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Kristin's Thread! [Updated 01/21/2012 - New Requests]

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Jan 13, 2012
The United States
Currently: Looking for Active Roleplays

Hey all, Kristin here! Thanks for taking the time to read my thread! Hopefully everyone is having a wonderful time writing new stories and enjoying outrageous experiences on here at Blue Moon. I suppose I'll use this thread to try to convey what I am looking for and how I generally roleplay. Whether you need a sister, a niece, a super-heroinne, a rogue, a princess, a farmer's daughter, a villain or WHATEVER else comes to mind, I am down!

About Kristin
Some backstory first though so if you aren't interested in knowing my past experiences with roleplaying, feel free to skip this paragraph (although it's not very long...). Currently, as of the time of writing, I am a 21 year old female that is currently enrolled in college in the United States. Although I do have schoolwork, I honestly don't find it hard enough to detract from my time on here so it's not that much of an issue. I started roleplaying since I was about 16-17 and, although some weren't sexual in nature, a lot of them also were. I have done most forms of it, ranging from IMs, Forum Posts, Private Messages and, although I am a little ashamed to admit it, even the dreaded and now extinct old Yahoo Chatrooms (What a cesspool). So I suppose you would called me "experience" when it comes to crafting stories and responding to another person's post.

How I Roleplay
Usually, as of late, I have preferred just roleplaying myself as a character instead of an entirely new person. I think this is due to the fact that I can easily form more realistic reactions to a situation rather than think of how, let's say for example, a 40 year old married woman would. I'll include a little "character sheet" at the bottom for reference although, keep in mind, this sheet is very flexible. If you want to roleplay with me but the setting or plot you had in mind doesn't fit with me, I am happy to tweak it a little bit to make it work. Communication usually is required but, then again, any roleplay that doesn't include that is doomed in my experience.

As for the Story Vs. Smut debate, I usually lean towards in favor of story, although I can be convinced to do some smut if the mood strikes. I generally enjoy fiction set in a fantasy setting or a realistic one (as in, a slice of Modern Life) but will do pretty much anything except for anime (explained further on below). If you enjoy a story that is a tale which also includes sex WITH A PURPOSE AND REASON, then I'm your gal!

I usually post around 3-4 paragraphs for an introduction then around 1-2 afterwards. I tend to get carried away sometimes but apparently not many partners I have had seemed to mind so I guess it's not that bad a habit to have. If you are able to meet one paragraph at the very least with proper spelling and grammar, I think we would get along great (although, the more details I can react to, the better!. If you need or require a writing sample, I would also be happy to provide it!

Basically, if you need a girl to fulfill a role in your roleplay and I fit the bill, feel free to send me a private message!

Medium of Roleplaying
I honestly prefer threads when it comes to roleplaying but can be convinced otherwise to do some in IM or PMs. Currently I have both MSN and Yahoo for IM roleplaying. I only ask that any person who I have started a roleplay with tells me if they are tired of the story and want to call it quits. I have suffered (and I'm sure all of us have) many times when a partner would just go quit for weeks and leave me in suspense when a simple "I'm not feeling this, let's stop the roleplay" would have made things so much easier. It's not much and, really, there is no reason to be embarrassed over such a small thing. Some people just aren't compatible.

Preferences and Some "No-No's"
Usually I am open to most things and plots, both sexually and story-wise. Most of the fetishes that are deemed as "out-there" don't really faze me and I tend to live life, which translated to my roleplaying, with an attitude where I would try anything at least once. I am very hard to gross out and will take any suggestion, no matter how weird, into consideration so don't be afraid to ask!

Some things I do not do include roleplaying as a male (I lack the proper parts to accurately act as one, sorry) or a shemale (for the exact same reason). I also am not the biggest fan of anime although, if convinced, I could possibly consider a roleplay based in that realm. I just tend to like to roleplay as "real" people rather than Japanese cartoons. I also am not the biggest fan of vampires as I feel they are pretty overused as is. Again, up to debate when it comes to a plot, but it would take major convincing.

