The Demon Barber and the Lovely Baker.

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Jan 20, 2011
It was mid-afternoon yet another dull day in the pie shop. Mrs. Lovett's once famous meat pie shop sits at a corner on Fleet Street. Nellie hadn't seen a custimer in weeks, and the price of meat was rising. Her business was failing, she had run her shop for years, but the future of Mrs. Lovett's meat pie shop looked bleak.  Mrs. Lovett had stopped cleaning, there was no point anymore, no one came into the shop.  Dust and flour had gathered together it was nicely layered, and bugs roamed free, her dream was becoming a nightmare. She was debating giving a few more days, but if she couldn't  find a  customer her shop would close. She couldn't  believe her rival Mrs.Mooney  was surviving on cats, she'd never think of putting cats in pies plus cats are too quick. Nellie began to lose herself in her thoughts and started cutting various vegetables to put into her meat pies. 
Nellie heard the door creek but figuring it was her imagination, and continued cutting. After a second she looked up, just in case, but then again maybe she had lost her marbles. Then she saw a familiar looking man, she jumped and at the sight of him, he looked like a ghost and unless she was day dreaming she had a customer. "A customer.." she muttered. She stepped from behind the counter, "Have a seat, sir anywhere you'd like. You gave me a fright, I thought you might me a ghost. I mean well I haven't seen a customer in weeks. Would you like a pie, sir?"She asked then turned around to get him one anyway."With the way people have been acting, you'd think it might be the plague...God knows I try. Here you are, sir. Would you like a cup of ale?" Nellie asked and Went to fetch him a glass. "Now a days my pies might be the worst in London, if you doubt it have a bit, something doesn't taste right...they're greasy and gritty. I still can't believe Mrs. Mooney down the street is basically stuffing toast with cats, it's horrible...but times are hard and they are getting harder." Nellie just needed to rant she hadn't spoken to anyone since people stopped coming by. She didn't mean to take it out on this poor man. "Ale's not going to get that taste out, come on I'll get you a nice tot of gin, Kay?" She asked walking a bit upwards her parlor to see if he would follow her.
Grabbing a glass and a bottle Mrs. Lovett poured him some gin, "Here you are, this will get rid of that taste." She stated and leaned a bit on the back of the couch with her arms crossed, facing him. She looked toward the staircase, "Up there? No I don't go near it, people think it's haunted. Who's to say they're wrong." Mrs. Lovett stated then crossed over and sat in a chair, motioning to offer him a seat. "Years ago something happened it's was probably 14, maybe 15 years ago, a young handsome barber and his wife, poor thing, lived and ran a shop up there, they had a little girl. The barber was very talented at his trade, his wife beautiful and her beauty was discovered by another a judge. He shipped the barber put to an over sea prison, the wife was devastated, she hardly left that room, until one day the judge sent out his beetle and had her go to the judges house. He apparently blamed himself for her plight. Unbeknownst to her he was hosting a Masquerade party,she drank as she looked for the judge, she was raped in front of everyone they thought the poor thing was daft. " She explained the story of what had happened on that dreadful night.
Mrs. Lovett jumped as the man screamed, looking at him curiously gearing his words. Her eyes widened, "So it is you, Benjamin Barker?" she spoke softly in shock. She couldn't believe she had just told the man his life story, she couldn't believe that after a life sentence he was back in London. "So changed, what did they do to you down in bloody Australia or where ever?" she questioned the light that was once in this man's eyes, he was so pale, well so was she but she wasn't locked away for years she was always working, hardly out in the sun.
Mrs. Lovett watched him, she felt bad for him. Being sent of for nothing to find his family a mess. She looked down a moment when he asked her where his wife was. Nellie sighed slightly, "She poisoned herself...arsinic from the apothecary down the corner. I tried to stop her, but she wouldn't listen to me..." she stated softly in the same tone, " ...and he's got your daughter." She Stated.
She looked at him sadly, "Adopted her like his could say it was good luck for her, well almost..." She stated, she felt bad for the poor bloke gone for so many years and basically return for nothing. Mrs. Lovett stood up, "In spite of your situation, the years have been particularly kind to you Mr. Barker..." she stated hoping to cheer him up a bit. 
Mrs. Lovett looked at him curiously tilted her head a bit. Interesting name but it kinda fit. She nodded her head slightly. "Well...Mr.Todd, I'll take you upstairs, come on." Nellie smiled softly grabbing the key on a hook, leading the way to the barber shop. She unlocked and opened the door, "Come on in, Nothing to be afraid of..." she said walking in watching for his reaction.
Nellie watched him as he looked around his old shop,reliving some of his memories. As she watched him go to his daughter's old cradle with the little doll still there, she walked over to the window, sinking to her knees as she looked for the loose floor board. As Mr. Todd approached she pulled out the box. "When they came for the little girl I hid them...I could've sold them..but I didn't...." She stated then opened the box. "You can apply you're trade and be a barber again." She smiled at the thought hoping he didn't plan to live in the sewer or something. "The handles are chase silver ain't they?" She asked witha soft curiosity.
Mrs. Lovett watched his reaction, watching as the fact that his razors sat in front of him. As he began to sing she was mesmerized he had an amazing voice and he was beautiful.  She watched as he spoke and showed off his razor, they were just as beautiful as he was. 

