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Destiny In the Sky - Clean story


Sep 12, 2010
in my room doing naughty things ^.~
Before I begin- I am open to mild criticism so long as it comes with suggestion for solution. This is actually the first chapter to a set of 5 chapters that makes up the very beginning of a rather intricate rp. There may be some typos and or grammatical errors that I will be willing to fix if they are pointed out. ^^ If someone is interested in hearing out the rest of this story and doing the extended rp with me... feel free to contact me.

Book 1: The Hardest Fate

Chapter one: Existence

~Are we who we are because we are? Or do we exist because we are acknowledged (seen, heard and spoken to ) by others? One soul will always call out for another, and the heart of one who has known others will naturally seek to be not only acknowledged, but also loved.~

Her eyes opened partially and her gaze slowly drifted across the room, her pupils dilating to accommodate her vision in the dim, early-morning light. The ground beneath her trembled, and as it did she gently ran a finger across the smooth, cold, stone floor. “Another sky island has attached seems to day will be a good bit of fun” she whispered to herself and gave a gentle coo as she rolled over to go back to sleep. The tremor was enough to be felt but not violent enough to be any concern to her. For her it was a natural occurrence that had been happening for almost as long as she could remember.

A lovely young-looking maiden, she was alone in her world and had been thus for a very long time now. She had the appearance of a woman no older than 21 years of age. Her long golden hair was streaked with bright highlights of pearl and light sunny blond, and fell to just above her knees, always seeming to stay in prefect twirling locks. Her skin was fair, though during the sunniest months she did manage to tan slightly as she worked outside or explored the grounds of new islands that attached to the main land. Her eyes were a swirling mix of sapphire blue and lovely shades of jade green, flecked with sparks of bright gold. But however as lovely she was it did not change the fact that she was the last of her kind – at least… in this place.

She had rolled back over and fallen back asleep; drinking in the rest -for the previous day had been tedious work in the library. She lived in a massive castle which took up most of the single island it had been built upon. However, the gleaming towers that once stood alone in the bright sky were now simply the forefront to what now appeared to be a massive aggregation of many similar islands. Some islands were huge and had few buildings and others were just as massive with many buildings and some even had large towering castles much like the one she in which she dwelled. All of these cities floated high in the sky over the world below. The cities were beautiful and now another island had attached itself to this ever growing continent in the heavens. This meant that it was exploration time to make certain that no one was on whatever island had attached. But by this point in her life she had given up that hope of finding someone stranded just like she was -a castaway in a sea of sky blue.

It had been so many years now so many that she had lost count before the last person in her life had been taken away from her. The memory was still crystal clear in her head and despite the pain it brought, she did her best to remember the face of her mother even in the midst of the memory where her mother had thrown herself off the edge of the island in order to spare her child the same fate of death. In her society (or what had been her society) there was one thing that was more important than anything else in the entire universe. To be acknowledged and remembered. They believed that the source of one’s life energy both in this world and in whatever place awaited after death was powered by the acknowledgment of one’s life by others. It did not have to be positive per say but a positive acknowledgment and remembrance was thought to give better life energy. It was an interesting belief and –more importantly- it was the core of their culture. They did also believe in God, there was a popular monotheistic religion in which many believed. The religious beliefs consisted mainly of the existence of a God that had always existed and would always exist, that the God on high had created them and loved them very much, and although at times things could seem awful and even hopeless, there was always a rhyme to the reason or a hidden meaning that perhaps could not be seen by them but was part of the grand and master plan of the creator. Regardless of the various doctrinal beliefs shared by the various groups of this faith and even by her it did not change her situation but at times taking with the God that she still believed existed did help to quell some of the loneliness. Despite her singular existence she did love her God still and believed that in the midst of it all there was a purpose and that he (or rather- it) had everything under control.

