GCPD: MCU - Day Shift (Krys Snape x Tellmi Moore)


Sep 7, 2011
San Francisco
Current Major Crime Unit Roster
First Shift (Day Shift)
Captain Margaret "Maggie" Sawyer
Dect.Sgt. Joely Bartlett - Dect. Vincent Del Arrazzio
Dect. Romy Chandler - Dect. TBD
Dect.Sgt. Jackson Davies - Dect. Nelson Crowe
Dect. Tommy Burke - Dect. Dagmar Procjnow

Second Shift (Night Shift)
Lieutenant David Cornwell
Dect.Sgt. Harvey Bullock - Dect. Josephine MacDonald
Dect. Josh Azeveda - Dect. Trey Hartley
Dect.Sgt. Marcus Driver - Dect. Nicholas Gage
Dect. Eric Cohen - Dect. Andi Kasinsky

GCPD: MCU - Day Shift

GCPD Central Precinct, 560 Andru Street, Gotham City, NJ, 08206 - March 24, 2009 (6:21 PM)

Romy shot Batman. So Batman the broke her nose. And then stole her gun. And then threw her through a window. And then scolded her. Everyone knew it on the force, because her old partner, Takahata, had been there and had seen most of it go down. Most of Gotham's criminal set knew the story to, because Oswald Cobblepot (alias the Penguin) had been there as well, getting his own nose broken by the Batman at the time. This had been back in 2005 (May 1st, to be exact), and since then Romy had been relegated to the Day Shift, for starters, lest she run afoul of any nocturnal costumed crusaders in the future, and had a seeming inability to hold down a partner. No one wanted to be partnered with someone who was on the Bat's shit-list.

Eventually, Stacy Fields, the office secretary, had convinced Robin (who she had been meeting on the roof of Police HQ) to convince his boss (the Bat) to give back Romy's gun, so there had never been a write-up of the situation, and it existed no where in any official documents. But the word was out there, and, since he had been partnered with Josie Mac, not even Harvey Bullock wanted to be her partner now. Takahata had transferred back to Narcotics - running his own squad after his time in Major Case. And Nate Patton was still dead, killed by the Joker back on Christmas of '04 by the Joker.

She had thought about quitting, following Renee Montoya to her private practice up in Maine - she seemed to be doing well for herself, and, it seemed, even managed to pick up some government "consulting" work for the DEO or DMA every now and again. Romy could see herself being fairly good in an interview for a job like that - after all, she had shot Batman. And she was still alive.

She also considered following Jamie Harper to Metropolis, the Captain's old stomping ground, and joining up with the Science Police. She could also see herself stomping around in one of those powered battle suites, smashing up the aliens and freaks Big Blue was too busy to bother with. Though... those suits were purple - Purple?! Really?! At least the one Captain Sawyer kept in her office at HQ as a souvenir was. Though, that had been in the 80s...

Coast City got bombed by aliens too often, and Hub City was the only place in America more corrupt than Gotham. Blüdhaven had been nuked. Chicago and New Orleans were still rebuilding after being burned and flooded, respectively, and LA's "masked crusader", Manhunter, didn't just beat up the criminals, she outright hunted and killed them - and she was widely loved for it over there, and had just done a nude spread in Masks and Capes magazine wearing nothing but her boots, claw-gauntlets and mask. Fucking California...

Romy Chandler leaned back in her wooden desk chair, cast an idle eye across the squad room over at Detective Marcus Driver's empty desk. He was still working the night shift. He had a new partner, Nicolas "St. Nick" Gage, from Coast City. She scowled as her eye fell on his desk, opposite to, and facing, Marcus's. He was new to the Major Crimes Unit but there were already rumours flying through the department that he was being lured by some blond jailbait in a mask - the new Batgirl who had shown up a short while ago. If Romy and Marcus ever had time to have diner together again, Romy would grill Marcus on keeping an eye out for his new partner's perversions. The girl couldn't be 18 yet, and if she was, then only just. Maybe it was situations like this that had made St. Nick's ex-wife back in Coast City kick his ass to the curb.

"Hey, Joe, is there any regular coffee left?"

"Nope," Joe said, halting in her tracks for a moment. "Maggie's pissed off and grumpy about it - just a warning - I sent Stacy out."

"Second Shift is gonna love you."

