Surviving Them (Biohazard/RE Thread)


Feb 11, 2011
12 hours have passed, 12 hours from a normal life to this hell that existed now. When I heard that the dead had risen like one of the campy horror movies, I wondered if some crazed nut job was spreading rumors or not. That was, until I saw definite proof of it. A man, well, what was left of the man anyways, was shambling up the sidewalk, moaning a bit and his one arm was raised and his hand reaching out to anyone. A police officer walked up to him, I was to far away to clearly hear what he said, but the scream the officer gave off was clear enough. The man turned its head and bit the officer on the arm, spraying blood from hitting an artery. My body told me to run, hell, my mind told me to run from this hellish play that was developing in front of me. The man started to bite up the officer's arm. Somehow, the officer was able to pull out his gun and pressed it to the man's head. I looked away when the shot rang out. It was quiet, quiet in a city, for a moment. Then, more screams were heard. I looked up and saw a woman had came up to the officer and he was now biting her on the neck. She couldn't run away, he body was just staggering there as the officer continued to eat at her flesh. Before long, more shambles of men, women, and children were coming into view, all of them bloodied, missing pieces of flesh, and moaning. That's when instinct kicked in finally and I ran away with the others. There was mass panic with people screaming and trying to run away, some of them weren't lucky enough to escape.
I had spent my 12 hours since then, running and hiding. Sure these things could only shamble after us but the more distance placed between me and 'Them" the better. However, curiosity got the better of me, more wanting to learn about these things then curiosity. I was hiding for a moment in a drug store, behind the counter. There was blood everywhere, medical supplies strung across the small building, but the bodies were missing. After I had got a basic first aid kit and a wooden baseball bat that looked to have hit a few people over the head, I ventured out into the streets with 'Them' all over the place. Some of them started to shamble after me so I figured they can probably see and tell the difference between live flesh and them. However, with them shambling, I could easily walk between and around small groups just by using the bat to push them away like a ten foot pole. I knew I had to find a place to hide out in, a place with supplies and possible a radio or something to call and find out what was being done to get help to us. I had no clue what happened to my family and I feared the worst had befallen them among this chaos. I just picked a random direction and hoped to be able to find help that way.
The woman had gotten in a bit of a bind while living in the great and wonderful Raccoon city. She gotten in with the wrong crowd and now worked as a Runner; a person that carried packages or messages from one person to another for a price. She did a good job at it, but she always worried about her life seeing as most of her 'clientele' were gangsters. She was on a run when the outbreak first happened. She had leaped down from a lower hang and rolled onto the concrete of an empty warehouse.

When she walked in she could hear moaning, causing her to pull out her knife, never liking guns too much but knowing how to use them nonetheless. She came around a corner and saw a male doubled over another one who was sprawled on his back. She could swear she heard some chewing sounds but pushed it back.

"Umm...excuse me..." She said and the doubled over man looked up, blood dripping from his torn and chewed face. She took a step back and hit the chest of another person. When she looked over her shoulder that gaping maw was lunging down at her. "The fuck!" She cried, launching the knife into his temple and shoving him away. She looked over to the other male who was stumbling to stand up and coming at her.

She quickly pulled the knife out, spun it around, then launched it straight at the other male's chest. It hit home....and the male only stumbled one step back and kept coming. She went wide eyed and bolted to the door.

The entire time after that she was hanging on a ledge, watching people run across the streets below her and her safe spot, people falling from windows or being chewed. She sighed and stood up, watching as some people attempted to move through the streets. "Hmm...slow, like in some movies. Don't seem too stupid..." She said. She let out a loud and echoing whistle and noticed the ones closest turned and attempted to get to her, clawing at the wall.

