Yoruichi x Ichigo (ThomasRHellsing)

Lavi Bookman

Jun 21, 2011
      • She looked over at Kisuke and they both exchanged a silent look between them. Then, she disappeared, returning to her other form as a black cat and slipped out the door. For the past few months she'd been keeping tabs on Ichigo from a short distance away to make sure the other male didn't get into any trouble he couldn't handle. But lately Yoruichi had felt a certain disruption in the area around the school Ichigo attended and she couldn't figure out what it might be. It wasn't hollow related nor was it reaper related, it was almost as if a new sort of breed had come into existence.

        If Ichigo had his powers she wouldn't have worried too much but as it stood, the teen was vulnerable in his current state. Perhaps she should report this to Kisuke but then she had nothing to go on other than an odd feeling of dread. Yoruichi knew better than to ignore her instincts but she decided to wait for another day before telling her old friend of this new development. The black cat perched on top of a wooden fence outside the school as it kept watch over Ichigo who was safely sitting inside the building. At the same time it kept watch over the surrounding area too.

        Yoruichi's eyes widened in her cat form as she sensed the presence once more. Inside the building, Orihime, Chad and Ishida also sensed it and their attention was immediately drawn to the window. One by one, they all made excuses to leave the room and they dashed out to deal with the threat. The purple haired reaper glanced over at Ichigo who was still sitting inside but she knew it was only a matter of time before he went out too. She couldn't have that happen because he would be a sitting duck to whatever threat was coming. The cat disappeared from the fence a moment later.

        Some strange human figure could be seen hovering in mid-air but it wasn't a reaper. Nor was it a hollow or one of the Vizards. There was a strange light which pulsed all around the man's form and his eyes looked like empty burning sockets of light. The special humans down below had never seen something like this before and stood there staring at it for a few seconds. Yoruichi was silently accessing the situation and although she didn't know what it might be, she had a good idea that it wasn't anything good and could sense its power. It was stronger than anyone else in this area.

        Other than her. But what was its purpose and why was it at the school? She didn't understand that part and tried to come up with an answer.
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