"You mean they don't already?" Joe struck a look of over-the-top surprise, then laughed.

Romy couldn't help but smile. Joe had a way about her that put people at ease - good in interrogation and interviews. Detective Sergeant Joely Bartlett was second in command of First Shift (the day shift), only marginally more senior than "Sarge" Davies because of her military training. Davies had come up through uniformed service for fifteen years before he made Detective. Bartlett headed up First Shift, Squad 1, Davies headed up First Shift, Squad 2. Each squad was meant to be made up four detectives, except Squad 1.1 was a man short, on the count of Chandler not having a partner. When Nate was alive each squad had six detectives. But, mortality being what it was in Gotham...

"You and Vincent going to Finnegan's tonight?"

"Uh, actually, I was going to make us dinner on my boat. Maggie and her new girlfriend, Kate, are coming over - I thought I'd give them a cruise around the harbour. You want to come along?"

Joe lived on a houseboat anchored at the Sullivan Docks, across from the island of the same name, south of Police Central, the "Emancipated Minor II". Romy had asked her what had happened to "Emancipated Minor I", at which Joe had smiled and said, looking Romy in the eye, "You're looking at her."

"I don't know, Joe..." Romy leaned forward and shook her mouse, making the case write-ups reappear on her monitor. "I've got a lot of work to catch up on... I was thinking of pulling some OT tonight."

Joe grinned as she caught Romy's eyes flashing towards Marcus's desk. "You have got it baaad, girl," Joe said, walking on toward Maggie's office.

"Bite me," Romy shouted after her, getting back to her write-ups.

"Right back at you, Bat-Slayer."

Romy grumbled. Joe was one of the few people who could call her that without getting a fax machine to the back of the skull.

"Hey, Romy, did I hear you say you were going for OT tonight?"

Romy swivelled around in her chair. "Hi, Sarge, yeah. Need something?"

"That new detective from New York's coming in tonight. I was going to go meet her, but..."

The smile returned to Romy's face. "What's your little girl been getting up to, Sarge?"

"Fighting in school - can you believe that?"

"She win?"

"Damn right!" the Sarge smiled, despite himself.

"Good girl!" she slapped the Sarge's arm. "That World's Best Dad mug isn't just for show, is it?"

"Yeah, well, her mother's going to start having heart palpitations if it doesn't stop pretty soon. Anyway, I can't pick up this fresh fish tonight; you want to meet your new partner right off the bat?" He paused a moment. "Oh, sorry."

"God damn-it, Sarge, you can say 'Bat' around me - I'm embarrassed, I'm not fuckin' traumatized."

"Well, glad we cleared that up - her train gets in at the Grant Park Station at 7:35."

"Grant Park Station, 8:10, got it."

"Seriously, now, Romy, I can count on you to make this lady feel welcome, right? We need to fill these desks here," the Sarge made a sweeping gesture across the squad-room. Even though half the Unit was not yet arrived for the second shift, there were far too many vacant seats, including the one directly facing Romy's own.

"Yeah," Romy muttered, crossing her arms and swivelling side to side gently in her chair, brooding, staring a hole in Marcus's desk from across the room. "You can count on me, Sarge."

Presidential Penthouse, Kane-Wade Hotel, 207 Northwade Avenue, Gotham City, NJ, 08206 - March 24, 2009 (6:32 PM)

Bunny flipped through her notebook, trying not to listen to her boss shouting at his cheese pizza.

"Eseehc erom! Eseehc erom!" he shouted, making greater and greater amounts of cheese appear on his pizza with a flash of yellow light every time he spoke to it. "Hugh... finally," Zachary sighed.

"So," Bunny said, hoping he was done. "The techs have finished their sound check and finished the set, I've set up the hardware - I polished all the mirrors - and I've stocked your dressing room with..."

"Polished my shoes?"

"Yes, Mr. Zatara."

"Made sure my cuffs are links not French?"

"Yes, Mr. Zatara."

"Screened the backstage staff for psychotic stalkers?"

"Yes, Mr. Zatara."

"Did you get the Dijon Mustard instead of the Poupon this time?"


Zachary Zatara - Metropolis's Mightiest Magician - sighed. "Then what good are you?" he said around a mouth full of cheese. "Get it done. Is there anything else?"

