A New Age of Evil (Nox/Xynnic)


Dec 16, 2011

It was trivial, the thoughts about the worlds and their people, the Heartless, the darkness in people's hearts. Sometimes it hurt her head to think about it all, more than the fact of the coat she wore to mislead people. It was a horrible thing, but the girl felt that it was one of the most important parts of her job as a mercenary. A puff of the fifteen year old's cheeks showed her irritation at her thoughts. Was there really nothing she could do right now for the worlds?! Trying to block out her own thoughts, the girl shouted out over the hilltops in frustration. She was alone, right now...At least that was what she thought, in all honesty...

Xynnic was the young, silver haired woman's name. Her blue eyes glared straight on ahead, as she tried to stay calm. Feeling so useless and unable to help the keybladers definitely bothered her, and made her feel completely useless...Slumping to a sitting positions, she sighed gently, as she watched the wind sway through the area.
Time never ebbed, even for the omnipotent. His return marked the beginning of a new era. His machinations were laid out before them, the keyblade wielders, though there was naught but a trace of them left. Mickey. Riku. Sora, and their little friend...Kairi. A simple display of his power would suffice for now. And so the Corridor of Darkness bended to his will, transporting him from his thoughts and into an area long forgotten: Yen Sid's Tower. The boys were here. He could hear their heart. He could feel the darkness still pulsing in Riku's heart, begging to be released. Who was he to deny that need? He was obligated to do this for the boy. It would only help Riku, and of course, himself.

They tried. Their efforts were valiant, after all. But they were young and naive, and Sora, even with all his power, was still too inexperienced as a keyblade wielder to even consider the fact that a master, nay, the Master, would best him. With a flourish of his wrist he parried Riku's feeble attempt to defend himself with an offensive, relinquishing him of his keyblade and driving him to the ground. The man stood over him, snide and content, the keyblade he was wielding pressed into his throat. Then he spoke, his voice deep and commanding, as a Master's should be, "Do not fight boy. This is necessary. You will find that soon enough. The heart of all worlds will be opened because of your destiny. You think the path you chose was of your own accord? Bothersome. You were led down that path by my hand, as a fail safe. Come, show the darkness in your heart." He pressed the keyblade into Riku's chest, a blinding aura encompassing him before the area exploded into a brilliant shower of iridescent colors. When it was all clear, he was gone.

She would be able to hear the cry of a world extinguished. Most people could, though it seemed like just a whisper at the back of their mind, taunting them. Most people ignored it, thought it was inconsequential. Those privy to the current plight knew. Knew what it meant, what it entailed. With the darkness he had wrest from Riku's heart, his plans were one step closer to fruition. Soon he would be accompanied by a born again soldier. Soon his second Vanitas would be complete.
The fifteen year old's coat would definitely resemble those of the Organization's coats that allowed them to traverse through the dark corridors. Underneath that coat was her normal attire, though. A long sleeved, white blouse, a fairly plain set of bra and panties, and a pair of black pants that came down, over her black boots, and to her ankles all these adorned her body. Beneath her cloak, she also held a variety of weapons. A couple of daggers, and her katana. Those were the only weapons that the mostly pure hearted girl carried, however she also seemed to be rather lithe, and not as weak as Kairi.

However, despite her quiet thoughts, she heard the scream of a world dying. Her eyes widened as she was on her feet in an instant, what world have it been this time? That really wasn't a good sign, after the lull of villainous activity, this just didn't seem right. She hoped that she could figure out where it was coming from as she thought, closing her eyes, and using her mana to reach out to try and figure out which world had been demolished.
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