Sasuke x Naruto (Yami)

Lavi Bookman

Jun 21, 2011
      • Hebi's main purpose was to track down and kill his brother, that was why he had made the organization in the first place. But unfortunately, there was only so much one could do at a time and information gathering took a certain amount of time. He trained in his spare time but his opponents weren't much of a challenge so it did nothing to help him get better. Sasuke's followers were good challenges but since they were out on missions, he tended to get left behind. So that in turn led to boredom every now and then. Lately it had been happening way too often for his taste.

        He knew something had to be done and it finally occurred to him what could help make him a better fighter and also ease the boredom he felt. Naruto continuously sought him out, Konoha had even sent a team to find him and bring him back. Perhaps he'd toy with the orange haired teen and see how his progress was coming along and if he could beat him yet. The main reason he hadn't killed him so far was that he wanted to measure his own strength and power against that of Naruto's. It wasn't because he cared about Naruto or even felt anything in particular for the other male.

        No, he measured his own worth against that of Naruto, just as Itachi had once said the same about his own little brother. Sasuke took a deep breath and let it out slowly as he rose from his seated position and headed out. A few days later, he reached the border of Konoha and then a couple of hours after that he saw the familiar gates in the distance which led into the heart of the village itself. Sasuke used a cloning jutsu and then walked into the village under the guise of a random ninja with ordinary features. He was looking for some sign of Naruto and wouldn't leave without him.

        Most likely Naruto was either at the Ichiraku Noodle Bar, hanging around with Sakura or out on a mission. He would try the ramen stand first and then would ask around to see if anyone knew where the boy might be found. Luckily, he spotted Naruto almost instantly by the orange jumpsuit he tended to wear and smirked at the sight. Really, he had to get some new clothes or colors or something, that style was out of date. Sasuke stepped up behind Naruto, the jutsu still in effect and leaned up against the side of the stand, watching the other boy eat. He shook his head at the bowls.

        "You still haven't changed, have you Naruto?" Sasuke commented and wondered whether or not Naruto would recognize that it was him. Most likely not since Naruto tended to be quite naive and denser than a block of wood. Maybe it would be fun to play around with him until he got it.
Since Sasuke had left, Naruto liked to think that he had grown, matured a little bit. He'd grown taller, and older, that was for sure. He wasn't as mature as others his age, but he was no longer the prank playing brat he'd once been. One thing that hadn't changed however, was his love for ramen. He still loved ramen and made a point to go eat a bowl of ramen after every mission as a reward for himself. Naruto had been enjoying his ramen when a nondescript ninja had approached him. Unaware of who it was, he said between bites "What's that supposed to mean?" He didn't get it. Or rather, he didn't recognize Sasuke. Not while he was distracted with his ramen.

Naruto growled between bites "Do I even know you?" Naruto said mid-bite "Yuf dunf loof famifiar!" Naruto swallowed his bite and after finishing the bowl of ramen, he plunked money down and got to his feet. Studying Sasuke's disguised form, he frowned, looking rather suspicious of the nin. He said "I don't think I've seen you here before. You're not a new nin either." Naruto blinked and stared, his brilliant blue eyes dark with thought as he tried to focus on Sasuke's henged form and recognize just who Sasuke was.

When nothing came to mind, he huffed and said "Well, whoever you are, it's none of your business whether or not I've changed. For your information, I've grown taller! And older!" Satisfied with that explanation, Naruto huffed and walked away. He had wanted permission from Tsunade to leave the village to go hunt for Sasuke but she'd turned him down, saying he'd taken enough time hunting for Sasuke and he needed to do missions for the village for awhile. Besides, she'd help rationalize that he'd run into Sasuke eventually. Who knew she'd be right? Too bad Naruto just didn't recognize Sasuke's henged form or his chakra. Not that Naruto was paying attention.

