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Dark Woods Circus – A hauntingly beautiful role play.

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Jun 8, 2011
Information - You must read everything here before sending in a profile and posting:
Profiles - All profiles are to be messaged to me first, I will place them here:
Occ - Any questions or ideas you might have can go here:

Yeah, time for me to be a hard ass.

- My word is law, if you break a rule or do not obey the site's TOS you are out.

- Literacy is a definite must! No lower case letters where capitals should be and proper grammar. Spelling I am not so harsh on, we all make a few mistakes, just don't make any silly mistakes like 'your' instead of 'you're'

- At least one paragraph (Minimum of 3 Sentences) per post.

- No character has supreme power over the others, even the Ringleader has their weaknesses.

- No characters under the age of the legal limit, this means sixteen or above people!

- No bestiality of any kind, anthro characters are fine.

- Do not kill anyone with out permission from both myself and the other person.

- No scat or water sports, take it to private messages.

- No means no, if you do something someone doesn't like and they say no then stop, if not I will ask you to leave.

- Please restrict yourself to only three characters.

- Smut, intense sexual scenes, bdsm, gore and violence are all allowed, just ask the person you are playing with if they agree to it first.

- I will add rules as I please.


Scandinavian Wilderness
Grim, cloudy with a chance of more snow fall.

Welcome to the circus~
It was cold, something the rats complained about. Dietrich sighed as Nina finished her song. The swarm stood entranced by the harpy. No doubt her vioce could hypnotize more than rats, however unlike Dietrich's music the effects wore off and the horde sat jostling and scurring around. As Nina finished the crowd roared with appluase and cheers. He readied his flute and began to play. The rats followed behind as obediant as children. Shrieks and screams greeted him and he smiled a bit. The fear made him happy and Nina had inspired him. He began to make the rats move in a march. The trumped about like toy soldiers. After a few more tricks, a cow was brought on center ring. Dietrich began to show what the people came for. at first the cow resisted but as the swarm moved in the cow was overwhelmed. The rat sank teeth into flesh and tore. Blood pooled as the cow was torn apart before thier eyes. When the flesh was gone, meat was ripped into chucks and greedily devoured. Entrials and organs splattered on the ground as the cow fell to the ground. The bellows of the beast where heard by all and harmonized with the rats harshly. Dietrichs flute playing a simple tune contrasted the scene in a almost comical manner. There was a surge as the rats began gnawing on bone. Finally some bone and sinew was all that remained and Dietrich led the swarm out in absolute silence.
Outside he released the swarm sending them to thier scattered warrens across the wilderness.
The thrill of performing exhilarated Nina, her passion for her singing and her love of performing combined to make the experience worth while, even if her nights were spent locked in a cage unable to fly through the skies freely she could live with that just by knowing the crowds would always chant her name at the end of every performance.
Nina gave a low bow to her audience and applauded as Dietrich took the stage, his whimsical performance and his faithful companions took the stage and Nina backed away. Slipping behind the curtain of the tent she stood out in the frozen air, her wings brought close around her form. Nina lifted her eyes to look up at the clouded sky, it was nightfall, but all day it had been as dark as night.
Dietrich appeared next to her after his performance and Nina glanced over to him, offering him a sweet, friendly smile "Your friends are as wonderful as usual" Nina remarked as a rat twisted itself around her feet. Slowly she lowered herself down and offered the rat her wing. The rat scampered up on to her shoulder and sniffed at her hair "Does this little one have a name?" Nina asked moving closer to Dietrich.
"His name is Maus and he says you are quite lovely, for a bird." Dietrich said as he opened his jacket and pulled out a cigarette. Wearily he lit it and offered the pack to Nina. It was something small but here in the Circus it meant a world of things. Maus squeaked and Dietrich smiled.
"So what's a pretty bird like you doing here?" His accent had gone away mostly but it still inflicted on his everyday speech. He looked her up and down. She was good looking and so far he had seen only other men. The smoke drifted onto the moon like cream in coffee as dietrich exhaled a puff of smoke.
Drake loved the sound of Nina's singing (as did everyone else), an he applauded loudly as she left the stage. He was preparing for his own set, in which he would summon Succubi to perform various stunts with his music.