"Nope...not entirely stupid." As she noticed more trying to join them as well. She then went and started climbing up the building side, getting to the roof instead. Hopefully they didn't get smart enough to climb walls like she did.
I continued on through the streets until I got close to the main street of the city. There were more then a fer of 'Them' and it would be a problem to get through them like this. I looked around for a second, seeing if I had any options when I noticed someone climbing up the side of the building not to far from me. I wondered who it was but figured they might have been on the right track. One of 'Them' got a little to close for comfort and I slammed the baseball bat into the head of it. It went down but not without letting out a loud moan. I swore under my breath as more of 'Them' started to come after me now. I just turn a full 180, ready to run the way I had came when I noticed the street was filling up with more of 'Them' as well. I didn't want to follow the woman, in-case these monsters chased me and I ended up leading them to a buffet. However, I had no choice now. My heart rate kicked up, my hand gripped the handle of the baseball bat until it hurt, and then i sprinted towards the woman, pushing any of 'Them' that got to close out of my way. When I got to the building I saw the woman last on, I noticed the building next to it had a fire escape. Only problem was that with it being metal, sound might attract 'Them' from a block away or more. I took a chance and started to go up the fire escape stairs, praying that none of 'Them' would come this way as well.
She stood up on the rooftop, holding her knife ready for anything up on top of the place. She sighed softly and looked to the ground and could see a guy climbing the fire escape on the building next to her...and hordes of those things trying to get to him as well. They weren't too smart, but they were shambling up the ladder with enough intelligence to be able to get up after a while. "Aye! Pull the ladder up! Pull the ladder up!" She called down, hoping her would hear her. Before she got a reply she backed away from the edge and took a deep breath, putting the knife back up and folding it closed. She started a full on sprint and leaped off the building, doing more dropping then distance as she grabbed the side of the fire escape and grunted when her body hit the metal, but her grip never being lost on the metal.
When I found myself almost at the top, I heard a woman's voice call out to pull the ladder up. I knew I would have done that if 'Them' weren't right behind me as well. I saw the woman for a second but I had to ignore her for the time being. I had my bat at the ready and realized how close they were. As soon as the first one popper its head up, I raised the bat up over my head and smacked it down square on its head. I figured more then one was coming up but with that one falling down, I figured it would knock the other 'Them' off as well. When I looked over, I saw I was right and started to pull the ladder up. That's when I saw her on the edge of the fire escapee, shocked she didn't get accidentally knocked down when I took that 'Them' down with my bat. I figured he they had some time before 'Them' got up to climb again so I reached over with my hand sticking out. "Grab my hand unless you want to feed 'Them'," I shouted, figuring we had already made enough noise with the ladder to alert any other 'Them'.
I groaned softly and smirked, looking at the male and simply dropped down, grabbing the rung below him and started to swing under it. I would then hold my fingers laced through the mesh 'flooring' that was now above my head. I grabbed the ladder with my other hand and started to heft the thing up more, trying to fold the entire thing up so none of them could grab it. The ladder to a fire escape usually reached higher than one could reach from ground level, so it this high up would stop them from climbing up. And that's when it happened.