Naruto huffed under his breath, fuming that Tsunade had denied his request to go Sasuke hunting. He'd wanted to find Sasuke and bring him back sooner rather than later. Right now however, it seemed that Sasuke would be never coming back, much to Naruto's disappointment.
      • Of course, just like he thought, Naruto didn't seem to recognize him, even though Sasuke was making no attempt to conceal his chakra at the moment. This would be rather fun he thought to himself and grinned, debating about hanging around Konoha or heading out to another place. It would probably be more fun somewhere else because not everyone was as dumb as Naruto and there was a high chance someone would figure out it was him right away and spoil the fun and games he had planned. And Sasuke knew exactly how to get Naruto out of Konoha without being seen.

        Naruto also wouldn't have time to inform anyone else before he left if he played his cards right and the orange haired teen was the same boy he used to know. It would be easy. He chuckled when Naruto asked what his words were supposed to mean. "It's just an observation." Sasuke remarked and tilted his head to the side when Naruto asked if he knew him. "Oh yes, quite well in fact." The cloned ninja commented with a twitch of his lips and could see the wheels in his former friend's mind turn as he tried to figure out who he might be. Of course, Naruto wouldn't be able to.

        That in turn would probably lead to his decision to give up a few seconds later and the boy did not disappoint him. Sasuke smirked, shaking his head at how little about Naruto had really changed and rolled his eyes. "I didn't mean physically..." He murmured and watched as Naruto started to walk away from the ramen stand, choosing to lean up against the side of the bar as a few choice words escaped his lips. "I don't suppose you're still looking for Sasuke? Because if you are I know where he is right now although he'll only be there until two." Sasuke commented as he looked up.

        Damn, it was getting a bit hot all of a sudden. The sunlight that was streaming down from the sky showed that it was only a little after noon.
Naruto paused in his tracks at the mention of Sasuke's name. Whirling around so fast that it was a surprise he didn't get whip lash, he rushed the disguised Sasuke and grabbed the collar of his clothing. Shaking the disguised Sasuke, he demanded "Sasuke? You know where Sasuke is? Where?!?" Naruto was unaware of Sasuke's plans, unaware that the other male had anything planned for him. Not that Naruto would care. He was so busy trying to bring Sasuke back to Konoha that it never occurred to him that Sasuke would disguise himself and come into Konoha looking for him.

Naruto released Sasuke's clothing and stepped back. Sounding a little angry, and a little threatening, he growled "Tell me. Where is he?" Naruto needed to bring Sasuke back, needed to show Sasuke that the hate he felt for Konoha was unnecessary, unneeded. What Sasuke needed was to see the Konoha he knew as a child, and not hate Konoha. Naruto needed to bring Sasuke back for Sakura too. Every time he thought of bringing Sasuke back, Sakura's tearful face, begging him to bring Sasuke back came to mind.

Naruto would have a hard time forgetting that tearful face. Sakura was part of the reason Naruto was so determined to bring Sasuke back. She'd begged him to bring Sasuke back, tears and all. Nevermind the fact that he'd been in love with Sakura for as long as he'd known her. He wanted to see Sakura happy, and Sakura's happiness was Sasuke's return. Naruto's other reason for wanting to bring Sasuke back was that Sasuke was his best friend, and he knew it was up to him to knock some sense into his best friend.
      • Oh the nostalgia of being grabbed by his collar and shaken by Naruto. He remembered it well, the time they had last fought, when Naruto had been trying to stop him from going to Orochimaru's. The orange haired kid had failed back then and would fail this time around too although he didn't intend on fighting him in the same manner as before. No, he had something else in mind this time around, something that would give him a bit of relief and hopefully calm him down a bit since he had too much stress in his system. Sasuke chuckled as Naruto demanded to know where he was.

        "Come with me and I'll show you. But we'll have to move quickly, it takes around two hours to get there. So unless we go right now, we might miss him." Sasuke told him and started to walk off when Naruto released his clothing, not giving him time to think about the whole situation. Even if Naruto was dumb, he usually would know enough to let someone know where he was going before he left. But they didn't have time for that. They needed to leave this instant, without telling anyone now although he didn't mind if Naruto left someone a note. However, it would need to be fast.

        "You coming or not? He won't wait, it's not like he thinks he's going to see you today." Sasuke reminded him and as he approached the gates of Konoha, he paused and turned back to let his eyes linger on Naruto. Now it was all up to him.
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