Arkham City (Day and the darkest of Fates)


Patron Saint of Rape
Jan 22, 2009

He had always hated that name, "COBBLEPOT", yelled as if it was a curse.

Not that "Penguin" was any better, but when you're barely over 5 feet and 'rotund' is a euphanism...well, you need to work with what you have.

For the last few years he had chosen to lay low, with most of his criminal activities happening low-key, through his nightclub, The Iceburg Lounge.
Unfortunately, fate was consipiring against the hefty villian, in the form of Arkham...City. The City within a city was built around his lounge,
where it housed the most notorious villians: The Joker (maybe?), Two-Face, Mr. Freeze, and rumors that the Al Ghul and the Leauge of Assassins were in the
powder keg as well.

Fate though, was giveth..and it taketh. In this instance it gave The Penguin an edge on the other criminals. While they had been thrown
into the mix..he was already there, with a base of operations. Fate also conspired to deliver him a new ally, Mr. Freeze, the iceburg lounge truly looked like an iceburg, which the diminutive villian was suited by just fine. Between his alliance, a few cops held hostage and his henchmen if someone wanted information, supplies, or muscle...Cobblepot was the man to go to.

Fate, also taketh he was also in possession of some museum pieces that others would, and did, pay a ransom to recover. Including giving a catburgular an incredible sum to spirit away.
Usually, Catwoman wouldn't bother with Penguin. The rotund man did have his fair share of valuables, things that would enrichen any thief's pockets. Even better, there wasn't a whole lot of moral dilemma in stealing from someone like that. However, Catwoman tried to stay away from the various "super criminals" in Gotham as best she could, though that mostly failed. In reality, she veered away from Penguin because he looked like his face had been on the wrong end of a window pane.

This was quite unlike the sexy, slinky thief. The Catwoman looked every inch the femme fatale. A tight, taut figure encased in revealing leather, she looked like every hero or villain's wet dream. The costume had certainly been designed to help achieve that very feeling. Tight leather clung to a pair of pert buttocks, showcasing the womanly hips and the fine curves the prowler possessed. Said leather also encased the long legs, ending in heeled boots, all to accentuate. A frontal zipper provided easy access and a nice few of a wide expanse of white cleavage, nearly extending down to Selina's belly button. Both breasts would spill over in most hands, and seemed barely contained by their leather prisons. As if the body weren't enough, Selina had a glamorous face. Sexy, hooded green eyes stared from beautiful lashes, all positioned in a face that graced magazines. Tufts of her short black hair just showed underneath the cat hood. In short, Catwoman looked ready to either kick ass or kiss it, depending on her mood.

Currently, she was leaning more toward the former. The sneaky thief had already entered the Lounge, utilizing some mapping technology present within her suit. The job had simple requirements: seek out some museum pieces and abscond with them. In and out, without attracting attention. Catwoman figured it should be easy enough, and she slunk through now without causing a sound. Penguin's standard goons were easy enough to avoid, as they weren't exactly the top of the line when it came to villainy. The few that did get in the way, Catwoman deftly took care of, often surprising them before they got a chance.

However, she found that the museum piece was too heavily guarded for that. The woman had to drop down and attack in a much more frontal manner. Thankfully, she did bear a whip and several gadgets, not to mention martial arts training. The mooks put up something of a fight nonetheless, one even getting dangerously close to connecting with the feline thief. In the end, she was victorious, and focused her attention upon the classy pieces, starting with a beautiful statuette hidden in one of Penguin's more morbid displays. She needed to move quickly, and that meant focusing on the job, while trying to listen for more unwanted visitors.
The air in the museum was almost, well..not almost it WAS frigid. Ice coated handrails on staircases, displays and the occasional walk way. Freeze and Penguin had turned the Iceburg Lounge into a north pole treat, though now the 'jolly fatman' was a waddling Penguin.

To this point, he had been unaware of the cat's presence, the first museum piece was fairly out in the open held inside a room with a single guard. The oddest thing about that had been the heat source, the room was the warmest in the area, for no discernable reason. Past the storage room was a great iron gate guarded by two gun wielding thugs. While the iron gate looked to be immovable, there was space at the top a person could shimmy through.

