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The Burning Times ((Planning Thread))

Vivid Fizz

Oct 17, 2009
For many years the war between witches and humans ensued. Many in charge of the government viewed those with magical abilities a threat; no mortal should have abilities that called upon a strength different than the one true God. The Witch Council thought that those so ignorant should not be leading the nation. The fighting commenced in the Victorian Era, the first battle occurring in a skirmish in New York city. With guns it was easy to take down a majority of the wise ones. Magic takes time to cast. Finally, in the early 1900's, the government was able to legitimately claim victory. A law was passed that made any acts of witchcraft treason and punishable by death.

Little pockets of resistance have started to reemerge in New York and other large cities across the United States. To squash this reemergence highly trained Hunters have been set out to systematically eradicate the magical threat. Entire families will be wiped out by this act of genocide. Some will be lucky and spare their lives. However, these few will be used for far more sinister acts.
Alrighty~ Here's the Skele for the hunter :D


Name: Vega Willowhisp
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 6'1"
Eye Color: Hazel Green
Hair: Blonde, long.

Bio: Vega's childhood could not have been more perfect. He grew up in a loving family mainly consisting of women, they managed to be happy despite the absence of his father. Yet at his seventeenth birthday, everything went to shit when he returned home from celebrations to his family, slaughtered across his floor. Everyone refused to tell him what had happened despite his pleas, every single day he asked and investigated on his own with no luck. Yet finally the day he reached eighteen years of age, the village they all lived him brought him into the town hall, and proclaimed his family was killed by the remaining rogue witches around the area. This, was nothing but a bold lie told with a heavy heart. The truth of the matter was that the village had suspected that since Vega's family was mainly women, they were all descendant of witches. That doubt, the fear alone propelled them to kill innocent women in their sleep, without warning or discretion. But no, they were too cowardice to admit their mistake, to tell the truth to their one son, their one brother that had his own heart carved out of his chest at the sight. Six years have passed since the day of his family's death, and every single day since then he did nothing but practice, train in the way of the sword, the only weapon known to be able to kill witches immediately, without spells or ineffective guns. His life now had one purpose, and one purpose alone; To become the world's greatest Witch hunter, so that he could extract his pain and revenge on every single woman of their race. Perhaps then, they would feel equal pain.
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