Mia's Confinement (QB X Darkest)


At the first signs of her coming about, Karel smirked.


The first thing to be noticed was strain. The strain of her body forced into a position that was most uncomfortable. Her arms were bound together at the wrists and her elbows, forced up high almost vertically. The stringent position then forcibly humbled her head, looking down to accustom the sudden change of position of where her arms were. The position was very unnatural, thusly her muscles strained. She stood perfectly taut, her legs spread out with a metallic bar bound to her ankles, tight to prevent her legs from closing: she had to spread her legs a bit. With her torso bending forward, with her arms up there was no way for her to guard what probing hands may fondle upon her private bits, her skirt hiking up from the position to reveal her panties.

The room was a dank cell, the dripping of moisture the only real way to make sense of time. The smell of mildew was strong, mold having dirtied this place for many a year. A figure stood right before her, a well-dressed and handsome one. Beignon nobles were known for flair and their desire for the frivolous, corrupt and utterly greedy, it would be of no surprise if they started keeping slaves of Beorcs as well...that would also mean that she was now his property since the time she was interrogated and suddenly released, only to be knocked out and find herself in this position.

Probing hands softly rubbed up on her butt cheeks before an open-handed slap struck against her left. "Such a firm ass...battlefield beauties are so well-shapen. Those soldiers weren't lying~" his voice was jesting, almost irritating in a way.
So getting captured had never really been part of the plan. Truthfully, Mia did feel a bit blessed in that they hadn't outright killed her, which was what Begnion usually did, especially considering how much trouble the Greil Mercenaries had been for them. Still, the lovely swordmaster certainly wasn't pleased with her current situation. Sure, she was trying to keep a bright outlook on it, figuring that they would eventually rescue her. It was the eventually that often weighed on her, and was something that Mia really didn't want to think about.

She'd been interrogated, released, and then rendered unconscious yet again. When she'd come to, she'd been like this, in this strange shape with no idea where she was. She still figured that it was somewhere in the Begnion Empire, but she couldn't even be wholly certain of that. Really, she had enough to focus on, with the position. Having her head bent forward meant that the long blue hair lay in Mia's sight, blinding her and making it impossible for her to see. Years of practicing with a blade and dancing about the battlefield had left Mia flexible and athletic enough to endure the bent over position, though it drew her body tight, drawing clothing across a pleasant bust. The position tugged her clothing up too, leaving her black leotard as the only thing covering her nether regions. The girl shifted to get comfortable, finding that she could do little more than wiggle.

Steps, then hands upon her ass. Mia jerked, not startling so much as rearing, as though she would counterattack. Given a sword, she had no doubt that she could easily handle this fool. However, they had wisely taken any such chance from her. Instead, Mia shifted, trying to see her captor, and finding that even impossible. She yelled against her gag, struggling and trying to do something, anything. To her credit, she managed to squirm somewhat. More than that, however, proved quite impossible.
Responding with gagged gurgling and a protesting cry enticed the noble to strike once again, his hand making contact with her firm buttocks. The first thing he had noticed was her body, lithe and pliant as it took the unorthodox position without quivering. Of course the human body had it's limits and she would soon grow strained from the position, but at this point in time it seemed as if she could very well take it. Taken prisoner during a break-in at a Supply Base, though the dastardly mercenaries have left much of the stock of arms ablaze, she was left behind, defeated and swarmed by a few soldiers who then took her prisoner. While it would have served their interests if she were hastily executed, instead she was taken in by a Noble, deep within Beignon territory meant that her chances of escaping were slim to none.

Stroking her leotard, his probing hands softly discerned from the slender cloth about her private bits, her lips engorged from the persistent rubbing and stroking of his slender fingers. The female body was amazing: even in rape the vaginal area would try to squeeze the invading cock even if the mind knew it had entered by force. In the same way, no matter how battle-hardened she was, arousal to her pink folds were still a weakness. "Tell me girl...I want to know. Why tag along with those miscreants and vagrants?" he asked. While she had been asked this many times during interrogation, instead of harsh blows to her body she was met, instead by fickle fingers softly stroking her various parts. A hand softly stroked at her breasts, feeling the supple firmness of her breasts. his squeezes would not go unnoticed, grasping her blue hair he lifted them up for her to behold his figure.

"You look troubled there...care to tell me what's bothering you?" Some lips were meant to be gag, much like hers. Seeing her teeth against the metallic bars made it all the more appealing, a single thread of drool dripping from the left corner of her lips. The bar snugly fitted behind her teeth, it was effective in keeping her protests stifled into incoherent groaning, his hands softly reaching over as a finger slipped between the tight cloth of her leotard, stroking her innards ever so lovingly. "What's this, you're finding this arousing? What a slut!"
The strikes didn't really hurt Mia, at least, not physically. But they certainly reminded her of her position. For people generally didn't hit people like that. You saved little taunting blows of the sort Mia received now for horses, for animals, for creatures captured and used for her amusement. If there was ever a clear indication of what this man thought of her, it lay in those slaps as much as in words and bindings.

