I Don't need a Babysitter (xxcloud26xx X Shards)


Feb 14, 2010

Miku gave a groan as she laid on her bed. While the underground home she was use to wasn't the best she had a feeling that it could be worse. She closed her eyes as she tried to tick away the seconds before Tsunade said she would come. Just a few weeks ago she had met the current Hokage hearing that she wanted to put her to use she was glad as that might mean she might actually get a shot up to the surface. While she might not have actually walked around the village she knew the entire village outline as it was trained into her as she memorized it. Though as she laid there she heard a knock on the door telling her it was time. She moved quickly to the door as it was unlocked from the outside and then opened. While she was a member of the leaf village because she held no true ties to the village they kept her under lock and key until Tsunade had found out about her. Having finally over ruled the elders on the matter she was finally able to get her out of the undergrounds. Miku was lead to a room that was closer to the surface. While Miku had gone out to the surface it was never for long and usually just to go and do an assassinations for the village nothing more. As she entered the room Tsunade was already there only there was another Ninja with her. Miku looked to the man her mask on as she didn't trust him, in truth she didn't trust Tsunade fully either just yet. Though the current mask was one of indifference. "Miku this is Shikamaru. He will be your partner as will as . . . well lets just say the only way this will work is through a probation period so you will be staying with Shikamaru as well as doing Missions with him. If he gives a bad report I will be forced to comply with the elder and place you back here." she stated while she was serious she still seemed to have a light air about her as she had hand picked Shikamaru for the task.
It had been extremely early that morning when Shikamaru was summoned. "Dammit," he grunted as he rolled around in his bed trying to ignore the continuous knocks on the door, "why cant they wait till later?" The intruding knocks grew louder and louder as the village shinobi pounded on his door. He knew he would have to get up if he didn't want to get in trouble with not just Tsunade but also with the elders. "I'm coming, I'm coming." He yelled at the door as the banging seemingly stopped. Quickly he got dressed in the same get up he wore every day: faded black shorts that stopped at the knee, a green meshed t-shirt, and a small coat over it. Putting his hair in a pony tail, this time unusually letting it fall, Shikamaru headed to the door to answer his higher ranked shinobi. In moments they flooded his house. Shikamaru had only received news about a new mission, one that would probably the most difficult and important mission he'd ever have in his life, and now as Tsunade spilled the info, Shikarmaru was in a way appalled. "So I'm basically living my life for another person?" He asked a bit frustrated. She steadily replied, "No we just need you to look out for her... She's our biggest weapon and we can't let her get out of hand." A myriad of question already circled through his head, but the session was cut short by the Hokage herself. "We'll be leaving soon," she said, and just moments later they were headed out the door.

The journey wasn't far but as they traveled Shikamaru couldn't help but notice that unusual terrain. Suddenly there was a hole in the ground, an abyss, as Tsunade and the others walked through it casually. A bit uneasy, Shikamaru forced himself to walk down the hole as well. It was dim, and barely visible; the only thing you could see besides from yourself was the path way directly below your feet. Keeping close to his comrades, he trekked through the long dark trail hoping this would all end soon. "What a drag," he muttered under his breath. Suddenly, two large bolder began to screech as the light penetrated through the darkness. Nearby, Shikamaru saw a figure which he couldn't quite make out. It looked sort of like a woman. He gallantly walked by Tsunade as he was introduced, taking a good look at Miku. His facial expressions changed immediately. "This is what I have to protect? What a drag." He put both arms behind his head as he turned around showing his back at Miku.
Miku was quiet use to the way the tunnels were though as she saw Shikamaru come out from behind Tsunade and heard his remark. Her eyes seemed to spark alive and before Tsunade had a chance to warn Shikamaru she had a small crystallized dragon wrap around his ankles and pull them out from under him. She gave a smirk as she watched his reaction to it. Though before anyone attacked the dragon it released him and fly towards Miku landing on her neck and wrapped around her. She gave a smirk as she looked on though as Tsunade gave her a glare she threw her hands up. "Hey he started it. I don't need any protecting" she stated with a smirk before she looked to him. "Though this guy just might" she said with a laugh. She had a bit of a twisted sense of humor only she really hated to be looked down on. She was sick of that life so as she stood there she looked to Tsunade. "Won't happen again" she said as she petted her dragon before it dissolved away.
He already began to let his guard down now that he knew she was a girl, but he never expected the dragon. In fact he didn't even remember seeing the dragon. Instantly it rapped around his ankles, causing his eyes to widen and his sense to kick in. His leg forcefully jolted back as he tried to pull free only to find there was nothing there, and only to find himself tripping over his own force which made him stumble. What a great way to impress start a mission. Regaining his balance, he crossed his arms as he looked her in the eyes. "Haha very funny. I hope your childish games amused you," turning around to face Tsunada he asked almost whining. "Do I really have to watch her?" Of course Tsunade being the stern lady she was didn't even bother to shake her head or even give any indication for her answer. It was already implied. With a big sigh he turned around walking towards Miku. Extending an arm out he said in his casually relaxed voice. "I'm Shikamaru."