"Um..." Bunny consulted her notebook. "Oh! You're cousin called. She said Heifer, the rabbit who crawled into your father's magic top hat last week? Zatanna said she found it in her greenhouse in San Francisco today, and that you owe her some new mandrake plants."


"Also she called to warn you that John was in Gotham and..."

"John Constantine?"

"Yes, Mr. Zatara."

"In Gotham? Why?"

"She didn't say, she just said to watch out because he's here on business."

"Fantastic," he said sarcastically. "Just to be safe," he said chewing. "Consecrate my skrying bowl, grind some... scrofula demon horn and see if you can find me some Ganges water before the show - oh, and get me my Dionysus pendent."

"Yes, Mr. Zatara... uh... the water might be hard to find before the show - curtain is at 7:30 and..."

"Just! Get! It! Done! Bunny - I can't do everything myself!" he said, stretching out his arms in exasperation.

"Yes, Mr. Zatara, sorry, Mr. Zatara, yes, sir," Bunny scurried out of the room, but stopped at the door when Zachary called her back.

"One more thing, I'd prefer if you could take a night on the town or something, leave me the penthouse to myself tonight I'm having... guests."

"Oh, um, that reminds me - there was a mix-up with the hotel arrangements, they've comped us two suites, the Presidential Suite for you and a second sweet down on the third floor thinking that I..."

"Good, you can take that room for the rest of the engagement - maybe I can get some sleep without having to listen to your snoring form the other bedroom for a change."

"Yes, Mr. Zatara, will there be anything else?"

"Yes, pour me another glass of bubbly, would you?"

Bunny suppressed a sigh while she thought where she could find Ganges river water in New Jersey. "Yes, Mr. Zatara."

Grant Park Train Station, 103 Carter Street, Gotham City, NJ, 08206 - March 24, 2009 (8:02 PM)

Romy was right. The train was late - but not quite as late as she had thought it would be. She tossed her empty coffee cup into the trash and stuffed her hands in her pockets. If there was one thing she was sure of, it was that one cop would be able to spot another, even in a crowded train station. Which was good, because she didn't have a sign with the new Detective's name on it. She watched the people filing off the train and hefting luggage between themselves when she realized she only had her little two door muscle car, and hoped the new fish didn't have any large luggage that couldn't fit in her little car's trunk.
Jamie Jax sat in her office waiting for her transfer papers. The week had been hell first her partner gets sent to prison after they found him guilty of forgery and planting evidence and seeing as Jamie spent most of her time on the job with him news crews from every part of New York swarmed around her. Her boss thought it wise for her to get a transfer to somewhere that people wouldn't know her name or who she was. Jamie tapped her pen on the top of her desk, she was a nervous wreck and out of cigarettes. She wasn't allowed to leave until the day was over and that meant no cigs until 9pm or whenever the hell she got out of there.

The door to the small office opened making Jamie lift her head to see who had just walked in without knocking.

"Hey J.J there's a change of plans, instead of leaving for Gotham City tomorrow.....well.....you're going to be leaving tonight" ,Jamie's boss told her.

"Really Paul? I haven't even packed yet AND I still don't like the idea of moving I've been here 5 years now and have gotten used to things around here" ,Jamie said in response.

Paul shook his head and sighed, "Listen J.J I have no control over this and you know that, your things have already been packed and sent to your new apartment, I'd love to stay and chat but I've got things to do".

"So you're not even gonna see me off you're losing one of your best officers on the force and you won't even say good bye properly"? Jamie said.

Jamie was upset she knew the man since she was a kid and he acted as if he didn't even care she was leaving. Deep down Jamie knew Paul didn't want to see her off because it would be just as hard on him. After the door closed and Paul had left Jamie stood up and began to pack up her office, if she wanted to get to the train station at a decent time it would be best for her to leave soon. She put the last of her paperwork into her briefcase and made her way out the door, a few of her fellow officers bid her farewell some even bought her gifts.

The cold night air bit at Jamie's face as she walked out of the convenience store. She packed her cigarettes then opened the pack and lit one up as she waited for the train to arrive. When it did she dropped the cigarette and stomped it out. The train ride was fairly short, Jamie had caught a short nap on the way to Gotham City.

After getting off the train she sat down outside the station to smoke a cigarette while she waited for her new partner to show up. She was instructed to meet them there but if they were even 5 minutes late Jamie had every intention of leaving and meeting up with them in the morning.
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