{Rogue} I solemnly swear I am up to no good {Cevl}



Voldemort never existed...
Tom Riddle, Harry Potter, and all others were just another group of students.
But while one evil never existed, it didn't mean that there would be none, because Evil always finds a way.

Puny, idiotic people, all of them. No matter how hard they study, most won't even raise their intellect slightly above average.
These were the thoughts of the Slytherin man, sitting at the head of the table. He was looking at the newly arrived students, shuffling through the pathway towards the sorting hat. He could remember his own Sorting, already six years back. He had walked towards the hat, and when he had put it on the voice of it had gasped. It had found parts of three of four houses in his head. He was smart enough for Ravenclaw, Brave enough for Griffindor, and Cunning and evil enough for Slytherin. It had laid him a choice, so he chose Slytherin. Green had always been a more favourite colour then red and blue anyways.

Through the years following he had adapted well, maybe too well, to his house. He had soon become the favourite of Snape, and had become Prefect in his fifth year, and, to no-body's surprise, Head boy in this one. It didn't mean he was a good kid, nor that he followed the rules. No, he was just the person everybody listened to (or else), and because he was a natural at finding out people who broke the rules more then he did. But mainly just because he had manipulated the people around him, including the headmaster himself.

In the year before he had become Prefect, he had found the Marauders map, and used it from then for his no-good plans, and had even managed to find the Room of Requirement. His usage of that wasn't that nice, and when students, mostly female, which he didn't like disappeared for a while, they would be found around the place where it's entrance was, and from then on deeply loyal to him.

But back to now. He looked over the tables while the names were being called, and could see several people, thirteen a table, shiver under his glare. Always ten of them were female, and one male. But he saw that on the Ravenclaw table one woman was missing, who probably decided not to do the seventh year, because of him quite possibly. But that didn't matter, he'd find someone new, and she would be better then the previous. He sat back in his chair, completely ignorant of the newbies. Those midgets didn't matter at all.
The green eyes of the slytherin wavered over the Ravenclaw table, looking for a proper replacement for the one who had left. His bright green eyes and black hair easily stood out over his pale skin, and his presence shone out authority like a lamp. Then, suddenly, a Ravenclaw girl stood up, and he immediately knew that would be his Target.
It wasn't like he disliked her enough to let her go through that treatment, he actually somewhat liked her. She had been the only girl in his entire time here who had been able to keep a figure while around him, and who didn't wimp away. But she was goodlooking, and would be a proper challenge for his last year around here. He thought for a moment, about how good this idea would be, then stood up.

Most people immediately noticed him standing up, which wasn't too surprising. He was tall, he was lean, and when his head and face had already been very noticeable, his body was even more so. It was only a few moments though, before he was gone. He had taken one of the hidden routes, more hidden than the normal ones. He was on his way to the Ravenclaw tower, as he guessed Aurora, as that was of course the girl who captured his eye, was heading there. He took all hidden routes, at least the ones that shortened the way up there. He was there either before or after the girl, as she was nowhere to be seen. So he just waited there, for about half an hour. If she didn't come by he would simply admit she had found a faster way, and be gone for the evening, but if not...

If she'd come towards the entrance of the he would smile to himself. He was leaning towards the door, the eagle doorknob hidden behind his back. He could've went inside just as easily, but had thought this would be a more proper place for the meeting. "Good evening, Aurora." He would say, his voice slick and cunning, with only a hint of the sharpness it could have when he wanted to. "Have you had a good dinner? What do you think about the new arrivees?" Underneath his robes she would be able to see a suit, of proper design, and expensive enough to feed the Weasleys for a couple of months. He was idle, the only thing that seemed somewhat paradoxal against it was his messy hair, but when one looked, they could see that it was messy in a designed way.
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