slight bit, denting the surface.

So fragile, he could tell she was weak, could smell how desperately she clung to life. Sharp, pointed fangs pricked at his bottom lip, drawing forth two small droplets of blood that spilled over and coated his lip. He could smell it, that coppery sweet flavor, metallic and glorious. His nostrils fanned out to suck in a deeper breath of the delicious scent.

He was deprived, thirsty. Throat burning, he licked away the blood, only to have two more red beads emerge once more. Slowly, they began to dry, but he didn’t wipe them away with his tongue this time. Instead, keeping her locked in his grip, restrained to the wall, he let the agonizingly pleasurable aroma seep into her senses, drive her insane. After all, it was what she craved.

“You didn’t mean for this to happen?” He sneered, finally speaking as he scoffed at her in disbelief. She’d turned him into a monster before he’d even had a chance to blink. Images of their kiss flashed through his mind, his tongue raking over hers, rough hands moving over her body, encouraging her, and then her bite to his neck. His jaw snapped open, and he sunk his fangs into the throbbing jugular vein that ran the length of her throat. He gave one hard pull, letting her dwell in the terrible pain of one’s blood being sapped from the body. She didn’t have much, and if he took it all, he wouldn’t have the pleasure of tormenting her further.

All too aware that she desired more than just the crimson, life-sustaining substance flowing through his veins, he slowly lapped at the rouge staining his lips. Then he forced his mouth against hers in a hard, savage kiss that lasted no more than a mere second before he snapped his head back, raking his fangs over her lower lip, breaking the sensitive skin there. “How does it feel?” he snarled, cheek brushing against hers, warm and rough with stubble, breath hot as it spilled into her ear. “To know you’re dying, Isabel. Tell me, how does it feel?” His hold on her shifted, hands dropping lower, and he wrenched her right arm behind her back. There was a sickening snap, and he could feel the bone fragments in elbow moving beneath his fingers as he continued to pressure the injury.

“Scream,” he commanded, and his crimson eyes went wide before they narrowed to dangerous slits. “I want to hear how much pain you’re in, how you really didn’t intend to steal my soul, turn me into a fucking leech.”

2.) His brow furrowed, about to give up, but then he saw her. Green eyes flipped to where she stood wading in the water, a panicked look on her face, and completely bare to the world. He swallowed, and she turned to flee to shore, grabbing some sort of article along her way. She was beautiful, a sight for him to take in, but he didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable. It was clear she hadn’t been expecting anyone to come around, as quickly as she’d moved to cover herself up, and as surprised as she’d appeared. The boat drifted closer, and he glanced down at the waves, noting the shallower portions of sea water.

Straying from the helm, he jumped down onto the lower deck, and made his way over to the side railing. There was the question of whether or not she was foreign. If she couldn’t understand him, then it would be difficult to get close to her without causing tension to build. At the moment, he had a feeling she might run from him, a strange man to her.

Then, another thought came to him. Pirates still roamed the waters. Maybe she had been out on her own boat, and the sea thugs had come and taken it and all of her clothes from her, leaving her whatever she was using as cover. It wasn’t much. He could still see a good majority of her skin.

The boat rocked on the water as he pushed away from the rail, and the bottom of it scraped along the bottom of the sand. Cursing silently to himself, he cast a glance at her as he caught his balance. Slowly, he moved back up to the controls, and maneuvered the boat to a standstill on the water washed sand, still a good several feet from her, and still in the salty waves. He would push off when it was time, or if she turned out to be a threat.

“Are you alright?” was the first question to come out of his mouth. “Not hurt are you?” Moving from the helm once more, he went to lean over the railing, elbows resting on the metal surface. Even from the distance he was at, he could see her blue eyes, the color of the deepest of ocean depths. “My name is Ian.”

Nice pieces of work you have there. As well, I get what you are saying in the very first paragraph. It does not hurt to have requirements now does it?
Also, sometime I would like to RP with you. If you would like to see a sample of my writing style or have any questions do not hesitate to ask. Have a good day.
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