Teen Titan Downfall (Cerberus and AvaIslaySapphire)


Jan 9, 2009
The city was quiet except for the constant stream of rain and lightning that lashed out over the city. The thunder struck as lightning ripped across the sky. Beast boy sighed and sat back on the couch as he kept flipping through the channels, most not working due to the lightning storm they were experiencing. "Great nothing on and nothing working can this day get any worse?" As soon as he said the lightning tore across the sky and struck the ground knocking out the power to the titan tower. "Apparently it can." He sighed and just shook his head sitting on the couch.

Robin looked outside and shook his head as the lightning kept arcing across the sky. "Something about this just doesn't feel right, Like its not natural and I know how odd that sounds but it just doesn't seem right and some of the lightning is actually striking the ground and that is RARELY normal to happen so many times." Robin walked back over to the living room and when the power shut off he knew something wasn't right. "All right now I know something is up. Titans be on guard."

Outside the city where the lightning had struck the smoke began to clear. "Oh wonderful job." "I know what I was doing, it was a short cut." "You know what you're doing you know what you're doing, If I had a penny for every time you said that I wouldn't be needing this gold!" Fear growled ready to smack his brother Chaos across the head. "Both of you, shut up, We're here so now we need to infiltrate into the tower and take it over so that the defenses of this planet are gone. Then the rest of the team can get through." Fear and Chaos looked over and nodded. "All right all right." Shadow just shook his head and looked at them. "Remember we want them alive, No use in killing them so fear, ease off on the power." Shadow looked up at Titan tower. "First the tower then the world."
Starfire nodded to Robin at his command and walked over to the window. She watched as the rain pitter pattered against the window, streaking down the glass, and rippled into the water around the Island. It never rained on Tameeran and this was just one of the many wonders of Earth. The rain normaly soothed her but today something was wrong. She looked out towards the cuty, but nothing looked unusual. She shook her head and sighed as she tried to relax.

Raven tried meditating but the teams insicurities and a certain green changling's boredom overtook her mind. She sighed and touched her feet to the floor beefore walking over to the couch and sitting down as far away from Beast Boy as possible, which wasn't very far. She looked around at her teammates. She knew something was wrong but even she couldn't sense what.
Cyborg Looked at Beastboy and just gave him an icy stare as the power went out as soon as Beast Boy had said something. Beast Boy looked at Cyborg and sighed. "Oh COME ON CY! it's Not my fault." He then looked over at Robin and Starfire and just shrugged. "well if something is coming this way don't you think we should get ready for what ever may be coming our way?" how true beastboy's words rung that night. They should bet starting to get prepared for what ever was coming their way but what was coming would be something they had never faced before. Robin looked at Starfire and nodded. "I think it may be a direct attack against the tower. Titans GO!" Robin quickly rushed out. "Cyborg you and Beastboy take the basement levels, Starfire, Raven take the top floors and roof. I'll take the direct center."

The team was all ready for their raid against Titan tower. They had everything they would need to be able to subdue any of the titans which ever they met. Shadow looked at fear and Chaos. "Fear I want you to cover their top, Chaos you've got ground floor and I'll go to the front door and welcome myself to the new home." Fear looked at his brother and nodded before pulling their masking over their heads. The green glow of the illumination lights giving an eerie look to them. Quickly Fear moved through the cliff-side and up along the side of the tower keeping out of direct sight. He was right at the top ready to climb over the lip and onto the roof. Chaos quickly rushed out and went for the basement, sliding through an old window then creeping inside. Shadow walked up to the main doors setting the charges. "Knock knock".
Starfire and Raven nodded as they headed up the stairs. The two heroines emerged on the roof after cautiously walking up the stairs. Raven looked around with squint eyes and tried to sense something. Staffer lot a starbolt and used it to light the area. Her hear bea fast as she cautiously walked around. Suddenly a THUMP was heard and the two girls turned to see a figure.

(Sorry it was weak)
Beastboy just shook his head and headed off with cyborg heading down the many stars of the tower before finally getting to the basement and looking around. "You don't really think there is anyone down here now do you? I mean whats the point in coming from the bottom, its too big to head up and you'd get spotted coming up." Beast boy just laughed abit and looked around. "See no one here." He was sient for some time before a voice replied to him. "Oh I don't think so." Chaos replied as he had his sword resting on the ground lightly tapping his foot. "Its quite useful actually. attack the bottom and it all comes crumbling down."

Fear climbed over silently in the darkness onto the roof. the glow from his eyes hidden by the darkness of the night, if spotted it would of been mistaken as just the reflection from the lights from something in the city. "I guess I always get the good ones." Fear laughed to himself once he had eyed up both the two girls Raven and Starfire. He licked his lips thinking that he was the lucky one of the squad. Slowly drawing his sword he watched the pair, he couldn't help but oogle them. Shadow Walked to the door and drew his sword. "Release" and with the words uttered the doors seemed to explode and fly out. Robin quickly turned hearing the explosion before he hardly got enough time to jump back from the edge of a sword to his face. (Chaos and Fear look alike since they are brothers, their armor at least and since Shadow is the leader he has different stuff)


(Okay thanks)

Starfire backed up into Raven and squeaked as she turned around. "Oh! Sorry Raven." She said blushing from embaresment. She should have been relieved but she was on edge and worried. Something was defently not right. She scanned once more before heading towards the door. "Perhaps we sh-"

"Did you hear that?" Raven asked as she pulled back on Star's arm. She has heard a loud crash from downstairs and wanted to find out what. "Stay here." She said as she slipped through the wall. "N-" Starfire started to protest but the Azerathian was already gone. She looked around with wide eyes as she waited for her friend.