Beyond the gate was the central office of the lounge, where the last piece would be kept, perhaps under heavier guard. However, even in Arkham City it was known to keep your distance from Cobblepot and Freeze.
Catwoman could see her own breath puffing into the air, and had to smirk at that. It looked like the Penguin was following his namesake a little too closely, freezing the area. Iceburg lounge indeed. Catwoman slid her goggles down, doing another quick scan of the area. She'd gotten to the first one easily enough, but now the next few looked a little more difficult. There was an oddly warm room with a single guard, and what looked to be a great with gun wielders. Catwoman winced at that, certainly not wanting to deal with those.

"This kitty likes it warm," she purred, slinking toward the warmer room. Might as well start at the easiest and work her way up, though it seemed the geography of the room was going to make that possible. Catwoman slowly entered the next room, enjoying the warmth that came from its unusual heat. Her green eyes scanned once more, looking through the red lens in the hope of locating any possible guards or traps that might lay in store. The last thing Selina needed was to walk headlong into something lethal.

"Here little mousie," she whispered, looking slowly. She thought she saw what she was looking for, but where had the guard gone? She'd need to deal with him before she could get what she'd come for in the first place. So the woman slowly approached, already untangling her whip and preparing to make this quick, preferably even painless.
Inside the room were two glass cages.

Inside the first one was a display "Heart of Glass", which was a diamond cut into the shape of a heart. At the base was a plate with the inscription "to my dearest Nora" however, the Nora had been scratched through.

More curiously, in the second glass cage was mr. freeze, bereft of all his armor and guns, and under and intense heat lamp. He looks up at the slinky feline thief "help me". Though, looking to be much the worse for wear, as bruises and contusions line his face which was coated in a thick layer of sweat. "he keeps me here..locked away from my Nora!".

Outside of the room the lone guard comes back, "cigarette breaks go way too fast" his gun down to his side, not knowing that catwoman is beyond the door with the diamond and mr. freeze.
Catwoman got so wrapped up in the first cage that she stared for some time, admiring the diamond placed within. This was something that she wouldn't mind having for herself, and she had been half tempted when asked to steal it to do so. However, the request had been rather strict, and the last thing Catwoman needed to do was create an even worse reputation for herself. So the woman simply stepped forward, looking to disable alarms and figure out the best way possible to get the treasure out.

As she began work, Catwoman heard the voice calling out to her. She had just touched the cage, and now she turned her head, noting that Freeze stood inside the cage, sweltering and looking quite miserable. Part of Selina leaped at the sight, for Freeze looked quite pathetic. However, she'd always been pragmatic, and rescuing Freeze really didn't coincide with her plans. All it would do is make absolute certain that someone knew she was there. She could, however, turn down the heat in his poor display.

"That certainly is bad for you, snowy," drawled Catwoman as she prowled around to look for valves to destroy or pipes to burst. "This kitty prowls alone, but I'm not big on--"

She stopped as she heard a voice, something about cigarettes. The Cat leaped to the ceiling, before flipping down next to the door. The moment the goon arrived, she could pounce, taking him out silently before he even realized that she was there. Just to make sure he wasn't alerted, she turned to Freeze, winked, and placed a single finger to her lips. No alerting the guards, or things might get worse. Because Catwoman wasn't Batman; she had no qualms about turning up Freeze's heat a little if it meant that she could get away from there all the faster.
The alarms on the diamond appeared to be not nearly advanced, almost like an afterthought. A snip here, a snip there and the glass would open up easily. Of course, there was still the last item to take, the FG which was supposed to be past the iron gate deeper in the bowels of the 'burg. As big as the diamond was, it was also easily stored. The feline had no idea what the next item was, only that she would know it when she saw it.

Freeze, knowing his only help at salvation was catwoman, and knowing how slim that was...drew the guards attention towards him to give the thief an easy shot at him.

Past the iron gate the penguin sat in his easy chair, talking on a military encrypted channel "oh, its not like she's invulnerable...but she'll be easy prey." As if he knew to expect the thief, but not the when or how. The rotund villian ended the communication and pulled out a cigarette taking a deep draw on it. "come out kitty...wherever you are." A snifter of brandy by his side, taking a draw while his minions were (failing) at dealing with the cat.
Catwoman was slightly surprised to find Freeze helping her, and decided spur of the moment that she should scratch his back in return. More even than she'd already been planning. Maybe not outright let him go, but get him loose enough to escape on his own. Because he didn't exactly take out the guard or completely eliminate him: Catwoman dealt with the guard easily enough, just a quick little squeeze and he was out for the count.