Hands squeezed at the base of Mia's leotard, taunting the girl. She had felt that area before, had listened to the mercenary's gossip. Titania had answered most questions about such things, as Mist had been most eager to learn. Not that Mia had needed either, having discovered the joys of her sex several years ago, around the time she'd started bleeding down there. This unwanted touch brought about many of the same feelings. Those digits knew a woman well.

That same question rang in her ears, or at least, a similar one. Mia felt like rolling her eyes, resisting somehow, but found that she couldn't. For he kept rubbing her as he spoke, hitting her body in a way that she hadn't ever expected one of these fools to hit. All of Mia's energy and effort went into enduring the position, the physical pain and aching, which left her quite open for an attack like this. To make matters worse, another hand came up to tease her breasts and tug her hair, again displaying her as though she were a prized animal in her collection.

Bothering her? Mia managed a glare at the man, wishing she could do more. But the metal bit into her mouth, preventing speech, preventing much. It robbed her of some dignity as well, with drool leaking from her gagged mouth. The question wasn't the important thing though: the hands were. They dragged along Mia's nethers, pushing her leotard against her sex, dragging along it, the friction making her body shake.
Met only with silence, his hand struck once again towards her cheeks, making a hollow 'thwack' noise as he spanked her cheeks. His prisoner had a fine figure, slender, curvaceous with a firm bottom and supple breasts. His left hand continued to tweak, rub and pinch, managing to single out where her nipples stood tall, bumped against the cloth of her blouse. Swordmasters wore very light cloth, preferring speed and their skill to avoid deadly blows. However, her skill and most certainly her cloth did not protect her from probing hands, quickly bringing her peaks to harden from beneath the cloth. The female body, ever quite the wondrous creation!

While The tighter the leotard she wore, it would only grow further snug as her lips would engorge, pressing against the tight black cloth. Even now with a soft stroke he could tell where her vaginal lips were, pressing against the cloth throbbing and warm to the touch. He could even feel a little moisture here and there! "Don't look at me like that...I know you're enjoying this...you might even say you find this thrilling!" Of course, given that she may be the kind of person used to having things done her way or killing anyone who touched her in such a way. Despite that, his hands continued to fondle and stroke, continuing to finger her most private parts.

"Tell me, girlie. What's your name?" he loosened the Bar gag only temporarily, letting the bar hang just at the back of her head, giving her enough space to talk coherently. "Answer my question or I may be forced to undergo much more drastic measures.
Another blow, another wince from Mia. She tried to shift, to utilize her lifetime training of dodging, but found that she simply couldn't. If she shifted, it seemed to direct her body directly into the path of those questing fingers. They tugged, pinched, pulled, and seemed destined to amp up Mia's arousal, much against her mind's will. Her cloth coverings only provided more friction, the fabric dragging across her soft skin instead of his fingers.

Mia could feel the reactions of her body making things even more difficult. Peaked, hardened nipples pressed against the thick fabric upon her chest, dragging along it. Worse, her nether lips seemed almost to pout, swelling and moistening with each passing moment. Her captor noticed as well, commenting upon it, teasing her. The gag came off, giving her just enough room to speak.

"You don't need to know it," she informed him, spitting, "because we're not going to be together long enough for it to matter to you."

Probably not the smartest thing she could have done, but Mia frankly didn't care. If this man was thinking she was going to e an oh so obedient slave for him, he'd have another thing coming. No, he'd have to work if he wanted to get the appropriate reactions from her. Even now, those green eyes shown, promising wrath for this unjust treatment.
"Wrong answer." he whispered under his breath, gently taking back the gag harness that had stifled her voice. Pressing it quite deep, it was soon shoved right behind her front teeth, going quite a good job of keeping her mouth somewhat open. Given how she was forced to look down, saliva would surely begin to drip once again. "You're no different from any animal, you know..." At the middle of his sentence a harsh slap against her right cheek was made, a hollow thwack making an echo in her confinement chamber. And then, another. THWACK! THWACK!

He continued to slap at her prominent rear before he grew tired of it. "You've got some endurance, girl. That's a new one. It seems I have to take this slowly..." given how he spoke, he made sure he imparted to her the fact that he was experienced in the art of interrogation towards the fairer sex. Leaning up against her rear, his fingers made a delicate sliding motion, slowly pressing his fingers against the tight leotard, much tighter given how her lips seemed to have pouted up against the cloth.

"How longer can you resist this?" he asked, smiling as he walked up to her, holding the broken blade that she once owned. It was a fine shamshir, too bad she had to raise it against the wrong man. "If you let go of this, I'll take it as a sign that you want to talk. If you abuse this, I may not even give you a voice to speak with." he said, grasping the leotard, making sure that the stretch of cloth against her panties would wedge up between her pouty lips, simply grasping it as he pulled up, the cloth pressing against her labia right between her clitoris, as he laid the handle upon her fingers to grasp.

She would have to go on her tippy toes just to endure the strain, but how long would she last? Fingers continued to rub against her nipples, the stream of arousal truly a form of hellish torment.
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