Mark couldn't be helped but be mesmerised by Nina's performance, despite the hell he lived through as a slave. The end of her performance signaled the realisation that he was living in a nightmare world.
Nina blushed and looked to the little rat on her shoulder, smiling warmly "Thank you Maus, you're quite charming, for a rat" Nina teased as the rat scampered back down her arm and into the coat pocket of his master and friend. Eying the packet Nina shook her head, her glossy black locks of hair slipping over her shoulders "Thanks, but no thanks... I have to look after the voice box" Nina said softly shrugging her shoulder slightly as she brought her wings back around her body, forming them into a cloak to protect her slender form from the falling snow. A sigh escaped her lips and her head rolled back looking up at the sky once more.

"Well the ringleader approached me one day while I was busking in a town square for crumbs and gave me an offer I could not refuse. The offer of course being that if I refused that I would be killed and my soul plunged down to the depths of hell" Nina chuckled as she thought back to the day, how frightened she had been of this mysterious circus. "What about you?" Nina asked curiously, turning her attention back to his form.
"My father and I were rat catchers. I was 19 and had recently begun to use my ability. I caught the ear of the ringmaster and when I refused her offer, she killed my father. Naturally I took the job." A series of squeks pervaded the air and Dietrich smiled once more.
"Maus was a stray here. Took him in and in return he became my right hand. Also he wants to know if your always this lovely or just when the moon paints your skin alabaster." Dietrich gave a rougish smile. Seemed unfair for such a lovely creature to be unadmired.
Nina hung her head, her eyebrows drawing together in a concerned expression. She was lucky enough to have nothing to loose by joining the circus, she had forgotten about those who had lost everything to the ringleader before joining. "I'm sorry about your father, but at least you have the charming young Maus to keep you company" Nina smiled faintly, looking up at him with her crystal blue hues. A laugh escaped Nina and she nudged Dietrich with her shoulder playfully "You'll just have to stick around to find out, Maus" Nina chuckled, her lips pulling into a wide grin.
Dietrich nodded and placed a hand where her wing ended and smiled.
"Maus isnt the only one impressed by your beauty." He moved closer enjoying the feeling of her supple feathers. Despite the diffrences Dietrich liked her more animal aspects, seeing as his own nature was more beastial.
"I must admit I found it almost impossible to compare to your vioce and honestly I found only one thing as beautiful." He said almost absentmindedly.
"Maybe sometime you can come by and we can have oursleves a private duet. I find the weather is unbearbly cold and theres somthing about sharing music with the one's you care about that warms the heart." He bowed and extingushing his cigarette he walked to his caravan, a shabby brown number designed after the old germanic buildings in medievel Europe.
There was a silence between them as Nina watched Dietrich with wide eyes, her cheeks turning a rosy hue. A harsh cold wind pushed past them, ruffling Nina's feathers "I agree" Nina smiled, dropping her wings back down to her sides "It is unbearably cold, I would love to practice a duet with you" Nina nodded her head and watched him leave before turning to follow, her hair flowing in the bitter wind.
Tempted by the strong gale, Nina stretched out her wings to their full span and stood in the wind, her eyes closed she imagined herself flying through the frostbitten air. Without realizing Nina began to twist and turn with the wind almost dancing, her long blue gown tracing along the top of the cotton white snow.
Dietrich opened the door and lit some candles. He preffered them to the eletric lights simply because it reminded him of home. He whispered to Maus and the rat scurried to some corner of the caravan.
"Sorry about the mess. I like to seperate work and play." All over the floor dog eared books and magazines sat. Off to the corner a typewriter sat dishelved and clearly well used. He quickly lit his gas stove and placed on a teapot. The stove doubled as his heater in the winter and sputtered to life with a foul belch. He then turned to Nina and smiled,
"So my pretty little sing bird any ideas for our duet? I can play the violin, flute, piano and even a smattering of the trumpet." As the caravan began to become warm he removed his jacket revealing a dress shirt neatly pressed and cared for. Unlike many other preformers Dietrich had not been lax in his social moors and mannerisms.
"So I imagine this is a bit nicer than an oversized birdcage?"
Nina stepped into the caravan, her eyes wandering about the odd trinkets and assorted books that were skewed about the room. Dietrich's home was warm and cosy compared to her cage, in the eyes of the ring leader she was an animal and animals belonged in their cages. "It's wonderful" Nina smiled, taking a seat on the mattered bed in the corner. "Violin, please" She nodded her head "There was an old man in Berlin who used to play with me, he had the most wonderful skills on the violin we used to duet in the snow from dawn till dusk... Until one day he could no longer move his hands..." Nina fell silent, a sweet smile twitching at her fair lips "But now whenever I hear the violin I think of that kind old man and his amazing music.... It makes me happy" Nina raised her blue hues to look at him, her head tilted to the side "It's warmer then the birdcage yes" Nina laughed, crossing one leg over the other.
Undertaker couldn't help but watch as his one of his pets started socializing, he was in one of the darker corners outside Deitrich's caravan, peering through a closed window.
He still wondered what she would do in a situation like this, and just continued to watch as the were conversing.
Elyot sat in the corner of the circus tent, backstage; shadows covered him, but it was all just the trick of the eye, as he was not in a dark spot, it was just that anyone who could spot him could see the evil intent radiating from his form, their eyes would pick up such an aura as darkness. He could spot the performance, and he could spot the people who enjoyed it, the gentle sigh in their eyes after witnessing the heavenly song from the blue feathered Nina.

