Beginner's Luck. (Raishe x SinsMeow)


May 29, 2011
Only a mile from space. :)

Jake sat bolt upright in his bed before realizing it was just his alarm waking him up. He hit the cursed thing and climbed out of bed, mumbling death threats the clock before he realized what day it was. The Professor was giving him a pokemon today. He was totally awake in an instant and throwing on clothes as fast as he found them in his drawer. He ran downstairs to find his mother cooking some breakfast and shoveled down his food before waving goodbye to his mom and walking out the door, still chewing. It took all of the young man's self restraint to keep from running to the lab a few houses down from his own. Jake stood at about six foot two and had broad shoulders. He was 17, a little old for his first pokemon but he didn't mind at all. He took in the world with gray green eyes, a copper ring around each pupil and he had mid length reddish brown hair tied back into a ponytail.

Soon he was outside of the lab, preparing himself to go inside. Now that he was here, some of his excitement was replaced by nervousness and he had to talk himself into entering the lab. It was a large room, lined with bookshelves and computers and strange devices everywhere. At the end of what seemed like a mile long hallway stood the Professor, a somewhat short balding man with a beard. Jake approached slowly, tentatively but the professor impatiently tapped his foot until Jake was forced to walk faster. "Hi, Professor... I'm ready..." He said. "Alright, boy but be warned... this one is a little... different" He said before motioning for something in the other room to come in. "Here she is" He said.

Jake's jaw dropped.
Movement...The subtle rocking of her shelter stirring consciousness within her sleeping mind. Was it time already? To her, time didn't exist within the pokeball. However, she remembered the professor talking about a trainer, talking about her being able to go on an adventure. The creature shifted, weightless in her void of a home. She was different than most pokemon, an experiment among men to create a pokemon that was the perfect mix of human and creature. However, things never work out right in those operations, and it was shut down, the creature given out for "testing". However, that was a long time ago. The creature shifted again. It felt like ages since she had seen the outside world. Suddenly, she opened her eyes as she felt the pokeball moved into new hands. Her brown eyes seemed to almost glow as she gulped, both from nerves and excitment as she tried to do what many attempt, to escape the pokeball on her own free will. She could no longer wait.

OOC: One last question! Do you want her to speak english? Like, a broken understanding of it? Or only t he pokemon language?
OOC: Give her broken english.