Ideas & Cravings
Anything under this part are, as the subtitle says, ideas for roles I have a desire to play at the moment. They are not set in stone and things are up for negotiation though as I encourage creativity from the both of us!

100 Feet
This is a plot that channels and is partially based on Hitchcock's 'Rear Window' and, the updated version, 'Disturbia'. Basically, your character (around 20-26) commits a crime that places him under house arrest. He is fitted with an bracelet around his wrist that alerts any law enforcement when he attempts to leave the 100 feet radius he is given around the house. At first despaired at the situation, with a friend bringing him food every week or so but not getting much visitors, he begins to spy on the neighbors to find something to do. Right next door is me. Perhaps he spies on my character first, just watching from a distance but they slowly meet and form a bond. This can be pretty open-ended on how we take it, from a simple 'neighbors fucking' to my character wanting to break yours out and go on the run (although there has to be a pretty good reason for this). There could even be a murder-mystery plot involved as well, such as your character being in danger (much like the movies this plot is based on) although it doesn't necessarily have to be the murderer next door. Be creative! =) I was hoping for a VERY voyeuristic theme to this one though.

Shotgun Shells of Salt
This plot is based largely on the TV Show 'Supernatural' but would include all original characters with none of the canon ones being involved whatsoever.

This takes place during the 'Mother of All' arc of Season 6. It involves a young and naive female Hunter who is pushed into new territory when the Mother starts creating all these new creatures that are unheard of. While in the middle of a job, she runs into your character, another Hunter, who is also in over his head with all these new, for lack better words, monsters that are popping up all over rural America. Although distrusting of one another (Hunters usually work alone after all), they have to learn to work together to take care of the threats that are occurring and hopefully stop it at the source. I was hoping this plot would involve both sex between the two main characters as well as perhaps my character and some of the creatures. Eve and your character is also a definite possibility. This one would probably require us playing many characters as well too and I definitely only prefer experienced fans of the show for this one.

Nine Lives Too Many (MAJOR CRAVING)
This is a deviant from my aforementioned rule of only playing one certain character (below). Instead, in this roleplay, I wanted to try and tackle the elusive Selina Kyle (AKA Catwoman). I had the chance to play Arkham City the other day and felt like I really clicked with the character and want to try my best to do her justice (no pun intended) in a plot. Whether it's her trying to survive early on when Arkham City was first established or just an original story you had in mind (I also had a couple if you were interested! Feel free to ask!), I think this could be pretty fun. Especially if you consider she's one of the few decent-looking women in an entire 'prison' full of inmates. Actually, if you listen to some of their banter, it can get VERY interesting. =) As for prior backstory on Catwoman and Arkham City, I am not the biggest expert but don't mind researching a little! I read the "Arkham Stories" that had to do with her and Two-Face as well as remember a little from Batman: Year One but will brush up if I find a partner for this (on all canon Batman villians).

Main Character Sheet


Name: Kristin A.
Age: 21
Profession: Depends on the Roleplay
Physical Description
Kristin has dirty blonde hair that she occasionally dyes a darker shade of brown. Her skin is pale, not to the point of being alabaster but a subtle pink, which flushes when she is hot. Her eyes are a dark emerald green, which are usually accompanied by a big smile of pearly white teeth, a pink tongue occasionally sneaking out. Her body is slim with not many curves in the chest area, only being a 34B, meaning any bust can only be seen in tight clothing. Her backside, however, got most of the meat as it is quite large for a Caucasian girl in her twenties, a feature Kristin knows and keeps primed by doing Yoga as well as routinely jogging. She is not waxed in the pubic region but keeps it well groomed, the darker blonde hair (almost brown) there visible against the pale skin. Her lips below are a light shade of pink, complete with a rather large clitoris and her rectum is a darker, puckered hole that is pink as well.​
RE: Kristin's Thread!

I think that I might very much enjoy playing with you. PM coming in a few!
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