Glass shattered around me as one from inside of the building busted out the window, trying to grab me with those bloody fingers. "Ah! Fuck!" I yelled out, kicking and swinging my free hand at it. I finally got a good clean kick to it's head, knocking it back into the building. I would then swing myself about, grabbing the edge of the fire escape once more. I swung around and started pulling myself up, grasping the top railing. I looked to the man and shook my head. "When I said pull it up I meant all the way..." I said, hefting over the metal and landing on me feet with a soft grunt.
I watched the woman go to work, dealing with the fire escape easily but part of me wondered if she was just trying to show off or something. I was a little worried when one of 'Them' tried to grab her but realized she had i taken care of before I could do anything help her. When she came up, the ladder tucked so no one could use it, I looked at her and said, "trying to get yourself killed." When she was talking about the pulling it all the way up and I just sighed a bit and said, "hey, I was more concerned with making sure you were okay. Besides, we had time to pull the ladder up." I grabbed my bat off of the roof below my feet and said, "regardless, they were on the ladder right behind me so I had to take them down first before I could pull it up. Unless I wanted to be trapped up here with 'Them'."
I sighed and looked down at the hordes of things below us. I looked at the male and shook my head, going to climb onto the roof now and went to the other edge, looking over the street. "And I've been asked a hundred times whether I'm trying to kill myself...that was even before all of this crap." I say and look over to the male. I extend my hand out to him, "Sylvan Natasha." I say, "You are?" I asked right after. My knife was tucked into a little holster-thing on the back right side of my hip. I had on an unzipped windbreaker, my black t under that. I was a bit self conscious of my appearance as I used to always get touched and groped by random guys, so I made sure the windbreaker covered my ample chest. I had on a pair of tight sweats, the less baggy my clothing the easier it was for my to do what I did.
When Sylvan introduced herself to me, I shook her hand and said, "Maxwell Egret, Max for short and Egret for when I'm in trouble." I noticed suddenly that her clothing was a bit lose, unlike the jeans and grey t-shirt I was wearing. "Might want to consider loosing the lose clothing and anything that trails behind you," I stated, "seems like once one of 'Them' grab you, their grasp doesn't loosen." I figured for the time of year, she wore that windbreaker for either the occasional bad weather or something else I didn't know of. Not wanting to push why she was wearing it, I just simply said, "so, any plans to survive this hell on earth situation or are you just winging it," pointing my thumb at the the city behind me as if to effinces what I meant by hell on earth.
I looked at him and examined his attire. "Been winging it like I do with most of the rest of my life." I said, looking to the next building. "As you probably saw I don't usually use the most conventional means of travel." I explain, examining the height of that building. I walk to the edge and looked over, gauging the distance. "About ten feet or so..." I whisper softly and sigh, seeing the things shambling back and forth below. "What are those things anyway..." I asked aloud, more of habit to speak my mind's questions than to actually ask Max here. That's when I heard it, a gun shot. I looked to the distance it came from and heard two more. "Handgun...probably RPD issue from the sounds of it..." I calculate, my mind always running like a calculator for factors and images.
"Some plan, but it does allow for change as the situation changes," I stated when Sylvan told me her plan on what she planned on doing to survive. I watched her some, surprised to see a person who looked like she naturally depends on intuition to survive instead of depending on someone else telling them what they need to do to survive. Reminded me of my mother actually. "Hey, those things seem to stick to the streets so it seems like a safe idea to be different when you travel," I spoke up in a slightly curious tone as I followed right behind her. When I heard her ask her question, figuring it may have been rhetorical, I stated, "I would almost call these things zombies except zombies raise from the grave, not from a bite wound if you get away. I just call them 'Them' until a better word can be used to describe them; since they can't be human anymore." I heard a thunderous sound break the silence of the sky and I looked over where the shot seemed to come from. I heard Sylvan whisper something about the gun but I found myself stating, "damned fools. That sound will just drive 'Them' to wherever you are." I looked over the ledge and saw the lot of 'Them' shambling in the direction of the sound and just found myself shaking my head. A few did stick around though. "So, want to find out what the fuss is about the noise or just keep running away?"
About half way through is question I was some feet away and bolting to the edge we had been standing at. When I reached it my foot reached up, stepped on the edge and then kicked off, flying through the air and my hands almost flailing to grab something. I hit the opposite side's fire escape and grunted with the collision, feeling like my body was on fire, and started to fall down until my hand grabbed the railing about a story below where I had hit and groaned out. I let out a slow breath, looking back to Max and reached my other hand, grabbing the edge and pulled myself up. I finally stood on the fire escape now and peered into the window to be sure nothing was there. When i looked back to Max, I shrugged. "I'm gona go look, I dunno about you though." I had called and looked about for something to help him across. I was sure he wasn't like me in the respect of leaping from building to building. I eventually found a wood plank and examined it. Nope, that wouldn't do, not long enough. "I can't find anything to help you so...might have to find another way around or just try what I did if you can." I called with another shrug. I started to climb to the other roof that was about a story higher than the building we had been on.
When I realized a lack of a response, I turned and saw her gone from my sight. I looked around for a moment until I saw her jumping from the roof we were on to the roof of the building we were next to. I was a little worried at first, seeing her fall down some but when she got back up, I sighed with relief a bit but soon realized I was by myself now. I ran it through my head what to do when she told me what she planned to do. I didn't understand why but something told me I needed to follow her. I took a quick look at the distance and part of me figured, you either have to be lucky or know what your doing to make that jump. When she came back saying she couldn't find anything to help me get across, I sighed for a moment and figured this was where we depart then. However, something in my body now forced me to follow her, in a moment, I went to the opposite side of the roof, tossed my bat high into the air and watched it land on the roof I planned to reach. It was silent for a moment but soon, when the bat made that loud rattling noise, my body took off as fast as it could, aiming for the fire escape in front of me that I had seen Sylvan use. One second, I was on the roof, the next, I was jumping the distance and reaching out for the ladder. Part of me thought I wasn't going to make it right as my hand grabbed the rung of the ladder. I crashed into the ladder and the vibrations loosened my grip and caused me to fall down some. My other hand reach up and almost at the last moment, caught the second to last rung, just a foot or two above the grasp of 'Them'. I wanted to scream in pain from my shoulder but I just clenched my teeth and swung my other hand up to the rung. It took me a bit but soon I got my feet up and started to go up the ladder as if hell had opened its gates right below me. I was soon on the roof, my bat just a few feet away from me. I laid on the roof for a moment, catching my breath and trying to force the pain out of my mind. I doubted I could do it again but something told me I would have to again to survive.
I crouched next to him, looking at him and then the bat laying next to him and looked over the edge. I rested my vision back on him and shook my head softly with a sigh. "Don't try that one again...From now on I figure out a way for you to come by, alright? If you fell off that ladder those things wouldn't the only thing you need to worry about. Hell, the pain raging through your legs might dull out their feasting." I informed, standing up and offering him a hand to help him up. "So, how does it feel? The adrenaline..." I asked with a smirk, remembering the first time I had my rush while doing all of this. That adrenaline was one hell of an addiction, and I've tried some addicting things in my life. Nothing compared to an Adrenaline rush in my opinion personally. "From the shots that I heard it was heading close to the mall or RPD. I'm figuring it might be a lone 5-0 either heading to get more ammo or trying to find other survivors." I speculated aloud. Might have been someone who got caught up in all of this later than us normal inhabitants of the city.

