mood: content eating: scrambled eggs listening to: who knows, who cares - Local Natives
Long, long day but so nice to be home. I'm beginning to realize
that my math is beginning to get a whole lot tougher and I need
to pay attention, so I promised myself I'd stop coming home and
procrastinating only to have it be the next day and no homework
done! I feel like a failure sometimes. :{
Right now I'm replying to some roleplays and eating my scrambled
eggs, which, I keep having a weird craving for. Fuck are they good.
Anywho! Roleplays > homework > wii fit. Surprisingly I've lost 5lbs
playing it over the past two weeks. It's peculiar, but I'm not com-
plainin' ~ <3
I think I have the stomach flu. Which sucks because this is one
of the days I don't have class, I wanted to just chill or go see
a movie or something with my bessfran but nooooooo, looks like
I'm stuck at home.
Not complaining though. Orange pekoe tea and FF13 makes ever-
thing better.
WTF, ATAMOS. You've brought me to an area I've never been to
before ....
mood: determined playing: WoW drinking: some weird ... peach juice
Sitting up straight is painful. It really is. My back is DYING from
tying to improve my posture. I'm changing my lifestyle, basically,
and improving my posture is an element of it. Others include
eating healthier and actually exercising. From now on I'm on
PigDog training for summer. It's hard shit. Gym nonsense starts
next week.
Thank you. :] It's not fun, ahaha.
And I still owe you a post, don't it?
I keep saying I'm going to do it and I
don't. D: I want to, I'm just too lazy.
Oh, Dee-Dub, you make me a very happy young lady.
I wish I could go see you in concert tomorrow night
but no job = no cash! So, you handsome Bucky you,
you have to wait another time to see me.
xD! Down With Webster is my life. 'Nough said.
Time for bed now. In class math assignment tomorrow.
mood: sated
listening to: who knows, who cares - local natives
playing: WoW
So I realized that I listen to hippie music. A lot of bossa-novas, folklore,
synthpop and all of that wholewheat goodness. It's good shit and makes
me so happy ... I swear, if I had no Passion Pit my life would be a complete
wreak. I remember watching Where The Wild Things Are with my six year
old sister and bawling my eyes out every five seconds. The music was
really empowering and somewhat nostalgic. It was nice to share that moment
with my little sister as my mom used to read that book to me when I was
Anyway, gym starts on Monday! Looking forward to it now that I have a
buddy. But do I feel bad eating this big-ass bowl of home-popped, over
buttered popcorn? Not in the least bit.
mood: starving! watching: 40 year old virgin playing: WoW ... again
I realized sitting at the computer hurt my back a lot, or at least, has been
lately. Well, playing WoW and doing raids was an issue. Manually using the
laptop mouse to heal is NOT easy and makes me fingers feel super weird. So,
me being the super clever broad I am, discovered a comfortable way to play
IN BED. It's fantastic and my back is thanking me for it.
Anywho, math test on Monday ... dreading it but HEY! Quadratics are fun.
Who doesn't like using the quadratic formula? Even if when my professor tells
me to solve for an equation using factoring, completing the square or the
formula, I ALWAYS use the formula, even if the equation is like 7x squared = 4.
I'm a loser, I know, shut up.