Drake was coming on stage now, and that was probably the only male performance Elyot would enjoy; because Drake was the very thing that made women sin the most. It was many things women could do to taint themselves, murder, self abuse, thievery, vandalism, all the common crimes that lead one straight down to Hell, these actions were the offspring of the seven deadly sins, but there was one that tasted all the more sweeter—lust. Lust was the best of sins, for not only could it be done innocently enough to avoid corruption, it could also spiral out of control and lead one to commit all of the seven deadly sins just to satisfy it.

A sexually active woman was one thing, a woman in lust was a whole other plight, she may or may not have to revert to rape, like most men driven to madness from their lusting may do, but there was other deadlier things left in her wake when she was the slave of her genitals. Elyot stood once Dietrich and Nina left, if he stayed at that spot too long and watched Drake preform, his mouth would water so, he'd forget to notify the ring master of her next announcement. Women weren't the only thing Elyot enjoyed eating, men qualified too, and where Drake was heading with his next performance, Elyot would go mad in hunger. It was never a good thing to eat the audience... in public.

The performers needed an intermission, and Geneviève and Elyot would be the soft entertainment for the crowed while the workers set up. Of course, Geneviève may not even preform, but Elyot would be there to entertain while she does her introduction, inform the crowed on their abilities, or just charm mindless humans into partaking in the many the entertainments they had to offer. Elyot had to make sure she remembered her times on when to step out, and also get her anything if her dressing room was lacking, of course, her dressing room was never lacking, and she always remembered when to be punctual, Elyot still enjoyed the facade of going to 'notify' her of her cues, not to mention they'd have to get their bargaining straight, before he does anything.

Elyot knocked on Geneviève's door, but did not wait for an answer as he opened it and stepped in. “Ring Master Geneviève, it is almost your cue to go out on stage.” Elyot said robotically, mirthful appearance on his face as he was sure she'd know that wasn't the only reason he came to her.
Beauty, power and greed were the three words that spring to mind when one envisioned the mysterious and enchanting Geneviève L'un Sans Visage. Master and ringleader to the infamous Dark Wood circus Geneviève was renowned for her company of ravenous beauties and whimsical freaks, she was a woman one would never double cross. She was a vision of malice and a wicked tormenter of the down trodden, in her lust for beauty Geneviève had sacrificed the only thing she loved in this world and that made her bitter and cold. No one really knew the story behind Geneviève and her wicked ways, but it was common knowledge not to upset her, those who did were never heard of again.

Geneviève starred into the mirror upon the wall behind her dressing table, her fingertips tracing the edge of the vortex that was her true face. Turning to a chest by her table she flicked the lid open and very carefully pulled out a delicate porcelain mask. Her head tilted to the side as she felt the cold porcelain of the mask under the palm of her hand. Oh how she longed for it to be made of flesh and life. Her shoulders heaving a great sigh Geneviève placed the mask over her face and secured it, her fingers tracing over the seem to make sure there were no openings. The glass eyes rolled to the front and Geneviève’s face looked as normal as any other.

