Making Changes (Sho X Shards)


Feb 14, 2010

Sora stood on the top one of the buildings in the new city she was to call home. She gave a shy as she spread out her field of energy to see the different buildings so that she could memorize the city. She knew that the Titans were waiting for her but if she didn't do this then things would become hard for her. While Sora was indeed a super she still was blind. There was no doubt that she would be thought weaker for this yet her powers allowed her a way of seeing. As she finished mapping out the city she started up floating towards the skies as there was a thunderstorm hitting the city now. In truth she had called it to her so that she might be able to cross the city easier. Giving a soft smile as she came to hover above Titan Tower she thought of her adoptive father and even of Batman that told her this was where she could go. Still unsure she let herself be transferred down to the ground in a bolt of lightening. She stood at the doors now smoke slowly streaming off her form as she gave a knock on the door. She was sure this wasn't what they were use to yet as she held her staff she knew this was better than not coming at all.
"I am coming I am coming..."

A loud voice was heard and opened.

"Bout time the chinese got here-"

Beast Boy froze as he could clearly see that a one with superpowers stood before him. "Um..." He did not know how to react. "Can I help you...?" He asked unsure how to make the awkward moment seem less. (Robin expecting someone?) He wondered in his mind. Getting a better look at her appearance, he could guess what kind of powers she had. But then again, appearances never worked out for him even when he was sure of something that was by appearance.
Sora gave a sigh as she heard who was coming. This was going to be interesting as she powered down and shook her head. "I'm looking for Robin" she stated as she powered down though her eyes changed and now showed how her eyes were glossed over a tale tell sign that she was blind. Though s eh could currently sense beast boy there with her view field she could even sense his facial reactions to her being there. "I was told he would be expecting me" she stated as she waited out there wondering if batman had lied to her as she would then just leave and find another place.
"Oh really?" Beast boy asked blinking. "So you're a new member to the team? Nice to meet ya I am beast boy!" He said smiling as he reached to shake her hand only to regret it a few moments later. Her powers were just powering down but he had managed to conduct a good amount that made his hair stand much to even her own shockness as he fell to the ground.

*5 minutes later*

They came out in the main living room where Beast boy was trying to fix his hair. "I didn't catch your name..." He said as they walked out of the elevator.
As he seemed to come to the conclusion that she was the new team member she felt him reach out for her hand. She hadn't the time to give warning before her touched her. "Sorry traveling by storm makes it harder to power down" she stated as she gave a soft smile though as she followed him into the tower and the living room she gave a soft nod as she just stood there. "Sora Sparks. You can call me either one" she stated to him as she let her field spread out through the tower so to get a map of the place. So far she had been fine just walking about with her field close so she didn't bump into anything.
"That's a nice name." Beast boy said.

However, they were soon not alone as kid flash and cyborg appeared talking over what car was faster. "Yea I know-"

They stopped as she saw a unfamilar face. "Hello?" Kid flash asked.

"Who are you?" Cyborg asked looking at her.

"She's new to the team." Beast boy said smiling.

"Titans west or east?" Kid flash asked.

"Clearly here..." Beast boy responded.
Sora wasn't too sure of this as she felt people coming towards them. She grew tense as she heard their voices she tried to memorize them so she could tell who was who when she didn't have someone there to tell her. In truth she was pretty sure beast boy didn't realize she was blind yet. Though she knew it would come out sooner or later. As she let her field push and form over cyborg she was sure to be careful as he had electrical parts she didn't want to overload on accident. "Sora Sparks" she said again to the two as she gave a nod of her head though as she looked towards them her eyes still didn't seem to really move just her head. "Kid flash and Cyborg right" she said with a smile trying to keep herself calm as she just wasn't use to so many people. Usually it was just her and red hood.
((Wait a question, is the red hood you're referring to is Jason Todd?))

Before more could say any more, Robin could not have come at a better time. He came in with a powerful figure asking, "what is going on?" As everyone saw him. He looked at the superherione and asked, "Who are you?" Making it another question that she had to answer over the last ten minutes.

Sora was starting to get rather annoyed with having to answer this over and over again. Yet as she turned and heard the voice she was pretty sure this was Robin by the way he spoke. She once again extended her field and felt him out as she gave a sigh and turned to him. "Sora Sparks remember Batman told me he would call and warn you" she stated as she was getting a little impatient as she tried to keep calm about it still the light seemed to get her eyes a bit before it settled down once more as she took a deep breathe.
"Warn?" Beast boy asked.

"Don't worry about it. Said Tim Drake of the third ever robin. Mostly of red and black themed, he walked over to her. "Pleasure to meet you." He said shaking her hand. His gloves protected him from any effect that would be bad. "Please follow me..." He said looking at her eyes knowing the truth about her slight but how she was able to 'see'. "I would like to talk in private." He added as he led her out of the living room.
Sora ignored beast boy as she gave robin a handshake. She wasn't sure just how much he knew but she had a feeling that batman wouldn't leave any information out. As he asked her to follow him out to talk in private she gave her head a nod and followed him. She didn't really say much as she followed behind him still she kept her energy low as she knew there was things she didn't need to mess with while in the tower. She knew that later she might have to let some energy out. She was sure if it was okay with robin if she and cyborg talk about her powering the Tower for a little while or at least putting some power into the tower.
"You prefer if I call you Sora or 'sparks'?" He asked her. "As a 'Robin', I have to live up to the legacy of our pro-successor leader who is known as Night wing..." He explained. "Usually, a code name is needed but I need to of your situation where you can tell me face to face." Robin told her they came across a room. It looked to be a informational station where Superboy and Aqua lad were talking.

"I need a few minutes guys." He told them.

They turned to see Robin and Sora. With no question, they left him alone privately.

"Batman told me a background of your story but not how you came in to work with Redhood..." he turned around and crossed his arms.
Sora listened as she wondered. "Sora is better. Sparks is really just a name he gave me" she stated as in truth she couldn't remember her real last name. As she followed him into the room and they were left alone she could only wonder just how many people she was going to have to deal with. "Well in truth I'm really not too sure how it happen. My parents well . . . I don't remember much but they made a few deals with the wrong people to get money to fund an experiment to make it so I can see. Well it worked in a way. Its how I gained my powers but they died in the accident the experiment triggered. I was maybe six at the time. I ran when they showed up and lived off the street. I was found by one of the guys in the group and was trying to fight against him when my powers flared enough that I could see. I don't know how or when but he was there. He took me and trained me how to fight. He even trained my senses better so even without my field vision I'll be able to tell where someone is even without them having to talk" she stated as gave a shrug. "Then one day he just up and shoved me out telling me to find my own way and some other bull. From there you know the rest." she stated as it was the truth.
Robin looked at her. "Really..." He answered. "It's quite a shame that just about every superhero male or female has to deal with something that is terrible that occured in their lives..."

He looked up and thought about the lost of his family and then back to her. "So you were with Ja- Red hood for long?" He asked. Tim did not exactly have a good relationship with Jason Todd who broke into the tower just to prove a point in beating him with a inch of his life.

((you know about the relationship with Tim and Jason right? Idk if you've see the comics))
(yeah I know)

Sora really didn't mind though she was use to what was her life. "Well he found me when I was young so a while now. Its been a good ten years at least" she stated to him as she was almost sure that it was a little longer than that. Though she wasn't sure as she really didn't remember dates with it that well. "I need to know are we keeping that I'm blind from the team?" she asked him as she wondered just how this was going to be for her here.
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