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Seeking to Dominate Or Submit

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Jan 10, 2012
Night City
Greetings and welcome to my lair. I won't waste too much of your time waffling on about unimportant things. I am Delryth, a fan of role-play, especially those with a sense of domination in some way shape or form. Me and my partner (female partner that is) are looking for a third to join us for some roleplay! We loved twisted and dark roleplays that are perverted. We don't mind some romance but we're definitely not in to happy lovely cuddly relationships. We love sex, rape, domination, bondage,torture and humiliation, so the roleplays will more often than not have a fair bit of that.

We're searching for either males or females who are willing to play a submissive character or even a dominant one, a good balance of either would be great. You must also be okay with Het and Either Yuri or Yaoi, all three would be best. Depending on the rp we might even be able to get a switch of roles some how. We only want people who have decent English though we don't mind if it isn't perfect. Our post lengths vary between three and ten lines depending on what is happening, we are not interested in those who just do very short roleplays and we also are not interested in those who like very long posts, we like the rp to move at a good pace.

We're only really interested in roleplay through IM's. Ideally we want to use Skype, though MSN could be an option. If you have a really good idea thought out we may be tempted by some other means of rp

My skype: Frosty252
My msn is (Though I've been having problems seeing requests, message me if that seems to be the case))

Still with us? Interested in submitting to us or even dominating us? Good. Contact me with a PM stating your interest and the IM service you want to use along with your user name for it. Or even add me on Skype if you have it, my skype is Frosty252. Make sure your message is titled with the words For Darkness so we know why you're messaging us and so we know you have read all of this.

A list of settings we're interesting in rping. We can brainstorm a plot once you contact us.

A Game Of Thrones. We'd love to do something ideally Dothraki based, we're big fans of them!

Getting Sucked In To A Game. We like the idea of a group of players getting sucked in to some sort of MMO as either themselves or with the appearance of their characters. The only problem is they end up in the less desirable part of the world, where their enemies dwell.

Naruto Based. (It will be based several years away from the series and with Own Characters. Likely with some shinobi from a village my character is the leader of kidnapping some people, though the plot isn't set in stone so we can brainstorm it. Oh his village is a Jashin village)

World of Warcraft. (We like to roleplay Orcs and trolls and possibly humans. ideally, though we don't mind if you'd like to rp something different. No Worgen, Tauren Gnome or forsaken)

World Of Darkness (Very open but we adore the setting for this rp.)

Star Wars ( So many ideas, Sith and Jedi, Jedi and Bounty hunters, just bounty hunters, a bounty hunter and their mark. Very open and thanks to playing SWTOR one I'm very much in the mood for.)

School Related (either teachers or students though the plot must be good, it's easy to get boring.)

Supernatural Monster Hunters (Any thing here, for instance a group of hunters and a monster, or a group of monsters and a hunter)

Demons (Could be some humans accidentally summoning a demon, a Demon other Demons... there are quite a few ideas)

Warhammer Fantasy (Lots of ideas we can use here, there is some very good lore with Warhammer.)

Werewolf. (No soft cuddly cute werewolves. They're vicious aggressive and savage pack based)

Post Apocalyptic. (Either realistic or not. It could be in a world similar to Boarder Lands and Rage, with a group of bandits kidnapping survivors. Or it could be a more realistic setting)

Gameshow. (Some form of gameshow where people are forced to enter to compete against one another, losing a round can have serious consequences)

Superhero/Super Villain based. (Lots of ideas here again)

Only a short list of things we're interested in here, but if you have any other ideas that involve some form of domination (Any thing with normal humans, cults, conspiracies etc work fine) then we'll be happy! We're really looking forward to people with some good concepts.

Looking forward to you contacting us.

I'm mainly yaoi based. D:

Het/yuri aren't my thing. So if you're looking for a submissive yaoi roleplayer, that'd be me, just shoot me a PM, if not, good luck with your search.
Unfortunately we're not after a pure Yaoi rp. The only Yaoi ones we want we would like Het in there as well, my partner doesn't like playing males.
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