Leaning forward Geneviève began to paint her lips a dark rouge colour, though her beauty was immaculate without the aid of makeup. A knock sounded at her door, causing Geneviève to flinch, her lipstick brush grazing her perfect cheek. “You think I do not know that already, Elyot?!” Geneviève snapped, slamming the brush on to the table as her free hand pulled a few tissues out of a box and began to rub the mark from her face. Once her face was free of the blemish she rose from her seat and made her way towards the imp “Help me do up my corset, quickly!” Geneviève spoke in a hurried tone, turning her back to him as she insisted on his help.
Elyot smiled at her outburst, such wrath only befitting that of a efficient leader. He obeyed her order, and walked forward with long swift strides, “Sensitive today?” Elyot asked, years of living beneath Geneviève rein had taught him everything about her sudden moods, it also taught him how to see through her many faces she might show to evade any discerning of her workers. “Is it the cold season, or is it due to that wicked mirror you've glared so much at?” He questioned her bitterness, though he was sure he knew what caused it. Elyot then leaned over her shoulder and gently cupped his middle and ring fingers under her chin. “Gazing at that pretty face of yours would set you to madness, Mistress, for it's lovely curse is blind to who it effects.”

He knew she had to of been staring at her face, and even though the real curse of it would never effect her in the way she affect so many other living beings, but Elyot knew that she'd take some brunt of its wicked essences, mentally, if she kept up her obsessing. Elyot slipped his hand from her chin, over her throat, then down the length of the back of her neck until it rested between her shoulder blades, taking up the ribbons of her corset, he loosen them even more to expose the flesh of her back. Elyot then poked at a spot beneath her right shoulder with his ring and middle fingers, “I could taste right here, or,” He then raised his finger from her back and glided it, millimeters above her skin, until he stopped at the center of her lower back, just above her rear, “right here, or...” Elyot repeated the action, moving his fingers up her back, over her left shoulder, then down her chest until his fingers rested above the center of her left breast, but he didn't let his fingers touch there, “right here...” His eyes filled with mirth as he leaned over her shoulder, head align with her own as he turned his some to catch a glance at her porcelain doll face.

“My payment.” Elyot said, easing any questions she may have.

Elyot hadn't gone on stage yet, and for his performance, he planned on doing sword swallowing (and ingesting), but he wasn't going to just do it because he enjoyed it, nor was it because he feared the wrath of the Ring Master, he did it because he liked the taste of the vixen's flesh, no body was any more sinful tasting than one without a soul, that's why he enjoyed his meals dead when he ate them, and to think a body like Geneviève was able to move around and continue to rack up more sins, never to receive a chance to repent for it as she had no soul to cleanse.

Elyot's mouth was watering, but too bad he couldn't taste her without her consent, he couldn't even choose what part of her he wanted to taste; she'd have to choose where, and how. Normally he'd just suckle a spot, lick it if she was feeling a bit peeved with him, but if she'd let him bite her—just bite, not even take a piece, no more than what her blood would give him—he'd gladly jump hoops out there on that stage. Though he'd still preform either way, he just need his payment, which would then leave the sweet hickey of a witch's mark, and until it faded, he'd follow her orders to the tittle; maybe with a little sass, but that couldn't be helped, as he was an imp.
To look into the soul of one of the few, truly twisted daemons of the old realm, was to look into the yawning abyss of hell and damnation. A daemon was rather different to a demon. A demon was a being from Hell, born of fire, pain and suffering. A daemon was born from the very essence of the Void, a place of pure evil and darkness. The Void was the space, if it could be called that, between dimensions, where the darkest of human emotions came to life, spawning such monstrosities known as daemons. Daemons often hunted in the various dimensions of the universe, flitting between the stars and taking what they wanted before leaving. A rare few of the creatures stayed in one place for a length of time, and only then they did so for a special purpose.

Vernos Kharo, a being known by many names, was one of those daemons. He had been on this planet for the last two hundred years of his life, finding it quite contenting and entertaining. His current place of residence was the Dark Woods Circus, where his position of Master had been obtained in a random meeting with the Ring Master, a woman who carried a portion of the void with her. She felt like kin to the malicious creature, for he was the Void made manifest. They had talked in private for a little while on the subject of the ever shifting go-between dimension, on their stories and futures. Aside from greetings, meetings and such, Vernos had very little to do with her. She did her business with the circus, while he went about his business with a ruthless brutality that made sure many of the human slaves, and some of the performers who irritated him, din't survive very long. Some torn apart by vicious claws, others disappeared mysteriously, their rooms or cages left empty. None questioned where they had gone, for they knew the answer, and asking would only bring wrath upon themselves.