Hours passed and finally the sunlight began to trickle through the window and grazed her face lightly. She rolled over and yawned weakly and slowly sat up beginning to wake up. She looked down and smiled gently. One of the reason she had a rather strong faith in her god was due very much to the fact that she had been provided with a companion of sorts. She looked down and curled up in a soft pet bed was a large creature that resembled something of a mix of a white wolf and an orange Bengal tiger( a creature referred to as a Tamburai -or sometimes called a Tai for short- by her people ). The creature was wolf like in body symmetry but was large like a tiger and its face was rounded and fluffy like a tiger. “Kasu time to wake up” she said light and smiled getting down on the ground and gently began to stroke the fur of her beloved pet. Her pet was much larger than her and for that she was actually quite grateful. The tamburai stood about 4.8 foot tall (about to her shoulders) and had broad strong shoulders that could easily carry her weight. His paws were large and toes were webbed thickly with flesh and fur to allow him to gain traction on steep ground. His body was powerful and agile and even with her on his back he could leap massive distance spanning over 100 feet. In addition this creature was able to breath under water and was an excellent swimmer to boot. All in all he was the best companion she could have hoped for short of another humanoid like herself. However there had been many a situation that had resulted in him saving her life and she was grateful to have him by her side.
Although most islands were fairly safe and predators were few dangers were certainly existent. For example- Once a large bird had taken residence in a large abandon castle and when it attacked her Kasu had taken charge and quickly killed of the creature that had threatened her. Despite the beast having been nearly 4 times larger than her (and brave to boot), Kasu an affection for her that had helped her cope with the silence and loneliness. In more ways than one he had saved her both physically from many a danger and then psychologically by being someone she could talk to. Although he could not understand her- nor could he talk back – having him there to talk to gave great solace in the face of emotional adversity and allowed her to cope with her new existence and the duty to which she had been assigned. She knew her duty and knew it well. She was meant to exist with little acknowledgment of her own existence and yet serve to acknowledge and remember those that had been taken. It was a painful thing to do given their culture, and it felt very much like a one sided effort, but that was the price to be paid.

She petted him and as the sunlight began to fill the room and her fingers stroked across his soft fluffy coat -of swirling oranges and whites, striped with black- the creature began to utter a low guttural purr in reply to show his contentment with being given affection “awww come on you big lazy pants time to get up. We have a new island to explore!” she said and the creature opened its eyes (of swirling green and gold shaped and appearing to be much like the eyes of a feline) and gave a lazy glance to her before rolling over and cuddling her as if she was his little kitten. She squeaked and laughed and cuddled into the large tamburai’s chest enjoying the fun and playfulness of her companion.

After a short bit of rest she smiled and patted his chest and got up stretching and moving about to get her blood flowing. And despite feeling lazy her pet followed suit. After a nice stretch she walked down through the halls of the quiet palace and smiled approaching the kitchen area where she stood in front of a strange panel in the wall and began to press the many glowing buttons.

Despite a rustic look to many of the buildings these cities were technological wonders. After pressing a few buttons a meal materialized on the table for her. Scrambled eggs, toast with jam and butter, and a glass of milk alongside a glass of a light golden colored liquid which would take much like a mix of grapefruit and orange. In addition to her meal a large bowl appeared for her pet and was filled with a mix of meats and vegetables that would provide adequate nutrition and fuel for her hungry pet. “Eat up! Today is going to be an active one” she said and smiled seeming in bright spirits as the bowed her head and gave thanks before partaking of the meal.

As she, ate her mind wandered and she slowly walked about the kitchen as she sipped the glass of hazy golden liquid. She opened up the large window and stared out able to see the new island that had attached itself to the ever growing aggregation of islands in the sky. ~ Do I dare to even hope or dream about there being someone there? I mean … sometimes even despite having Kasu at my side It’s just so difficult. I manage most of the time but…lately it’s been getting harder and harder to maintain myself. Sometimes I feel so desperate and so sad that I don’t know what I’m going to do. I can’t…bring myself to believe that this burden is mine to bear, to be the last one of my kind in this world. There has to be someone out there somewhere that at least has one drop of blood that is the same that runs in my veins, just one like me to recognize me and make me real. But…what if there isn’t? There has to be. I was told there was,... could sh have been lying to be about this, giving me a false hope so that i would carry this burden? But… it’s been what? 20…21 years now since this began?...I wonder if it was just a farce, a bed time story about some great person who is said to release me from this curse. The more I think about it...the more it does sound like some fantasy bed time story. I guess...I just try to live for now and… at least try to wait. Who knows, maybe it wasn't a lie. Maybe, One day, someone will come maybe someone will find me. If I wait forever, then someone will surely find me. And when he does he will be the one, the one just for me and only me. The one who will make me whole, and the one whom I can make whole again. Her mind wandered over these dancing thoughts and worries. Waiting was difficult and such tasks are made so much more difficult when one one bears the additional burden of loneliness
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