"Thanks for the assist, ice cube," she purred, winking at Freeze as she sauntered back over to his containment cell. This took a lot more work to get at than the one she'd previously pilfered, and Catwoman wasn't exactly thrilled to see how much time it was taking. Shame she wasn't Batman, with all his gadgets and such. One good explosion and Freeze would be in the clear.

Still, Catwoman managed to figure out how to shut the stupid thing off, and got the glass loosened. Again sauntering over, she tapped on it, pointed down, then raised a finger to her lips. He could escape, but he needed to be quiet. Catwoman would be quite upset if her job was botched because she decided to play good Samaritan.

Once that was done, she could start slinking toward the next grate...
Freeze collapsed onto his back as he finally had release from the extreme heat. He looked up, almost thankfully, at Catwoman but said nothing. HE held his finger to his lips like she had done...and then motioned her to the door. He was in no shape to leave, not just yet anyway. If he wanted the diamond for his own, he didn't make a move nor had he even tried to get it.

On closer inspection the thug's gun was clearly military spec. Though not 'original' government, but it looked like it was supplied by a third party otufit. However, not being well versed in guns it was hard to say which company.

The other thugs milled by the gate, even if catwoman were to take out the thugs she would still have to go over the gate since it had no obvious controls.

Meanwhile, the Penguin enjoyed his brandy and his cigarette. "kill for a good cigar" he mused out loud. On the other side of his easy chair was a collection of umbrellas and in his lap was a large gun, with the initials FG on it.
Catwoman had already scooped up the diamond, moving carefully and attaching it to the sack that she wore around her waist. She was half-tempted to make it with it then, and utilize Freeze's escape to cover her. That was probably the safest option. However, Catwoman wasn't exactly known for taking the safe route. Instead, she moved on, sneaking up on the guards. Those guns looked impressive, and she definitely didn't want to get shot. So instead, Selina reached down and pulled out a handful of caltrops. These she laid in the path of one guard, before silently moving over to stand behind the other.

A good bola toss got a guard from behind, making him fall face first into the points. As the other moved into place, Catwoman would lash out with her whip, drawing him onto the spikes and darting forward herself. The idea was to move as quickly as possible and take them both out. Since neither was expecting it, things should go smoothly enough. Wasn't like they were expertly trained mercenaries or anything of the sort.

The grate though, that would be a problem, one that Catwoman circled as she tried to figure it out. How to get in? She supposed she could try prying it off, but that hardly looked doable. which meant that she'd have to circle about, seeing if she could find some other means of opening it, or even another exit route altogether. It wasn't likely that they'd leave a room like this without something of the sort.
Of course the diamond's alarms were easily defeated, let alone the glass case opened. It was a set up, an inanimate 'sentry'.

Once the diamond was lifted off the display it activated a screen back at the Penguin's Lair "oh well..what do we have here?" he thought to himself. An image jumped to life of the sleek catwoman scooping up the diamond, and the GPS transponder inside of it. He watched her easily take out his men.

"hah...not too smart...come here kitty kitty" and he pressed a button on his control panel. The door under the grate let out a tremondous moan as it opened inward, to deposit the thief onto an ice slide, which would deposit her deeper into the bowels of the iceburg lounge, into an 'arena' pit.
Catwoman felt the floor under her disappear. The thief only had enough time to gasp and flail; she was already sliding into the shoot. Her nails did catch the ledge, and if the shaft had been a normal one, she might have escaped. However, as her legs kicked up to find purchase, she discovered ice instead of the cement she'd been expecting to find. Spitting a curse, Selina felt her hands fail her, and she began sliding down the tubing, bumping against the tunnel walls as she went.

Eventually her journey ended with some kind of pit. Catwoman rolled, before popping up to her feet, looking only slightly the worse for wear. She flexed her claws and rolled her shoulder, releasing the muscles that had been tensed from the fall. She still had her snatched goods, still had most of her gear, and still had Freeze to provide something of a distraction. Unless Penguin suddenly released something completely unexpected, she should be fine.

"Well," she said to the air, nearly wincing as her breath created little puffs of mist, "do you know I'm here? Or was that some kind of automatic trap, hmm?"

Catwoman took a few cautious steps forward, her eyes scanning the room, looking for people, exits, traps, anything that really caught her interest.
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