He was a figure of dread, torment and suffering to the eyes of the male performers. Those who lasted the longest had only a sliver of his respect, but they would do well to keep him appeased. There was always a supply of human slaves, mutated freaks and creatures to take into the Circus. Females however, seemed to be treated different, they seemed to be more exempt from his brutality, although if one stepped out of line and insulted him, Vernos would bring punishment upon them. His punishment, to both male and female, varied. It varied from slight torture, ranging from sexual to just painful, also extending to things like rape, bondage and various other acts which he thought up. If the Master didn't like them, he sometimes just killed them.

Sitting on a throne of polished bone in a reasonably large chamber, atop one of the highest rooms in the Circus, Vernos Kharo listened to the voice of one of his slaves. A young man by the name of Jason. He had the rare ability to see through what ever he wished, to a good distance too. The daemon had been the one who detected the magical human, and had fetched him back to the Circus. He felt that the slave could one day perform, with either himself or another of his performers. The ability of Aethersight was a rare ability, one that he could not waste like the other humans. Jason sat in the cell in the clothes he had been found in, a pair of tattered jeans and a torn, black t-shirt. He felt resentment at the beast which had taken him, but knew living in the city would have probably seen him dead in the next few weeks. Now he was trying to accept that he was living in a world full of... Performers, they called them, a world full of mythical beasts and creatures. The world of the Dark Woods Circus.

"Tell me, what are they doing?" Vernos' deep, lethal voice echoed from the back of the room, talking to Jason who was staring intently at the floor. "They, seem to be talking, Master Kharo. Your performer removed his jacket, but nothing appears to be happening, my lord." The slave replied quickly, looking back towards the daemon. "Do not look at me, look at them!" He snapped, and the human's head snapped back to the floor, as if hit with his master's hate fuelled words.

There were few rules in the Dark Circus and spying was thankfully not one of them.
Dietrich nodded and picked up his violin. Warming up he smiled as the bow flowed naturally. He began to play Ave Maria a song had heard Nina sing. She was after all, his muse and he felt it fitting to play it for his impromptu audience. The swarm outside rushed to get in but he held them at bay, this was for Nina. Maus squeked as well informing him of more than the swarms eyes upon him. Rats had a nasty habit of seeing things humans couldn't. He had already guessed Vernos had been keeping tabs on him. What was surprising was Dietrich felt that Vernos wasnt the only one watching. He was half tempted to give the demon a real show but settled for a light kiss from Nina when he finished.
"Usually a duet is two people but I think I can overlook it this time."He gave her a wink and moved to make the tea, the kettle now whistling giving Nina's blush exagerration.
“I long for a face made of flesh and blood, Elyot, no one of porcelain and china” Geneviève admitted bitterly as the imp held her chin suspended with his finger. Her fingertips gently slid over the shape of her face and her red lips tweaked into a soft smile “My face is the most delicately beautiful thing in this world, I feel it a sin not to admire its glory. If beholding its loveliness causes my mind to fade then that is the price I am willing to pay” Geneviève spoke in a softer tone, her glass eyes rolling to the side to watch the mischievous imp lust for her flesh.

The elegant woman put up no argument as the imp did the opposite of what she had wanted, her dress loosening it fell down to her waist, exposing her perfectly clear, creamy white flesh. His touch caused Geneviève to take a shuddering breath, though they had been doing this for nearly a century, Elyot’s touch still made Geneviève feel alive, like a normal woman. “You are a greedy thing” Geneviève sneered, pulling a hair pin from her coils of soft blond hair she looked to him, her glass eyes showing no emotion. With a quick and fluid movement, Geneviève stabbed the pin above her left breast, it pierced the skin only a little, but it was enough to bring a bead of blood to the surface. It glimmered in the ambient candle light as it slowly trickled down towards the gap of her breasts.

“Hurry, our show is about to start” Geneviève ushered, turning to face him, she tilted her head to the right. Her hands gripped the fragile material of her dress, holding it close to her waist ready to bring it back over her naked form once the imp had had its fill.
Nina only needed to hear the first few bars of music, the song making her smile as she swayed slightly on the bed, her eyes drifting close. The quaint little caravan and odd little man making Nina feel more at home then she had ever been in her entire life. Slowly Nina's lips parted and she began to sing, her heart lifting the moment they were in sync together. In that moment Nina was in heaven, she was free, free from the night of the circus, free from the Undertaker's over bearing stare and free from Vernos's lustful advances.
The song came to a graceful end and Nina sat back with a smile, her eyes slowly opening to look up at Dietrich. A rosy hue spreading across her cheeks like wild fire as he kissed her softly, causing her world to turn upside down.
Curious of what Dietrich had meant she turned to look out the window, her heart stopping as she spotted the Undertaker watching her form with an unblinking stare. "Maybe I should go... I do not wish for you to get in trouble over this" Nina spoke softly as she rose from her seat on the bed.
"I believe they are aware we are watching them, master." He said, looking down at the tide of rats, taking special interest in one rat that stood out from the others. "There appears to be one rodent that stands out from the rest, it-" Jason was cut off. "Maus. His rat side kick. The creature told him we were watching." The daemon said, angry that the rat master could spy on any of the Circus members at will. He had let that happen for too long, people may think he is going soft on them. "Stay here." Vernos said, his temper flaring in palpable waves of darkness.