((I'm heading to bed now, sorry I poofed a bit ago, but RL can get busy for me sometimes...I'll pm you my hours of possible RP-speeding I guess you could say sometime tomorrow, kk?))
I looked up at Sylvan and found myself chuckling some as I took her hand and got up onto my feet. "If I leave all the thinking to yah, then I just turn into a following dog," I joked some as I massaged my shoulder a bit, the pain slowly ebbing away but still making its presences known to myself. When I heard her talk about the adrenaline, I told her, "it's not addicting to me. Only makes me feel sick if anything." I grabbed my bat and used it a bit like a cane as I placed my weight on it. I found myself looking out towards where the sun had set a long time ago but part of me marveled at the fact that street lights and fires lit up the place as if someone had lit a roman candle. She spoke about the gunshots and I said, "why would you go to a mall if your a cop?" I looked at Sylvan, my eyes wandered for a second but I brought them back up to her eyes and continued on, "if your a cop, you would go to the local police station. Chances are, with an emergency kit in supply there, it would be the safest bet. However, chances are the 'Them' have overrun it by now."

OOC - Its okay, I understand. RL before RP.
I shrug and looked back to Max, "Better chances are they still have firearms and riot gear in that building." I say and then moved over to the other side's fire escape. "I don't know how long you'll last leaping rooftop to rooftop, so why don't we weed around and through these things? So far as long as there isn't any large groups we can avoid them rather easily." I tell him and clambered onto the ladder, starting to climb down now. I started to climb to the bottom and then looked below, seeing only one or two of those things. I sighed softly and looked up to see if Max was following or not. "Alright, here I go..." I say softly to myself, climbing the to-ground ladder. I reach the ground and look to see they hadn't noticed me yet and start to head to the street when I see a side-over semi blocking the exit. "Ah hell..." I say and look around, trying to find a way around the thing.
I followed Sylvan as she talked about going to the police station and was a little glad to hear that we weren't going to be roof jumping, seeing as how the first time was bad for me. I followed her to the fire escape and looked down, seeing her go down and a few of 'Them' right below. They wouldn't be a problem, since there was so few of them. However, the vehicle blocking the exit came to my eye. If it weren't for these things attracted to sound, I would have told her the way is blocked. Instead, I followed her down and when she got to the ground, I stuck the bat down the back of my shirt and climbed down. Once on the ground, I pulled the bat back out and whispered, "the vehicle is right up against the way, only way over is for one of us to climb on top and pull the other up." The 'Them' were slowly coming towards us and I just pushed them back with the end of the bat, one of them falling over itself to the ground. "You want to go up the car first or you want me to," I asked before I took a quick swing at the head of the standing 'Them' and it collapsed to the ground as if the strings were cut from it.
I nodded and looked to the semi with a quirked brow. The underbelly was on the opposite side, so climbing it would have been difficult for Max. I started with a bolted run and took a couple steps up the roof and kicked up, grabbing the edge of the semi. I started to pull up, grunting as I did. I laid across the thing and reached my hands down. "Come on." I called out softly, as if my grunts didn't alert more of them already. Then I saw it, out the corner, or top, of my eye. I looked up, trying to see what it was...but nothing was there. I looked down and saw Max was looking my way so he wouldn't have seen it. "Come on, we're outta here." I tell him, reaching my hands down for him once more.
Once I had brought the bat down on the other 'Them', I looked over and saw Sylvan already on top of the vehicle, well on its side, and saw her hand reaching out. I pushed the bat onto the side and then took her hand to get up. I had some problems with the initial getting up seeing as the flat roof of the car provided no foothold. But once I got up some, my other hand grabbed for the side and pulled myself the rest of the way up. "Thanks," I whispered before I looked over and saw more of 'Them' shuffling around, and some were coming for us. However, it didn't really worry me much. What worried me was the feeling I had like something else was out here as well and it was to be feared more then we were to fear the 'Them'. I looked at Sylvan, smiled some and said, "well, two down, more then I can count to go."