A lab assistant came, carrying a pokeball and Jake's excitement was back immediately. He reached out and took the pokeball once it was in reach. It shook in his hand, or maybe that was just his hand shaking, before he pressed the button and released the pokemon inside. A red beam shot out as the ball opened and Jake watched as it formed his new pokemon. Staring at the red outline, he realized that it was human shaped. "What kind of..." he trailed off as he finally saw his pokemon. It was... beautiful, no other word could describe it. He stepped close to it. "I'm Jake!"
The Eevee blinked her eyes rapidly for a moment, the red light always causing her momentary blindness. finally, her eyes adjusted and she looked up at the boy. She tipped her head, an ear giving a subtle twitch as she took in the view peering through the long fur that covered her dark brown eyes. Soft brown fur covered her petite body, the long cream fluff of fur on her chest covering a small, yet noticeable chest. Her tail swept back and forth, curling slightly over her back. She was human in shape, but held herself like a pokemon, slightly crouched, ready to spring at any moment. She was tense, but upon hearing the boys words relaxed a little. "Ee...." She cooed softly, creeping closer to him and sitting upright, balanced on her toes she leaned forward and sniffed his direction.
"Jake." She suddenly said, turning her eyes to look on him, something akin to a smile crossing her peculiar face. Her voice held a strange accent, the language foreign to her, yet understood. she gestured to herself with one paw, or hand small claws atip her fingers.
"Eevee! Vee...." she chirped, looking proud of herself.
My very first pokemon! he thought, more excited than he had been on every one of his birthdays combined. "Eevee? Or would you rather be called Vee?" he asked, smiling as he scratched his new pokemon behind her ears. "Thank you so much, Professor!" he said. The professor handed him a pokedex a couple of potions and five pokeballs before sending him on his way with Jake smiling as he loaded everything into his backpack. Once the professor had handed him everything he needed he left, with Eevee in tow. As soon as he was outside of the lab he knelt, looking at Eevee. "Well then, time to start our adventure! I'm going to turn you into the strongest pokemon ever, I promise! And we'll be best friends. Are you ready?" He smiled. "And do you want to get back into your pokeball?" he asked, scratching her behind the ears once more.
The girl followed, sometimes on two legs, othertimes in a crouched crawl. It seemed natural for her, despite her human figure. "Eve." She pointed at herself. "Called Eve." Her tailed wagged, and she seemed to be amused by the boy's excitement. However when he scratched behind her ears she jumped, and almost seemed to melt a bit as she nuzzled her forehead into the boys palm. "Out." She almost whined, looking up at him with large eyes. Her ears were drooped, she didn't want to go back in yet. Her fur raised on her shoulders and upper back, and she slumped into a crouch, her expression betraying the part of her that was still beast. She shook her head. "Out." she said matter of factually.
He smiled and couldn't help but pet her once more. "Best friends, Eve" He repeated. "I'm Jake and I'm your trainer. We'll be battling together, but don't worry! I'll keep you safe." And with that he was off. He stopped at his house to tell his mother goodbye before making his way out of town, eager to go against his first wild pokemon. So he walked through the long, lush grass with Eve in tow waiting for sign of a pokemon when out of nowhere a wild pidgey flew by, pecking him as it made it's way over head. It landed on the ground nearby and Jake shook with anticipation. "There it is, Eve. Our first enemy. Are ya ready?" He asked. "Good! Use tackle, Eve!" He shouted, pointing at the pidgey. "C'mon, Eve you can get 'im!" His smile was broad as he watched Eve.
Eve followed, her eyes looking in wonder as the boy talked. It was the most she had heard of the human language. She wanted to pick it up as quickly as she could, to better communicate with her master. As they wandered through the grass, her ears perked up. Battling was something she had only done once, more as a test of her abilities. Suddenly, a pidgey flew out before her and swept at Jake. "Vee!'" she exclaimed in momentary shock, then realizing this was going to be a fight she got into a crouch. Her fur raised on her neck and shoulders, running along her spine and just above her butt. Her pupils dilated, and a growl started forming in her chest. Her ears turned back towards Jake as s he faced the bird pokemon, listening to his command.
"Ee.....vee!" She growled leaping at the bird, ramming it out of the sky. She let loose a growl, the bird fluttering back up.
"Pidgey! Gey Gey!" It squawked at her, and Eve stepped back, a snarl s till on her face. She turned toward Jake, waiting for his command impatiently. Tail lashing she growled again.
Jake smiled as she took the pidgey down. She was fierce, very much so. He realized this as he watched her lithe muscles flexed and rolled under her fur. The wind began to pick up and it blew the pidgey slightly off course, but it was soon aimed straight at Eve, diving hard for an attack. Jake hesitated for an instant before brushing his hair away from his face and he confidently commanded Eve "Roll to the left and tackle again! That should take it out."
Eve dug her claws into the earth, bracing herself for the attack that was sure to follow. Her eyes never strayed from the pidgey as it spiraled through the air, her ears laying flat as she curled her strange muzzle. However, at Jake's command to roll she lost focus, turning to loo at him with a faintly curious expression, her ears turning towards him, only at last minute hearing the bird pokemon nearing her. "EE!" She lept to the side, the pidgey catching her shoulder and causing her to stagger for a moment. Her pupils dilated, and she growled, landing in a crouch, her left arm raised slightly. She waited, the pidgey spiraling and diving towards her again. This time, she remained focused, leaping to the side and pivoting, her body like a snake as she writhed and twisted to accommodate for her changes in momentum. Then, she saw her opening. She kicked off with her back legs, the gorges her claws left in the earth showing off her power and intensity as she drove into the pidgey with her right shoulder, falling with the screeching pokemon into a roll and pinning it to the soft ground, her expression feral. She backed away, the pidgey making a last growl before sinking into a sitting position, her legs bent under her, her chest fur parted revealing her chest more than usual. She placed her hands infront of her, mouth slightly agape from her panting. One might have thought she was doing it on purpose if not for the innocent sparkle in her eye, the pride in pleasing her master.
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