MIku watched as he tried to correct himself only for it to be what really brought him down. She smirk and was loving the fact that he seemed to be easy to mess with on that. As he turned to her she gave a nod as she had enjoyed that. "oh yes very much so." she said though while she was quiet her mind was already working fast to figure out how to get out from under him so that she could go see more of the world out there. "Miku" she said as she extended her own hand to take his giving it a firm shake before starting towards the door. She didn't care if he followed or not but she was sick of this place and wanted out. She knew the way out and now that she had met him she was free to walk out of this pit of a place she had been forced to call home.
As soon as the hand shake ended, he was a bit puzzled by the fact that she was trying to leave already. It had just been moments since they met and he didn't even know hardly where he was. "Really?" He thought to himself as she began to walk out of the cave. Not bothering to follow her, he crossed his arms smiling a bit before he spoke. "What do you think you're doing? Trying to get me to leave already?" he remarked teasingly. "Just because I'm here doesn't mean you have your own free will to do whatever you want. You know thousands of lives depend on you."
Miku stopped and turned to him, only this time her entire body language has changed. Her eyes narrowed on him, as she turned and walked back to him. "If you've spent your entire life down here in this hole never allowed to see the sun unless your going to kill somebody. I believe you would want to leave. Fuck with me again in the wrong way and I'll make it that every time I'm out I kill" she stated before suddenly her mask was back on and she was walking away again. It was true she could easily crystallize him and he'd be dead instantly. She just wanted to get out and see the sun. At that moment she really wasn't trying to get rid of him she just wanted to breathe in some fresh air and see the sun. As she got outside this time her hand came up to shield her eyes as they adjusted to the light. She wasn't use to it but she already knew that she would adjust. Giving a soft smile as her eyes finally stopped hurting she looked around a true smile forming on her face as she closed her eyes and let the breeze pass through her hair making her relax a little only as she felt Shikamaru coming out with Tsunade the smile quickly faded as she waited for him so that she could follow. For now she would behave, she just wanted freedom yet even now people just meeting her didn't care to give that to her.
Shikamaru kept a sly smile on his face as he was yelled at. Her cold eyes were something he was familiar with growing up around this part of town. He actually found it quite entertaining seeing Miku go off like this. He was ready to test her, two people almost complete almost complete opposites were about to clash. "Is that a bet?" He asked taunting her, "you know I though I'd be guarding someone that was held at a higher standard. You just seem like a girl with a bad temper no wonder they lock you up in this pit." The cold provocative words rolled of his tongue eloquently as his speech was flawless. He couldn't wait to see her blood to boil. It seemed to him that Miku had underestimated him due to the fact that she was so quick to try to jump on him.
Miku was shocked to hear his words as her eyes turned hard once more. She was quickly to move as she did one could compare it to the speed of Lee with his weights off. She quickly gathered her chakra and made crystals wrap around her fist as she came right at him though just before it appeared that she was going to punch him in the face she disappeared from sight and came at him from the back with a strike right to the back of his neck going for a knock out hit right off the bat. She didn't want to give this guy any chances as he had hit a nerve. In truth she still seemed to be the orphan girl that no one cared for, thrown in a cell left to cry herself to sleep every night. She had been left only unless she was training so fighting was the only time she really saw a person.
Shikamaru began to deform. His skin tone was beginning to fade to black, then his shape began to disfigure into multiple shadow-like vines. Swirling like crazy they were quick to react propelling themselves towards Miku, but purposely crashing to her feet. Out of the shadws, a faint figure appeared tossing something in the air. Of course it was Shikamaru playing with his kunai. "As I said you're nothing but a girl with bad temper," he said keeping a steady pace as he walked towards Miku. "All that power gone to waste without knowledge and control. It's a pity leaf chose someone like you to be some secret weapon," with a deep sigh Shikamaru continued his trek back to Miku before stopping a few yards away. With a smile creeping across his face, his tone was lighter and friendly now. "Don't let that talent go to waste, or those looks either," he said sticking his tongue out taunting her. Shrugging he laughed as he approached her amking several over exaggerated hand gestures. "You know if you really wanted to see the world all you had to do was ask."
Miku wasn't shocked when he disappeared only when she noticed the shadows moving towards her. She quickly formed a crystal barrier around her thinking it would stop them only it didn't. She wasn't sure what was going on as she saw him coming out of the shadows now. It was strange to her yet as he talked she just looked away. "You know all you did was accuse me of trying to get rid of you." she said as she closed her eyes lowering her crystal barrier as it dissolved she just couldn't stand how this felt. She was still in a prison and no one seemed to care. "Yeah well I thought it would be common sense by now" she stated as she crossed her arms.
A more friendly side of Shikamaru was showing as he teased her a bit. "Oh come on you're not going to let all that energy go to waste now," he said poking her cheek, "I'll show you the what the real worlds like... as soon as I can find my way out of this one." It wasn't his fault that he didn't know any back ground about the girl. His mission was to protect her not to know her life story, but he thought that maybe he could understand why she acts so rash if he could understand her more. Already in a rush, Shikamaru walked quickly towards the door he thought was the exit. "What're you waiting for you coming?"
