The New Maid (Blair and Riverrust)


Oct 28, 2011

Katie Welch walked down the street, dodging cars and grumpy pedstrians as she neared Bruce Wayne's manion. She'd never owned a car, despite being a decent driver, for she was never able to get ahead on her bills enough to purchase one. However, she didn't mind, for walking gve her plenty of time to think. And in the case, it was giving her time to think about what she had gotten herself in to. Today was the day she as supposed meet Bruce Wayne, the most powerful man in Gotham, to basically beg his permission to become his new live-in maid. She was technically hired by Alfred, his current butler who was slowly falling ill, but he admitted she better meet the owner of the manion before packing her bags.

Giving the guard at the gate her name, 22-year-old Katie was allowed to walk up the path to the front door of the large mansion and gav a hesitant knock. She was not a shy girl, nor was she hardly ever nervous, but this situation genuinely scared her a little. She was not just asking for a job, but a job that gave her a place to stay and food to eat. Her bills would go down immensely, and it had to be more pay tha waitressing at the diner she was currently employed at.

The door opened, revealing Alfred and his kind, wise smile. "Miss Welch," he greeted warmly, "I'll alert Master Wayne of your arrival." He nodded and led her to a sitting room on the West Wing of the house. Then, quickly, he went off to find Bruce and put on a pot of coffee. Katie sat down on the edge of the couch, biting her lip and looking all around the room. It was nicer than any room she'd ever been in before, intimidating her even more. What if he simply thought she was trash? Some poor girl who needed to make a living and who would never be on his level... It made a knot form in her stomach as she waited on him.

Bruce Wayne was a bit skeptical that Alfred had found a maid that would please him. "I think you will like her Mr. Wayne," Alfred had said after he had already hired her. "You 'think' I will like her? And if I don't, Alfred, how are you going to dismiss her without dashing her hopes?" Alfred had smiled wryly. "Have I ever let you down, Sir?" Bruce had to acknowledge that Alfred had an uncanny ability to understand his needs and provide for them. This thought gave Bruce hope, and even made him a bit excited as he waited for the new maid to arrive.

Wayne was in the lab of the Bat Cave when he saw the lights of the elevator descending to his level. The utility belt he was developing was close to being finished. In a few days he would test it in the wee hours of the Gotham morning when the scum of the city lurked and prowled the deserted streets. He put the belt into a cabinet and turned off the light as the elevator door opened and Alfred stepped out. "Sir, the new hire is waiting in the south living room." Again Alfred had that wry smile on his old, gentle face, and Bruce laughed out loud as he slapped him on the back. "Alright my good man...let's see what you've done to me." They entered the elevator and both were silent as they ascended. Once on the main level, Bruce paused and addressed his butler. "Alfred...let us keep the young lady from the Red Room until I know what she's about," He said conspiratorially. "No sense scaring her away."

As Bruce Wayne entered the living room, he was almost dumbfounded by the vision he saw before him, but he didn't let on. With a determined stride and a broad smile, he approached his new maid and extended his hand in greeting. "Miss is a pleasure to meet you," He said sincerely as he held her soft, dainty hand in his. "I understand Alfred has hired you for a live-in position," He paused for effect. "I trust Alfred's judgement implicitly. I'm sure you will be just what I'm looking for." He looked around her. "Do you not have any luggage or personal items," He asked casually. "No matter...everything you need will be provided for you." He gave her a good once over during the brief introduction, and he liked what he saw...very much indeed! "I'll have Alfred show you to you're quarters, then I hope you will dine with me. Tomorrow you will be an employee, but tonight you will be a guest." He let go of her hand and pardoned himself. "I will fetch the old man...see you tonight." With that, he turned and left the room. Meeting his butler in the hallway, he pulled him aside and spoke to him in a low voice. "Alfred, my friend...perhaps she will see the Red Room sooner than later.
Alfred let out a throaty chuckle as he nodded to Mr. Wayne and walked back toward the south living room where they had left Katie. She was sitting with a silly smile on her face, thrilled to be accepted so quicky. A huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders. Not only did she have a job, but a place to stay and food to eat. "I have some things at my apartment," she told Alfred quickly. "I can go get them..."

