The Snake and The Lion (Krys Snape and darkest_fate)


Nov 23, 2011
Rhode Island
Krys was in a deep sleep when she heard a pounding on her door, she covered her head with a pillow and tried to sleep through it but she wasn't so lucky. After a few minutes the door busted open and the blanket was ripped off of her body. "Get up and get ready, you need to go get your supplies for the year then get on the train" ,Severus Snape's cold voice echoed throughout the room. Krys tried to grab for her blanket but her father held it just far enough away to where she would have to sit up to even get close to it. "Oh c'mon dad 5 more minutes please" ,Krys begged like a normal teenager would. "NO get up and stop being lazy, you've done enough of that during the summer" ,Snape told her. After about fifteen minutes of arguing between the two Snape's Krys finally got out of bed and stomped towards the bathroom to take a shower, muttering curse words the whole way there. When she was finished with her shower she put on her normal all black tux with her green Slytherin tie and spiked her hair. She made her way down the hall, "I'll see you at school then"! She shouted right before leaving the house. Krys made her way through a small passage to get into Diagon Alley.

"KRYS"! a familiar voice yelled from a distance, Krys spun around to see Draco leaning up against the side of a shop. "Hey mate how was your summer"? Krys asked him as she made it over to where he was standing. "The usual, stayed home mostly checked out and old cabinet in Borgin and Burkes you know" ,Draco told her, he knew Krys was aware of the vanishing cabinet and what it was for so he didn't have to go into detail. Krys simply nodded her head and yawned a little bit, "Let's go get a coffee or something mate" ,she said groggily. The two made there way to the nearest coffee shop there was and Krys ordered two large coffee's and handed one to Draco. "You know you are really useless without your coffee" ,Draco joked making Krys nearly spit the sip she had just taken out of her mouth. "Draco shut up" ,Krys replied. The two laughed as they walked around Diagon Alley, after getting all of the supplies they needed for school the two decided to go and check out what was going on in Knocturn Alley.

Borgin and Burkes was empty as usual except for the owner of course. Draco and Krys both looked at the cabinet for a while before exploring the store further. "Don't you two touch anything" ,the owner snapped as they looked around. "Shut the fuck up Burke we're just looking" ,Krys snapped back at him, the old man gave a grunt then walked off and left the two alone. After a while both Krys and Draco became bored with the store and decided to go off and check out some other shops while they still had time to. While they were walking Draco put his arm in front of Krys to stop her, "What"? Krys said annoyed. "Look over there" ,Draco pointed to a rather sexual shop and Krys noticed the person walking out of it. "No fucking way"! Krys said an evil smirk coming across her lips. "Looks like the mudblood has been a bit lonely ay mate" ,she continued. Draco let out a snicker and looked at Krys, "Thoughts mate"? He asked Krys just gave him a look and walked off. "C'mon Draco we've got to get to the platform" ,Krys yelled as she walked off.

It seemed as if the evil smirk had been tattooed to Krys' face, the sight of Hermione Granger walking out of an adult store made Krys shiver with excitement, oh the trouble she could cause just knowing about this. The train set of on it's long drive to Hogwarts and Krys sat in a compartment with the usual people, Draco, Pansy, and Blaise. When they finally arrived to the castle Krys got off the train and looked around for any sight of Granger, she wanted to start her fun as soon as possible. When inside she sat down at the Slytherin table and looked around, she noticed Ron and Harry walk into the great hall and knew that Hermione shouldn't be long to follow, those three were stuck to each other like freaking glue.
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