"The hallways empty." Raven said upon her return. She turned violet eyes on Starfire who looked as pale as a tameranean could be. "What's wrong?" She asked.
Chaos watched Cyborg and looked him over before hoisting his sword up over his shoulder letting it tap against the metal of his suit. "much alike you and I are. But yet, So different and unique." He looked over at Beastboy and tilted his head. "You...are jsut, well..weak." He sighed. "Not much of a challenge." looking back over to Cyborg, Chaos nodded. "I guess its only fair you know the name of the one who is going to beat you, I am Chaos, That is my name and all you need to know warrior, Now.. DIE!" He rushed at Cyborg and swung the blade down from his shoulder hoping to bring it to contact with Cyborg's arms to cleave them right off.

Fear watched Starfire and nodded as he held his sword out and launched his chain. it shot in between them and stuck into the side of the tower behind the girls. He grinned and let it recall him giving him the needed speed to swoop past Starfire and grab her placing his sword across her neck. He stopped at the other side of the roof holding Starfire in one arm with the blade across her neck. his other hand free and able to draw upon many objects should raven try to fight. "Now now I wouldn't want to lop off your pretty friend's head just because you decided to attack. No it would be smart for you to just surrender now."
Starfire's breath was ragged as she tried to stay calm. Of all the villains they had faced thi was the worst. She wondered if her other friends were having a hard time, or worse.

Raven's violet eyes were the size of the moonshining brightly above. "Let her go." She hissed darigto take few steps forward. Wherever the hell this guy was he had a lot of guts. Guys she would remove slowly and painfully if he so much as hurt her friend.
Fear watched Raven as she took a step forward and as she did that he tilted the blade at an angle which would easily remove Starfire's head from her shoulders. "I truly wouldn't step any closer if I were you, you would have to clean up the mess of your friend's headless body." He laughed as he felt a small shake in the building. "Ah everything seems to be going to plan." He watched Raven wondering what she was going to do as he forced Starfire to Kneel down but the blade of that sword was still poised at her throat ready to strike.

Beastboy and Cyborg were having a very tough time dealing with Chaos since most of Cyborg's attacks went right off of Chaos's armor and he was easily faster then Beat boy. When the tower shook from Shadow fighting Robin he lunged forward and brought his sword up into Beatboy's chest before kicking him away. "All too easy."
As Starfire kneeled she felt a sense of dread. Her min clouded with fear and worry. She almost didn't have the anger to fight back. She shot a starbolt at his arm and taking the split second he flinched to slip out of his grasp and fall back to Raven's feet. Raven took her advantage and shot a blast of magic at him before grabbing Starfires arm before the two quickly flew away. Raven teleportrd the two to the main room to see Robin fighting another creature. "We have to go!" Raven yelled. The tower could go down but Rven's wouldn't let her team.
AvaIslaySapphire said:
As Starfire kneeled she felt a sense of dread. Her min clouded with fear and worry. She almost didn't have the anger to fight back. She shot a starbolt at his arm and taking the split second he flinched to slip out of his grasp and fall back to Raven's feet. Raven took her advantage and shot a blast of magic at him before grabbing Starfires arm before the two quickly flew away. Raven teleportrd the two to the main room to see Robin fighting another creature. "We have to go!" Raven yelled. The tower could go down but Rven's wouldn't let her team.
Chaos came in dragging both Beastboy and Cyborg. He tossed them down before putting his sword away as Fear Appeared beside him and looked at Shadow who had knocked Robin away and left him badly cut up. "You are facing a losing situation, two of your own are already down and even being at an even number with us, You are highly out classed by us. So it would be wise to surrender now and survive with your honor." Chaos and Fear just looked at each other wondering what the Titans would choose. They could very easily take these titans out quickly and without hesitating but they had their orders to bring in Starfire and anyone who resisted them.

Robin rested on his knees and coughed up some blood but didn't think much of it. He didn't know what they wanted and thought they went for him and the tower. He had to do what ever he could to protect the team.
Starfire looked over at her broken team and frowned. She watched Robin struggle and stepped towards the things. "I surrender." She said looking down towards the floor in defeat. He head tilted downward and her crimson hair fell in he face. The Titans were giving up. She was giving up. She felt ashamed and embarrass but she also knew it was the right thing to do. Raven watched Star step forward and quickly followed after. "We all do." She quickly added as she scanned her teammates. She wasn't sure how but they would ge back. She would make sure of it. Starfire bent down next to Robin and placed a hand on his back. "Are you okay, Robin?" She asked softly.
Shadow looked at Chaos and Fear and nodded as he had Robin and Beastboy and Cyborg brough down to the basement and cuffed and set in the room as a jail before they walked back up and looked at Raven and Starfire. Chaos Tied Starfire's hands behind her back then gagged her. Fear looked at Shadow then to Raven. "What we do about her boss?" Shadow looked over Raven and nodded. "She'll do well once we make her a KARAS." Fear just shrugged and grabbed Raven and tied her hands behind her back and gagged her while Shadow spoke on a small communication device. "Yes M'lady we have done as you asked and brought down the titans and will be bringing her shortly back to you."
Whoever this her was both girls were plotting her take down. Raven glared at her captors as she was taken away. She ran a list of their enemys through her head. None seemed capable of such a plan. She had forgotten one major enemy though.

Blackfire smiled as she received the news. Soon her little sister would be hers. The brat had always been the favorite, the best. No more. Blackfire was done letting her sister be the loved one. She would ruin her and her little friends.
Chaos grinned and ran a hand through Starfire's Hair. "It will be some time until the boss gets here, can't we have just a little bit of fun?" Fear also grinned wanting to join with his brother and have a little fun with Starfire. "No She is to be delivered and handed over once we get our payment. But if you really want you can have the other female." The two brothers turned and looked at Raven and nodded as they got up and gabbed her. "well well what have we here?"
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