"No need," the butler said calmly, "You will wear a uniform while in the mansion, and Mr. Wayne will provide you of an extra clothes for outings. All necessities are already taken care of, and if you need anything else, just let me know." He smiled at her, then nodded for her to follow him down the hall. She did, and her eyes went wide as she took in her surroundings. Everything was so stately and beautiful; so much more fancy than she was used to.

At the sound of a uniform, Katie wrinkled her nose, and she nearly scoffed when she saw it. Atleast she would not have to wear it until tomorrow, she thought. Keeping herself from rolling her eyes as Alfred showed her where everything was, she soon realized he was not lying when he said everything was provided. There was nothing she needed that was not in reach, not to mention her room was larger than her apartment downtown... Nicer too. "Thank you, Alfred," she said, nodding to the man as he left the room. Sighing, she sat on her bed and looked around her new home, a grin spreading across her face.

After a few moments, she went into her bathroom and started to shower and get redy for dinner with Mr. Wayne, nearly shaking from being so nervous. His presence was so powerful, and his reputation was even more so. But even after that, he was a good-looking man, and Katie found herself blushing while just thinking of him.


Later that night, Katie decended the stairs in a red dress she found in the closet of her room. It was bright color, and a little short, but it was nicer than anything she'd ever owned on her own. It also happened to be the only dress in the closet that made her still feel youthful, and it paired easily with simple earrings and black heels. Alfred met her in the sitting room, and nodded to the dining room table. He pulled out the chair to the left of the head of the table, and nodded for her to sit. She did, biting her lip out of nervousness, and waited for Bruce to arrive.

Bruce Wayne spent a bit more time on his grooming than usual that evening. And he spent more time in front of the mirror than was his wont. When he began to splash on some cologne, he stopped himself, fearing that it would appear that he had done so for Katie. Then, as he walked out of his room, he turned back and put the cologne on anyway. As he made his way down the hall from his suite, Alfred met him and assured him that the young lady looked stunning, and was there anything else he could do for him. Bruce told him he could enjoy the laboratory while he entertained Katie. Alfred was an amateur scientist and loved tinkering with everything Mr. Wayne had in the Bat Cave. In fact, Batman had utilized a number of Alfred's innovations in his crime-fighting activities.

When Bruce entered the dining room he was once again taken aback by the beauty of his new maid. She looked stunning in her red dress and Bruce smiled inwardly at the possible omen that looked ahead to her introduction to the Red Room. He took her hand once more and held it a few moments after he finished greeting her. Then he sat at the head of the great oak table beside her. "Katie, you look very lovely tonight!" He told her sincerely. "I'm afraid I am under-dressed next to you." He was wearing tan Dockers and a dark brown corduroy dinner jacket with leather patches at the elbows. His suede loafers set the tone for the casual evening her had envisioned. As they ate the appetizers and the entres that Alfred brought them, and sipped the various drinks that were offered, Bruce found he couldn't take in enough of Katie. He was almost afraid that her being his maid might not pan out the way he hoped it would. Still, she would be near him regularly, and hopefully she would welcome the lifestyle he planned for her; hopefully - as he had told Alfred - sooner than later.
"Oh, no, Mr. Wayne," Katie argued, shaking her head and casually putting a hand over his. "You look very nice. It's me, I assure you. I tend to look out of place in this setting." With that, she gave him a charming smile, the withdrew her hand to grab the wine glass in front of her. She took a sip, leaving a red lipstick mark, and took her time swallowing it. Never had she tasted such fine white wine. "Thank you so much for inviting me to dinner," she continued, her voice excited like alittle school girl. "You have a beautiful place. I'll very much enjoy working and living here."

Her blue eyes flashed up at him in a flirty way as the wait staff came in with the dessert. Looking down, she licked her lips at the sight of the creme brulee, the looked back up at him. "So, Mr. Wayne, have you lived here your whole life?" Taking a bite of the dessert, she tilted her head to the side in curiosity, wanting to get to know the dark, mysterious man in front of her.
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