I hoisted him up and looked over at the corpses of those things he had killed. "Yeah...just think of if only half the city was turned. That's a few hundred in the least. Reaching over the half a thousand mark easy." I tell him, looking over the other side and seeing a couple of zombies, or what ever they were, groaning about the street. "Well, time to go." I said and scooted to the opposite side. I hopped down off of the vehicle. I grunted softly and looked around, not seeing any pay attention to me. I pulled out my little knife and flipped it open silently. "So, RPD then?" I whispered to Max, not looking back at him as I scan the streets once more, seeing each car, each creature, each knocked over post or crash. Scanning the streets gave me a spatial map to know where I can make my escapes, dodge more easily, and know the quickest way through places.
I watched the 'Things" shuffle about some and then notice Sylvan get off of the vehicle. I followed her lead and soon landed with a nice little stomp with glass scrapping a bit under my shoes. The bat was still in my hand, held tightly to the point that I could have probably pierced my skin with the pressure the nails would be putting on it. I saw Sylvan pull out her knife and whispered about the police station. One of the many in the city wasn't to far away, maybe a few blocks which was an easy brisk walk on a normal day. Today wasn't normal. I whispered back, with the bat drawn up and resting on my shoulder, "sounds like the best plan honestly." I could see how to dodge the 'Things' but part of me wondered if it was safe to call the 'Things' zombies or what. It would seem fitting but honestly, people with small none-life threatening bite marks have changed so it seemed to work like a virus. Although, who was I one to argue with about technicalities about the 'Things' anyways? I noticed a few of them were coming towards us and I chalked up these guys probably could see if you are close enough maybe. How did they hunt would be the best question.
I look around and think about how far that shot rang. "Yeah...that gun fire was rather loud so it would have been close." I said, holding the knife close. "Come on, straight jog to the place should be good enough." I stat and then started to go to a brisk jog into the road. "Can you make it over to the PD?" I called back, not entirely caring if the zombies, things what ever, heard me or not. Moving seemed to keep them from clumping around you, and they seemed to lose interest after a while or so far away.
I followed behind Sylvan, my pace a little slow but fast enough to dodge the 'Things' and keep a few steps behind her. When one would lung for me, I would either you the end of the bat to push it back or swivel around it. "I'm more of a stamina guy honestly," I replied. "But I think I can make it to the Police Station." The next 'Thing' lunged at me and I couldn't swivel or push it aside so I brought my bat up and swung down on its head. It fell to the ground and I went right over it and kept the pass with Sylvan. "Honestly though, part of me worries if we die, do we come back as these 'Things' like in those Romero movies?"
I look at the things as I keep out of reach of all the things I passed by, being able to anticipate them easy and dodge them just as, if not easier. I could see the police station right up ahead, then a loud bang echoed the street followed by a flash and a giant explosion right outside the station. "Woah! What the fuck!" I cried out, skidding to a stop. I looked back at Max then to the smoke-pillar. I then broke into a full on run, jumping into crashed cars and skidding across the things and running along the crushed hoods. I came up to the edge of the wall, glancing around with quick jerks to see what was around the brick, but couldn't see anything. I then took a longer glance, looking around at everything and only saw a smoldering pile of police car...with a burning corpse some feet away. I retracted and nearly retched on the concrete but held it back. "Fucking hell..." I groaned softly, getting ready to go around to investigate now...but heard some very heavy foot falls...
I kept up behind Sylvan until I heard the explosion up ahead and noticed it was at the police station. Sylvan went ahead of me and I found my path to her was slowly getting cut off by these 'Things'. I used my bat to push them around some to try to get them out of the way but one got to close for me to bring my bat up too. I could see it just less then a foot away and ready to bite me when it could. I had to let go of the bat, knowing that it was my main tool against these 'Things'. When it dropped, the ringing sound drew the attention of the 'Things' for a moment which I was able to use to get out of the situation. I had been able to catch up to Sylvan and saw she looked a little sick. I thought I could hear something heavy walking around but it got pushed to the side when I saw the burning corpse. I could understand why Sylvan felt sick from seeing this and I found myself placing a hand on her shoulder and turning her around to stop looking at it. "Come on, not a good time to lose it," I stated, talking about the 'Things' coming around us now but my mind had forgotten to put stock in the footsteps I heard earlier.
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