With a step through a wall, he appeared on the other side of the caravan. Menace radiated from him like an earthquake in the sea. "You mock and spy on me, rat lord. That does not bode well for your little spy here." He growled, letting a swirling tendril come out from his back, and quickly ensnare the puny rodent. "How would you feel if I squeezed the life out of it, then I could snap this, then possibly you." Kharos threatened, picking up a violin with another tendril. He could kill the rat and snap the instrument in an instant, it would be no effort. "Do not let me find you spying on me ever again, or else it will be more than simply your neck in my grasp." The daemon finished, dropping the rat to the ground, and snapping the end of the violin off, letting it also drop to the ground.

As he turned to leave, he was half way through the wall when something was caught out of the corner of his eye. Let the beast's do what they will. He did not care. "Stay away, harpy. Do not become another of his pet rats." He warned darkly over his shoulder, before fully stepping through the wall, reappearing in his chamber, taking a seat back on his throne. "Go slave." The daemon said simply, dismissing the human slave, back down to the cages and pits, where any one could do what they wanted with them.
Nina let out a terrified gasp as Vernos moved through the wall and threatened Dietrich with the death of his friend. "No!" Nina begged, her eyes wide as she watched him, her face pale and body trembling "Please let him go! Don't hurt him!" Nina rushed over to Vernos and clasped at his arm, her eyes searching his even though they were vacant and dark. the daemon released Maus and Nina bent down to pick him up, letting the little rat scurry up under her hair. Tears welled in her eyes as he snapped the violin, her lips parting to speak as he moved away, leaving them alone again.
Nina quickly closed the gap between her and Dietrich, the rat jumping from her shoulder to his. "I'm sorry Dietrich, is Maus going to be okay?" Nina asked, her watery eyes looking up at him as he stood silent and unmovable.
Dietrich bared his teeth and struggled to keep the swarm from attacking. The fucking bastard had been spying on him and all Maus had done was alert him. When threatened the violin the swarm surged almost breaking into a frenzy. He could feel eldritch powers reaching deep into the earth summoning more as his anger grew. He remained silent and when his precoius stratovarian broke he knew then that he was going to punish the demon. Somehow he was going to pay dearly for intterupting his time with Nina. Demon or not, there were more than just regular rats at Dietrich's disposal. He had proven it back in Munich.
"Maus will be fine, rats are survivors." He moved closer to her and gave a sad smile.
"Its not your fault. I will talk to the Ringleader and Undertaker to see if I can work something out. Believe it or not I hold more sway than you might think." He was bluffing reassuring her only because her look of terror angered him. He spoke to Maus,
"Stay with her and keep her warm, if only for tonight." He then hugged her and sent her on her way.
"Alright old man, I know your there. I want to tell you a joke." He smiled knowing all to well the reaper's stance on information.
Undertaker let out a slight grunt when he saw the swarm of rats on the floor, but answered Dietrich with his english accent still prominant, "Well, come on then, you know you're neva gonna get anything outta me if you don't make me laugh first.", his hat covering his eyes but revealing a jagged scar that stretched from his right cheek, across the bridge of his nose, and onto his left cheek.
Dietrich smiled and spoke,
" A geman soldier in a submarine runs up to his commander screaming,"Mien Gott we are sinking!!!"
The commander looks at the soldier and thinks. he replies, "Well what are we sinking about?"
Dietrich finished his joke and poured himself a cup of tea. The bitter taste coating his mouth with the familiar tastes of home. Regardless if he could make Undertaker laugh the simple fact he was interested made things more clear. He made a mental note to speak to the ringleader anyway, even if an audience with her was potentially fatal.
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