Miku really didn't know how to handle Shikamaru. Sai had no emotion at all so she wasn't sure what to think. Though as she moved to leave she noticed that he was going the wrong way so she stopped and looked to him. "Its this way" she stated as she gave a smirk kinda happy she at least got him with that. "Come on follow me" she said as she started out a door that was behind her. As she waited to make sure he was behind her she started again to leave as she knew that he was following now. As they reached the tunnel that went straight up she wondered just how this was going to be for. Suddenly feeling nervous she stayed quiet as they came out to the sun. Her head came to cover her eyes as they needed to adjust to the sunlight. Now in the sunlight he would see just how pale she was as she stood there in her black Capris that had a weapons pouch on her right thigh and her black belly top. She usually didn't care what she wore but suddenly she was feeling a little uneasy as she looked about to see the grass and the trees. "This is going to take some getting use too" she stated to herself as her eyes finally adjusted and she turned to shikamaru to lead the way to the village. She had never really been in it.
Turning around to face her, he looked at her then looked at the dark abyss he was heading to. "Uhhh, yeah of course. I knew that," he said playfully. He was a bit relieved that the tention between them had gone , and she didn't seem like such an annoying person after all. For a second, Shikamaru actually thought he didn't mind being her body guard. Recovering after making himself look stupid, he followed her through the exit of the cave. It still sent chills down his spine as they walked through the dark hole. The only question that ran through his mind was how she could live here for so long and still have remained sane. Finally exciting that hole in the earth, Shikamaru couldn't help but chuckle as he looked at her pale complexion. Chuckling, he said, "You look like a ghost. Come on I'll show you around," instantly jumping on the roof top of a nearby house. Really he didn't know where he was going, but he was just going to show her around the places of the leaf village.
Looking back to Shikamaru as she heard the comment about being a ghost she gave a snort before she saw him jumping to a roof she was soon right behind him as she landed next to him. "Well then lead the way" she stated with a smirk as she just couldn't help but be happy with the fact she was actually going to see the village that she had been doing works and missions for.
Free running from roof top to roof top, freedom was something that Shikamaru never neglected, and also one of the few things he loved. Now that they were side by side going from roof top to roof top, he decided he'd mess around with her. "You're awfully slow aren't you?" He said pulling ahead of her to a nearby roof as he shouted back to the roof behind him. He planned to race her to the ramen shop before they would go on any missions, but he wanted to keep it a surprise., thinking that they probably had never had ramen down in the hole she lived in.
As she heard the comment she gave a smirk. "Well I would be going faster if I wasn't scared to leave you behind" she stated as she suddenly disappeared from next to him to reappear six blocks ahead of him. She truly did have great speed though she's never had to push it for long periods of time. "Come on. Your suppose to be showing me around" she stated with a smirk as she stood there as she waited for him. She had no doubt that he would appear next to her. Though she was enjoying the challenges she was starting to grow bored with them.
When she turned back, Shikamaru was already out of sight, but he didn't appear next to her. Instead, he was shouting from a few blocks behind in the streets. "Don't get carried away now, I'm down here." He had stopped by the best roman shop in town the he visited almost every day for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Being a casual customer, he always got some kind of discount whether it be a free meal or half off. "Hurry up lunch is on me." Moving the beads that hung from the top of the door covering the entrance, he sat down in the chair on the bar, ordering his casual meal, and something for her as well.
Miku gave a smirk as she heard his voice yelling to her. She had been right, he was faster and most likely smarter than she gave him create for. Though as she appeared next to him as he was walking into Ramen shop. She found herself outside the door taking the smell in before finally following him after him. She wasn't sure what this was but as she came to sit next to him she wondered. "So what is this place?" she asked him as she wondered just what they were about to eat. She was use to bento's but that was it. Nothing more than that was ever really given to her. Not that she knew but they had been market bought bento's always the same one as well. So if she didn't like or feel like eating it she wasn't given the choice for something else.
Shikamaru smiled as he looked at the chief then turned back to her. Propping his head on his arm, he couldn't help but notice the curiousity Miku had about the place. "It's a ramen shop," he said pulling himself up and letting his arms rest on his head, "I'm sure you've had noodles before, but you've never had anything like the stuff these guys make." And with that, the bowls made a loud clank as they hit the table in front of them. Instantly a trail of steam began to ascend in the air as the mouth-watering aroma lingered in the air. Shikarmaru's face instantly sparked up, seeing the noodles in front of him. "Haha let's dig in!" It was only moments later when his bowl was completely empty. "Seconds!" He shouted finishing the next bowl in just a few moments once again. "Ahhh I'm stuffed."
Miku listened to what he stated only as she watched the bowls be put down in front of her she was a little more than shocked when she smelt just how amazing it looked. She ignored what he was doing (not sure he eats like that but the anime doesn't really show either lol) as she picked up her own bowl to start eating. She was shocked at how good it tasted before she was really going at it wanting more and more. Though as she finished she felt full with just one bowl. She gave a soft sigh as she relaxed on the stool as he ate away at his second bowl. As he finished she wondered just where she would be staying and how this was going to work though with the way she saw him she was suppose to stay with Shikamaru.
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