When Mr. Todd stood she remained on the floor continuing to watch the man sing, with his razor. After a bit Nellie stood up and walked closer to Mr. Todd. As he opened his second razor and sang the word friend she joined in. I'm your friend too, Mr.Todd...If you only knew Mr. Todd...oh Mr. Todd you grow warm in my hand...You've come home... Always had a fondness for you I did." she sang then as he came back to the window she followed behind him looking over his shoulder. "Never you fear Mr. Todd...You can move in here Mr. Todd...splendors..You never have dreamed all you days will be yours...I'm your friend, and now you're mine...don't they shine beautiful...silvers good enough for me..." she looked at the razor then at him, then back to the razor.  
Mrs. Lovett stood up straight and waited a second before walking out the door. She was a bit struck as he told her to leave, but he needed his time being back in London and no longer in prison. Nellie went to the bake house to check on the pies, that were already in the oven. Bringing them upstairs to cool and serve, not that anyone came into her shop. Maybe now that the barber was back her business might pick up.
Only a two people came into the pie shop, that day, only because they needed something in a hurry and do to the taste they payed only half of what they owed. It was still something, so she couldn't really complain. Nellie sighed and throw out the stale pies, and dusted the counters. Wiping her hands on her dress and put up the closed sign. Nellie sighed softly, nodding to Mr. Todd then walking into the parlor sitting upon the couch with her head in her hands.
Mrs. Lovett looked at Mr. Todd as he entered, her mouth twisted into a slight smile then it fell again. She stood grabbing two glasses and a bottle of gin. Nellie placed the glasses onto the table and poured the gin into them. Placing one in front of Mr. Todd, and taking hers sitting back down taking a sip of it.
Mrs. Lovett was used to being alone after so many years, she didn't mind the silence in the room. Her mind ran a bit wild thinking mostly of the fact she may go bankrupt, losing her home and business all in one. As she thought she looked down at her lap, seeing Mr. Todd look at her. She smiled a bit, "Tomorrow we can work on cleaning up your shop if you'd like..." She stated now that he had returned he'd probably like to restart his life, and a nice clean place to able his trade.
Mrs. Lovett nodded. She was glad he was all for it then again it was his shop so it would be only natural that he'd like it clean and ready for work. "Yeah the market sounds good to me...oh tomorrow a vendor will be there he's Italian..all the rage, says he's the best barber there is, I think he's a sham and a scam artist...his name is Peirelli." She stated informing Mr. Todd, of the low life.
Mrs. Lovett smiled. "I'm sure you are ten times the better barber than Pirelli is." She replied. She knew Mr.Todd's skill with the knife her, herself called him an artist with a knife earlier. Plus he was ten time more handsome than Pirelli so that was indeed a plus. "Claims he's served Kings and even the pope." she stated as if it were nothing she didn't believe a word of his nonsense.
"according to him and dome dimwitted people about town he did." She stated she didn't believe a word of Pirelli's tall tales he was another pedal thinking he was god. "I have 'no' doubt about it dear. Now you've had a long day, why don't we call it a night and get some rest, eh?" She suggested, nightfall had come, after Mr. Todd's voyage he had to be tired, plus an early morning awaited them.
"I have a guest room you're more than welcome to stay in." she stated. Though ever since she was younger she had a huge crush on Sweeney, she wasn't about to be that fast now that he returned. Knowing the only emotions he had right now were all revenge and dispair, she'd soon see to that.
"It's just my gentle heart love, room enough in it for all gods creatures..." she stated with a slightly smile. Even if he didn't have any type of feeling for her what so ever, he'd still be nice to have around, for company and such. Nellie finished off her first glass of gin, leaving her cup she'll wash it later. Mrs. Lovett stood up and streched a bit, though she hadn't had many customers she was still on her feet for most of the day. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a key she had a keys for every door that could lock. "Here's a key to you room it's right down the hall to the left, if you need anything my room is across from yours on the right. I'm going to go lock up shop, and head off to bed, you're welcome to stay out here or where ever if you'd like." She stated and went to lock the doors.
 Nellie locked the shop up, so no unwanted visitors could come in, thevies, pickpockets, bums. She walked over to the register taking what money she had out of it then locking the register. When she went back to the parlor Mr.Todd was gone, figuring he went to settle down for the night.  She took the glasses and put them in the sink, taking the bottle and putting it on the self. Mrs. Lovett went down to her room opening the door,walking inside, she changed for bed and got herself comfortable, drifting off to sleep. 

Nellie awoke early the next morning. Got herself dressed and ready. She walked out of her room and made breakfast for both her and Mr.Todd. As it cooked Nellie set the table, for two, then resumed cooking. Mrs. Lovett wasn't a bad cook not at all, but with the price of meat rising she couldn't afford the good or decent cuts, which infirm ruined the dough for the pie. She baked off some bread and made scrambled eggs. Nothing much to do but wait for Mr.Todd to wake up. At least he has a nice warm bed to sleep in. 
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