tock--the clock strikes twelve.(mera/darkenedknight)

May 23, 2010
"Hello, Sarah...." a harsh, high voice called out into the dark office of Publitech. "Busy stealing more dreams after hours are we?"
The callous and hateful voice made Sarah shiver inside, she knew that voice entirely too well.
"Oliver? What are you doing? You dont--" the voice cut across her words.
"Belong? Of course I don't. I served my purpose, I didn't make enough money for you leaches so you threw me away!"
A faint blue light radiated from the center of the room, presumably the source of the voice. That light steadily grew more brilliant, began to fill the room with the sharp whine of energy charging.
"Oliver Cullen doesn't exist thanks to you...his dreams, his passions, nothing is left."
Primal fear surged in the thirty year old woman as she realized what was going on.
"Look...I am sorry that we couldn't get the contract out from Waynetech's vice grip, but that's how business goes..." she knew that there wasn't any way for her to escape the mad man glowing before her.
Morning slowly filled the Gotham sky with its light. Its rays spilled into the perfectly undisturbed bedroom of Bruce Wayne.
"Alfred, cancel all of my meetings for the day, the board is asking to present the quarterly earnings and strategy report to the press and I can't get out of it...." a little annoyance was clear in his voice as he read a stack of patent summaries.
"Of course master Bruce, I have already taken the liberty of doing so." The elderly man said patiently as he layed out a small breakfast tray on a nearby table.
"Its quite an acomplishment to receive a government contract for regenerative medicine. I am not the least surprised that they are requiring your attendance."
Bruce gave a small nod as he pulled on a charcoal grey three piece suit and began selecting a tie off of the mechanized closet rack.
"Well then...severe black or triumphant red?" Bruce smiled as he held up two silk ties.
Alfred ignored his gesturing and pointed instead at the pocket square on his chest.
"Neither,I do believe a nurturing green would be in order."
A small smile spread across the billionares lips as he pulled out a soft green tie and made a windsor knot in with the fabric.
"Shall I bring the limo around sir?"
Wayne shook his head and grinned.
"Didn't you say something green might be best? It would be a shame to clash with the theme now...bring the Tesla out instead, I'll drive myself today."

Minutes later, a light, moss green sports car hummed to the main driveway, halting just short of the door.
"Quite the smooth drive sir, it should make a smashing statement when you arrive at the press conference." The butler said dryly as he presented the drivers seat.
"That's the plan." He replied, belting himself before he sped silently away.
Gotham hadn't really changed in the nearly seventeen years that she'd been away. Dressed in baggy pants with matching shirt, still tipped boots and a cape with hood she walked though the city. She was looking for a map or the police station, easier said than done. She had to get her identity back, something called a life at least. She turned the corner and people were gathering somewhere, cameras were there. Something big was going on. A lot of police was present also. She noticed a map in the corner of the square and walked over. She was in for a long walk.

She just got going, no point in waiting, she had no money for shelter or food. The weather wasn't too good either, grey skies, light rain and darker clouds approaching. This tall woman looked anything like an easy target. 6ft tall, lean athletic build. Her large breasts were squashed against her chest, stil looking to be like a C cup. Born a hermaphrodite she also had a dick and balls. Her baggy pants hid the extra parts well. She had hoped they wouldn't grow too big, unfortunately they were big.

"Hey you there, it's a little late for Halloween." A man yelled. She looked up and saw him, he flashed a badge to her Bullock. "Trust me if I had anything else I'd wear it." She replied.
"ID please." He said and looked at her suspiciously.
"I don't have one." Alana replied, it was true until her legally dead status was revoked she didn't.
"Then go home and get your ID card, you're not setting foot on this square without an ID." The detective said.
"I don't have an ID card." Alana said, this wasn't going well.
"No ID means you don't go in the square without ID, at least not today. Wait what do you mean by you don't have one?" Bullock said.
"Exactly what I just said. I was abducted as a kid seventeen years ago, most likely I'm legally dead now. I was going to go to the police station to try and get my identity back. I'm Alana McGuyver." She said.
"Wait I heard about that case. You're..."
"I am. I'm on my way to the police station to find someone willing to run my prints and DNA. Maybe you can tell me how to get there?" Alana said.
Bullock was thinking if he were the one to help her now it could deffinately help his career. "He Johnson I have to head out, keep an eye on things for me." He said, then looked at Alana. "I'll give you a ride." He said. Alana wasn't sure weather or not to trust him. "Thank you." She said.

The drive over there was silent, she didn't want to talk and Bullock didn't seem to be the friendly type either. She looked out of the window and got out when they arrived. She ignored the comments that people were making when he took her to his desk. He took her prints, called CSI for a DNA sample and to run it. "So what happened to you?" The dtective asked.
"Have you ever heard of a place called Apokolypse?" Alana asked him.
"Wait isn't that the same ones that brainwashed Supeman some years back?" He asked.
Alana nodded. "They took me too. It took me nearly seventeen years to make it back here." Alana said.
"So you escaped." He said.
"I tried that, didn't work. However anyone can 'earn' their freedom through trial by combat. The only problem with that is that your opponent can be anyone from a lowlife guard to Darkseid himself. It took so long because I had to become strong enough to be victorious."
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