Trouble in Tamriel [xXRainFireXx ~ TheElusiveEniLu]

Jun 28, 2011
READ: Alright, I'm not the best at intros, so here you go. This story takes place in the land of Skyrim. Hopefully you've heard of the game of the year by now. We enter with Luke, a man of about 22, who makes his living doing "odd jobs". If someone has a fight to settle, they call him. I someone has a wolf terrorizing their herd of sheep, he's your man.


"You still haven't given me a real reason you won't go." Luke said, starting to become annoyed.

Luke was talking to a good friend of his in the market of their home town, Whiterun.

"I just don't see the point. Its dangerous and I don't have the time. Plus we don't even know if it's really there." Jaryd replied.

Luke had gotten word of a sword buried deep in a tomb called Bleak Falls Barrow. An ancient sword, made by the dwarves. They said it was enchanted. Luke was determined to find this sword. The only problem was he knew it was too dangerous to go alone.

"Sorry, you'll have to find someone else. Personally I think it's a waste of time."

Without a word, Luke turned and strode off toward his house. His leather boots made little noise as they hit the cobblestone path.
Attia, a young women of 21, with blonde hair that ends just below her shoulders, usually tied back, and dark blue eyes. Lives alone in a small house a little ways away from Whiterun. Here she enjoys caring for her little garden and her one horse, hunting every so often. Today was the day she would go and check the traps she had laid down a few days ago.

"Just one more strap to go Philippe, and your all set." Attia said calmly to her large light brown Clydesdale horse with a white mark running from his muzzle to his forehead. As she finished strapping on his saddle, Attia patted his hind leg softly, and stood on a small stool, swinging her leg over, and sat on the saddle.

"Lets go Philippe" Attia said as she grabbed the reins and gently padded Philippe's sides with her feet.

With her bow and small dagger snug securely on the bags tied behind the saddle. Attia started to head towards Whiterun.
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